[aoc20.git] / 16 / one.icl
1 module one
3 import StdEnv
4 import Data.Tuple
5 import Data.Either
6 import Data.Func
7 import Data.List
8 import Data.Functor
9 import Control.Applicative
10 import Control.Monad
11 import Text.Parsers.Simple.ParserCombinators
12 from Data.Set import :: Set
13 import qualified Data.Set as DS
15 read :: *File -> [Char]
16 read f
17 # (ok, c, f) = freadc f
18 | not ok = []
19 = [c:read f]
21 Start w
22 # (io, w) = stdio w
23 # (Right (fields, myticket, nearby)) = parse parseInput (read io)
24 # nearby = filter (not o isEmpty) nearby
25 = (one fields nearby, two fields myticket nearby)
27 one fields = sum o flatten o map (filter \e->not $ isMember e $ flatten $ map snd fields)
29 valid fields = isEmpty o filter \e->not $ isMember e $ flatten $ map snd fields
31 foldr1 f [x:xs] = foldr f x xs
32 foldr1 f [] = []
34 intersect` [] xs = xs
35 intersect` xs [] = xs
36 intersect` ys xs = intersect ys xs
38 // for every ticket, for every field, every option
39 //two :: [([Char],[Int])] a [[Int]] -> [[[String]]]
40 two fields myticket nearby = (\x->proc x x [] []) $ map (foldr1 intersect) $ transpose $ map (collectConstraints fields) $ filter (valid fields) nearby
41 where
42 //Per field show all options for the field
43 collectConstraints :: [([Char], [Int])] [Int] -> [[String]]
44 collectConstraints fields fs = map collectConstraint fs
45 where
46 //For a field, return the possible fields
47 collectConstraint :: Int -> [String]
48 collectConstraint num = [toString f\\(f, rng)<-fields | isMember num rng]
50 proc :: [[String]] [[String]] [String] [[String]] -> [[String]]
51 proc orig [[x:xs]:xxs] acc accum = proc orig (map (filter ((<>)x)) xxs) [x:acc] $ proc orig [xs:xxs] acc accum
52 proc orig [[]:xxs] acc accum = proc orig xxs acc accum
53 proc orig [] acc accum = if (valid orig (reverse acc)) [acc:accum] accum
54 where
55 valid :: [[String]] [String] -> Bool
56 valid [x:xs] [y:ys]
57 | isMember y x = valid xs ys
58 valid [] [] = True
59 valid _ _ = False
61 parseInput :: Parser Char ([([Char], [Int])], [Int], [[Int]])
62 parseInput = tuple3 <$> many pField
63 <* pStr ['\nyour ticket:\n'] <*> pSepBy pInt pComma <* pToken '\n'
64 <* pStr ['\nnearby tickets:\n'] <*> pSepBy (pSepBy pInt pComma) (pToken '\n')
65 where
66 pField :: Parser Char ([Char], [Int])
67 pField = tuple <$> many (pSatisfy (\c->isAlpha c || c == ' ')) <* pStr [': '] <*> pRange <* pToken '\n'
68 where
69 pRange :: Parser Char [Int]
70 pRange = flatten <$> pSepBy ((\x y->[x..y]) <$> pInt <* pToken '-' <*> pInt) (pStr [' or '])
72 pInt :: Parser Char Int
73 pInt = toInt o toString <$> some pDigit
75 pStr :: ([Char] -> Parser Char [Char])
76 pStr = sequence o map pToken