[tt2015.git] / 2results.tex
2 \subsection{Preflight checklist}
3 %
5 %
6 %\begin{table}
7 %\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| l | X|}
8 % \hline
9 %Check 1 & Get the SUT in a workable state. \\\hline
10 %Course of action & \begin{enumerate}
11 % \item Import the VirtualBox image into VirtualBox.
12 % \item Boot the vm.
13 % \item Verify the SUT booted succesfully and the network module(s) are loaded.
14 %\end{enumerate} \\\hline
15 %Passed & \textit{\st{Yes}/No} \\\hline \hline
16 %Check 2 & Verify the SUT is complete. \\\hline
17 %Course of action & \begin{enumerate}
18 % \item Use the course of action for \emph{Check 1} in order to boot the SUT.
19 % \item Verify the loopback device exists using \emph{ifconfig}
20 % \item Verify the \emph{echo-server} is present on the system.
21 % \item Verify \emph{Scrappy} is present on the system.
22 % \item Verify all scripts used for testing are present on the system.
23 %\end{enumerate} \\\hline
24 %Passed & \textit{\st{Yes}/No} \\\hline \hline
25 %Check 3 & Initialize the testing environment. \\\hline
26 %Course of action & \begin{enumerate}
27 % \item Boot the SUT (see \emph{Check 1}).
28 % \item Setup iptables by executing \emph{./scripts/setup/iptables.sh}
29 % \item Setup ... by executing \emph{./scripts/setup/...}
30 %\end{enumerate} \\\hline
31 %Passed & \textit{\st{Yes}/No} \\\hline
32 %\end{tabularx}
33 %\end{table}