[cc1516.git] / AST.icl
1 implementation module AST
3 import StdEnv
5 from Data.List import map, intercalate, replicate, flatten, isEmpty
6 from Data.Func import $
7 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
8 from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe, maybe
9 import GenEq
11 instance toString Pos where
12 toString {line,col} = concat [toString line, ":", toString col, " "]
14 instance toString AST where
15 toString (AST f) = concat ["\n":printersperse "\n" f]
17 class print a :: a -> [String]
19 printersperse :: String [a] -> [String] | print a
20 printersperse i j = intercalate [i] (map print j)
22 instance print FunDecl where
23 print (FunDecl _ i as t vs ss) =
24 ["\n", i, " (":printersperse "," as] ++
25 [")"] ++ maybe [] (\tt->[" :: ":print tt]) t ++
26 ["{\n\t":printersperse "\n\t" vs] ++
27 ["\n":printStatements ss 1] ++ ["}\n"]
29 printStatements :: [Stmt] Int -> [String]
30 printStatements [] i = []
31 printStatements [s:ss] i = (case s of
32 (IfStmt b thens elses) = indent i ["if (":print b] ++ [")"] ++
33 printCodeBlock thens i ++
34 indent i ["else ":printCodeBlock elses i] ++ ["\n"]
35 (WhileStmt b dos) = indent i ["while (":print b] ++
36 [")":printCodeBlock dos i]
37 (AssStmt vardef val) =
38 indent i $ print vardef ++ ["=":print val] ++ [";\n"]
39 (FunStmt ident args) = indent i $ printFunCall ident args
40 (ReturnStmt me) = indent i ["return ":maybe [""] print me] ++ [";\n"]
41 ) ++ printStatements ss i
42 where
43 printCodeBlock :: [Stmt] Int -> [String]
44 printCodeBlock [] _ = ["{}\n"]
45 printCodeBlock [x] i = ["\n":printStatements [x] (i+1)]
46 printCodeBlock x i =
47 ["{\n":printStatements x (i+1)] ++ indent i ["}\n"]
49 indent :: Int [String] -> [String]
50 indent i rest = replicate i "\t" ++ rest
52 instance print VarDecl where
53 print (VarDecl _ t i e) = maybe ["var"] print t ++ [" ":i:"=":print e] ++ [";"]
55 instance toString Type where
56 toString t = concat $ print t
58 instance print Type where
59 print (TupleType (t1, t2)) = ["(":print t1] ++ [",":print t2] ++ [")"]
60 print (ListType t) = ["[":print t] ++ ["]"]
61 print (IdType s) = print s
62 print IntType = print "Int"
63 print BoolType = print "Bool"
64 print CharType = print "Char"
65 print VoidType = print "Void"
66 print (t1 ->> t2) = ["(":print t1 ++ [" -> ":print t2]] ++ [")"]
68 instance print String where
69 print s = [s]
71 instance print FieldSelector where
72 print FieldHd = print "hd"
73 print FieldTl = print "tl"
74 print FieldSnd = print "snd"
75 print FieldFst = print "fst"
77 instance print VarDef where
78 print (VarDef i fs) = printersperse "." [i:printersperse "" fs]
80 instance toString Op2 where
81 toString o = case o of
82 BiPlus = "+"; BiMinus = "-"; BiTimes = "*"; BiDivide = "/"
83 BiMod = "%"; BiEquals = "=="; BiLesser = "<"; BiGreater = ">"
84 BiLesserEq = "<="; BiGreaterEq = ">="; BiUnEqual = "!=";
85 BiAnd = "&&"; BiOr = "||"; BiCons = ":"
87 instance toString Op1 where
88 toString UnNegation = "!"
89 toString UnMinus = "-"
91 instance print Expr where
92 print (VarExpr _ vd) = print vd
93 print (Op2Expr _ e1 o e2) = ["(":print e1] ++
94 [" ",toString o, " ":print e2] ++ [")"]
95 print (Op1Expr _ o e) = ["(",case o of
96 UnNegation = "!"; UnMinus = "-"
97 :print e] ++ [")"]
98 print (IntExpr _ i) = [toString i]
99 print (CharExpr _ c) = ["\'", case c of
100 '\b' = "\\b"; '\f' = "\\f"; '\n' = "\\n"
101 '\r' = "\\r"; '\t' = "\\t"; '\v' = "\\v"
102 c = if (c == toChar 7) "\\a" (toString c)
103 ,"\'"]
104 print (BoolExpr _ b) = [toString b]
105 print (FunExpr _ id as fs) = printFunCall id as ++ printSelectors fs
106 print (EmptyListExpr _) = ["[]"]
107 print (TupleExpr _ (e1, e2)) = ["(":print e1] ++ [",":print e2] ++ [")"]
109 printSelectors :: [FieldSelector] -> [String]
110 printSelectors x = case x of [] = [""]; _ = [".":printersperse "." x]
112 printFunCall :: String [Expr] -> [String]
113 printFunCall s args = [s, "(":printersperse "," args] ++ [")"]
115 derive gEq Op2
116 instance == Op2 where (==) o1 o2 = gEq{|*|} o1 o2
118 instance zero Pos where
119 zero = {line=0, col=0}
121 derive gEq Op1
122 instance == Op1 where (==) o1 o2 = gEq{|*|} o1 o2
123 instance < Op2 where (<) o1 o2 = toString o1 < toString o2
124 instance < Op1 where (<) o1 o2 = toString o1 < toString o2