update cleanserial and makefile
[mTask.git] / Devices / mTaskDevice.icl
1 implementation module Devices.mTaskDevice
3 from StdFunc import flip
4 import Generics.gCons
5 import mTaskInterpret
6 import iTasks
7 import iTasksTTY
8 import TTY
9 import qualified Data.Map as DM
10 import qualified Data.List as DL
11 import Utils.SDS
12 import Utils.Devices
14 import GenBimap
15 import Devices.mTaskSerial
16 import Devices.mTaskTCP
17 import iTasks._Framework.Store
18 import iTasks.UI.Definition, iTasks.UI.Editor, iTasks.UI.Editor.Builtin, iTasks.UI.Editor.Common, iTasks.UI.Layout.Default, iTasks.UI.Layout.Common
20 from Data.Func import $
22 derive class iTask MTaskDevice, MTaskResource, MTaskMSGRecv, MTaskMSGSend, BCShare
23 derive conses MTaskResource, TTYSettings, BaudRate, Parity, ByteSize, TCPSettings
24 derive consName MTaskResource, TTYSettings, BaudRate, Parity, ByteSize, TCPSettings
26 instance == MTaskDevice where
27 (==) a b = a.deviceChannels == b.deviceChannels
29 startupDevices :: Task [MTaskDevice]
30 startupDevices = upd (map reset) deviceStore
31 where reset d = {d & deviceTask=Nothing, deviceTasks=[], deviceError=Nothing}
33 makeDevice :: String MTaskResource -> Task MTaskDevice
34 makeDevice name res = get randomInt @ \rand->{MTaskDevice
35 |deviceChannels=name +++ toString rand
36 ,deviceName=name
37 ,deviceTasks=[]
38 ,deviceTask=Nothing
39 ,deviceError=Nothing
40 ,deviceData=res
41 ,deviceSpec=Nothing}
43 getSynFun :: MTaskResource -> ((Shared Channels) -> Task ())
44 getSynFun (TCPDevice t) = synFun t
45 getSynFun (SerialDevice t) = synFun t
47 addDevice :: (Shared [MTaskDevice]) (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) -> Task String
48 addDevice devices processFun
49 = enterChoice "Device type" [] (map consName{|*|} deviceTypes)
50 >&^ \sh->whileUnchanged sh $ \mty->case mty of
51 Nothing = viewInformation "No type selected yet" [] ""
52 Just ty = enterInformation "Name" [] -&&- deviceSettings ty
53 >>= \(name, settings)->makeDevice name settings
54 >>= \dev->upd (\l->[dev:l]) devices
55 >>| connectDevice processFun dev
56 @! ""
57 where
58 deviceSettings "SerialDevice" = getmTaskSerialDevice
59 deviceSettings "TCPDevice" = getmTaskTCPDevice
61 deviceTypes :: [MTaskResource]
62 deviceTypes = conses{|*|}
64 connectDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task ()
65 connectDevice pf d = let ch = channels d in appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True
66 (pf d ch -||- catchAll (getSynFun d.deviceData ch) errorHandle)
67 >>= \tid->withDevices d (\d->{d&deviceTask=Just tid,deviceError=Nothing})
68 >>| upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s++[MTSpec],ss)) ch
69 @! ()
70 where
71 errorHandle e = withDevices d (\d->{d&deviceTask=Nothing,deviceError=Just e})
73 manageDevices :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) [MTaskDevice] -> Task ()
74 manageDevices processFun ds = anyTask [
75 addDevice deviceStore processFun <<@ Title "Add new device" @! ():
76 [viewDevice processFun d
77 <<@ Title d.deviceName\\d<-ds]]
78 <<@ ArrangeWithTabs @! ()
80 viewDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task ()
81 viewDevice pf d = forever $ traceValue "viewDevice" >>| anyTask
82 [viewInformation "Device settings" [] d @! ()
83 ,viewSharedInformation "Channels" [ViewAs dropEmpty] (channels d) @! ()
84 ,forever $
85 enterChoice "Delete task on device" [ChooseFromGrid id] d.deviceTasks
86 >>* [OnAction (Action "Delete") $ ifValue (\t->t.ident <> -1) (deviceTaskDelete d)]
87 @! ()
88 ] <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
89 >>* [OnAction (Action "Delete Device") (always $ deleteDevice d):
90 if (isJust d.deviceTask) []
91 [OnAction (Action "Connect") (always $ connectDevice pf d)]]
92 where
93 dropEmpty (r,s,ss) = (filter ((=!=)MTEmpty) r,s,ss)
95 deleteDevice :: MTaskDevice -> Task ()
96 deleteDevice d = upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s,True)) (channels d)
97 >>| maybe (treturn ()) (flip removeTask topLevelTasks) d.deviceTask
98 >>| upd (filter ((<>)d)) deviceStore
99 // >>| upd (removeShares d) sdsStore
100 @! ()
103 sendMessages :: [MTaskMSGSend] -> (MTaskDevice -> Task Channels)
104 sendMessages msgs = upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,msgs++s,ss)) o channels
106 withDevices :: MTaskDevice (MTaskDevice -> MTaskDevice) -> Task ()
107 withDevices a trans = upd (map \b->if (b == a) (trans b) b) deviceStore @! ()
109 deviceTaskAcked :: MTaskDevice Int -> Task ()
110 deviceTaskAcked dev i
111 = withDevices dev (\d->{d&deviceTasks=ackFirst d.deviceTasks})
112 where
113 ackFirst :: [MTaskTask] -> [MTaskTask]
114 ackFirst [] = []
115 ackFirst [t:ts] = if (t.ident == -1)
116 [{t & ident=i}:ts] [t:ackFirst ts]
118 getDevice :: String -> Task MTaskDevice
119 getDevice n = get deviceStore @ fromJust o 'DL'.find (\s->s.deviceName == n)
121 deviceTaskDelete :: MTaskDevice MTaskTask -> Task ()
122 deviceTaskDelete dev task = sendMessages [MTTaskDel task.ident] dev @! ()
124 deviceTaskDeleteAcked :: MTaskDevice Int -> Task ()
125 deviceTaskDeleteAcked d i = withDevices d $ deleteTask
126 where deleteTask d = {d & deviceTasks=[s\\s<-d.deviceTasks | i <> s.ident]}
128 deviceAddSpec :: MTaskDevice MTaskDeviceSpec -> Task ()
129 deviceAddSpec d s = withDevices d $ \r->{MTaskDevice | r & deviceSpec=Just s}