should have real share access now
[mTask.git] / Devices / mTaskDevice.icl
1 implementation module Devices.mTaskDevice
3 from StdFunc import flip
4 import Generics.gCons
5 import mTaskInterpret
6 import iTasks
7 import iTasksTTY
8 import TTY
9 import qualified Data.Map as DM
10 import qualified Data.List as DL
11 import Utils.SDS
12 import Utils.Devices
14 import GenBimap
15 import Devices.mTaskSerial
16 import Devices.mTaskTCP
17 import Data.Tuple
18 import iTasks._Framework.Store
19 import iTasks.UI.Definition, iTasks.UI.Editor, iTasks.UI.Editor.Builtin, iTasks.UI.Editor.Common, iTasks.UI.Layout.Default, iTasks.UI.Layout.Common
21 from Data.Func import $
23 derive class iTask MTaskDevice, MTaskResource, MTaskMSGRecv, MTaskMSGSend, BCShare
24 derive conses MTaskResource, TTYSettings, BaudRate, Parity, ByteSize, TCPSettings
25 derive consName MTaskResource, TTYSettings, BaudRate, Parity, ByteSize, TCPSettings
27 instance == MTaskDevice where
28 (==) a b = a.deviceChannels == b.deviceChannels
30 startupDevices :: Task [MTaskDevice]
31 startupDevices = upd (map reset) deviceStore
32 where reset d = {d & deviceTask=Nothing, deviceTasks=[], deviceError=Nothing}
34 withDevice :: (MTaskDevice -> Task a) String -> Task a | iTask a
35 withDevice f s = get deviceStore
36 >>= \ds->case 'DL'.find (\d->d.deviceName == s) ds of
37 Nothing = throw "Device not available"
38 Just d = f d
40 makeDevice :: String MTaskResource -> Task MTaskDevice
41 makeDevice name res = get randomInt @ \rand->{MTaskDevice
42 |deviceChannels=name +++ toString rand
43 ,deviceName=name
44 ,deviceTasks=[]
45 ,deviceTask=Nothing
46 ,deviceError=Nothing
47 ,deviceData=res
48 ,deviceSpec=Nothing
49 ,deviceShares=[]}
51 getSynFun :: MTaskResource -> ((Shared Channels) -> Task ())
52 getSynFun (TCPDevice t) = synFun t
53 getSynFun (SerialDevice t) = synFun t
55 addDevice :: (Shared [MTaskDevice]) (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) -> Task String
56 addDevice devices processFun
57 = enterChoice "Device type" [] (map consName{|*|} deviceTypes)
58 >&^ \sh->whileUnchanged sh $ \mty->case mty of
59 Nothing = viewInformation "No type selected yet" [] ""
60 Just ty = enterInformation "Name" [] -&&- deviceSettings ty
61 >>= \(name, settings)->makeDevice name settings
62 >>= \dev->upd (\l->[dev:l]) devices
63 >>| connectDevice processFun dev
64 @! ""
65 where
66 deviceSettings "SerialDevice" = getmTaskSerialDevice
67 deviceSettings "TCPDevice" = getmTaskTCPDevice
69 deviceTypes :: [MTaskResource]
70 deviceTypes = conses{|*|}
72 connectDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task ()
73 connectDevice pf d = let ch = channels d in appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True
74 (pf d ch -||- catchAll (getSynFun d.deviceData ch) errorHandle)
75 >>= \tid->withDevices d (\d->{d&deviceTask=Just tid,deviceError=Nothing})
76 >>| upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s++[MTSpec],ss)) ch
77 @! ()
78 where
79 errorHandle e = withDevices d (\d->{d&deviceTask=Nothing,deviceError=Just e})
81 manageDevices :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) [MTaskDevice] -> Task ()
82 manageDevices processFun ds = anyTask [
83 addDevice deviceStore processFun <<@ Title "Add new device" @! ():
84 [viewDevice processFun d
85 <<@ Title d.deviceName\\d<-ds]]
86 <<@ ArrangeWithTabs @! ()
88 viewDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task ()
89 viewDevice pf d = forever $ traceValue "viewDevice" >>| anyTask
90 [viewInformation "Device settings" [] d @! ()
91 ,viewSharedInformation "Channels" [ViewAs dropEmpty] (channels d) @! ()
92 ,forever $
93 enterChoice "Delete task on device" [ChooseFromGrid id] d.deviceTasks
94 >>* [OnAction (Action "Delete") $ ifValue (\t->t.ident <> -1) (deviceTaskDelete d)]
95 @! ()
96 ] <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
97 >>* [OnAction (Action "Delete Device") (always $ deleteDevice d):
98 if (isJust d.deviceTask) []
99 [OnAction (Action "Connect") (always $ connectDevice pf d)]]
100 where
101 dropEmpty (r,s,ss) = (filter ((=!=)MTEmpty) r,s,ss)
103 deleteDevice :: MTaskDevice -> Task ()
104 deleteDevice d = sendMessages [MTShutdown] d
105 >>| wait "Waiting for the channels to empty" (\(r,s,ss)->isEmpty s) (channels d)
106 >>| upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s,True)) (channels d)
107 >>| maybe (treturn ()) (flip removeTask topLevelTasks) d.deviceTask
108 >>| upd (filter ((<>)d)) deviceStore
109 // >>| cleanSharesDevice d.deviceName
110 @! ()
112 sendMessages :: [MTaskMSGSend] MTaskDevice -> Task Channels
113 sendMessages msgs dev = upd (realMessageSend msgs) $ channels dev
115 sendMessagesIW :: [MTaskMSGSend] MTaskDevice *IWorld -> *(MaybeError TaskException (), *IWorld)
116 sendMessagesIW msgs dev iworld
117 = modify (tuple () o realMessageSend msgs) (channels dev) iworld
119 realMessageSend :: [MTaskMSGSend] Channels -> Channels
120 realMessageSend msgs (r,s,ss) = (r,msgs++s,ss)
122 withDevices :: MTaskDevice (MTaskDevice -> MTaskDevice) -> Task ()
123 withDevices a trans = upd (map \b->if (b == a) (trans b) b) deviceStore @! ()
125 deviceTaskAcked :: MTaskDevice Int Int -> Task ()
126 deviceTaskAcked dev i mem
127 = withDevices dev (\d->{d
128 &deviceTasks=ackFirst d.deviceTasks
129 ,deviceSpec=Just {fromJust d.deviceSpec & bytesMemory=mem}})
130 where
131 ackFirst :: [MTaskTask] -> [MTaskTask]
132 ackFirst [] = []
133 ackFirst [t:ts] = if (t.ident == -1)
134 [{t & ident=i}:ts] [t:ackFirst ts]
136 deviceTaskDelete :: MTaskDevice MTaskTask -> Task ()
137 deviceTaskDelete dev task = sendMessages [MTTaskDel task.ident] dev @! ()
139 deviceTaskDeleteAcked :: MTaskDevice Int -> Task ()
140 deviceTaskDeleteAcked d i = cleanSharesTask i d
141 >>| withDevices d deleteTask
142 where deleteTask d = {d & deviceTasks=[s\\s<-d.deviceTasks | i <> s.ident]}
144 deviceAddSpec :: MTaskDevice MTaskDeviceSpec -> Task ()
145 deviceAddSpec d s = withDevices d $ \r->{MTaskDevice | r & deviceSpec=Just s}