Skeleton for report, small solver changes
[co1314.git] / LubbersReport.tex
1 \documentclass{article}
3 \usepackage{listings}
4 \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}
6 \lstset{
7 basicstyle=\footnotesize,
8 breaklines=true,
9 numbers=left,
10 numberstyle=\tiny,
11 tabsize=2
12 }
14 \author{
15 Mart Lubbers\\
16 s4109503\\
17 \href{}{}
18 }
19 \title{Complexity Assignment}
20 \date{\today}
22 \begin{document}
23 \maketitle
24 \tableofcontents
25 \newpage
27 \section{Problem description}
28 \begin{center}
29 \textit{
30 Every day children come to the zoo to take care of the pets. After an
31 introductory meeting with all the pets, the kids are given one pet to
32 exclusively take care of for the rest of the visit. However, certain pets
33 do not go on well with certain kids, and vice-versa. Pets are also not
34 immortal; and the groups vary in size from time to time. Because these pets
35 require very special attention, exactly one child can take care of a single
36 pet. This implies that sometimes a child does not have a pet to take care
37 for and sometimes a pet is left without a caretaker.
38 }
39 \end{center}
41 The assignment is to implement a \textit{\href{}{Java}}
42 program that optimizes the assignment of pets to children so that the sum of
43 all the compatibility values between pets and children is the maximum possible.
45 \section{Implementation}
46 \subsection{Brute Force}
47 The first approach was to implement a brute force algorithm which calculates
48 every possible combination of pets and children and then takes the one with the
49 highest value. This corresponds with the pseudocode specified in
50 Listing~\ref{lst:brute_force}. The algorithm, due to calculating all the values
51 has a minimal complexity of $n!$. This is because there are $n!$ permutations
52 possible for $n$ children.
53 \begin{lstlisting}[
54 caption={Brute Force approach},
55 label={lst:brute_force},
56 keywords={[3]loop,put,return}
57 ]
58 n! - loop over all permutations
59 c1 - put compatibility in list
60 c1 - return maximum compatibility rating from list
61 \end{lstlisting}
64 \subsection{Improvements}
66 \section{Conclusion}
68 \end{document}