[co1314.git] / LubbersReport.tex
1 \documentclass{article}
3 \usepackage{listings}
4 \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}
5 \usepackage{color}
6 \usepackage{amssymb}
8 \definecolor{javared}{rgb}{0.6,0,0}
9 \definecolor{javagreen}{rgb}{0.25,0.5,0.35}
10 \definecolor{javapurple}{rgb}{0.5,0,0.35}
12 \lstset{
13 basicstyle=\scriptsize,
14 breaklines=true,
15 numbers=left,
16 numberstyle=\tiny,
17 tabsize=2
18 }
20 \author{
21 Mart Lubbers\\
22 s4109503\\
23 \href{mailto:mart@martlubbers.net}{mart@martlubbers.net}
24 }
25 \title{Complexity Assignment}
26 \date{\today}
28 \begin{document}
29 \maketitle
30 \tableofcontents
31 \newpage
33 \section{Problem description}
34 \begin{center}
35 \textit{
36 Every day children come to the zoo to take care of the pets. After an
37 introductory meeting with all the pets, the kids are given one pet to
38 exclusively take care of for the rest of the visit. However, certain pets
39 do not go on well with certain kids, and vice-versa. Pets are also not
40 immortal; and the groups vary in size from time to time. Because these pets
41 require very special attention, exactly one child can take care of a single
42 pet. This implies that sometimes a child does not have a pet to take care
43 for and sometimes a pet is left without a caretaker.
44 }
45 \end{center}
47 The assignment is to implement a \textit{\href{http://www.java.com}{Java}}
48 program that optimizes the assignment of pets to children so that the sum of
49 all the compatibility values between pets and children is the maximum possible.
51 \section{Implementation}
52 \subsection{Brute Force}
53 The first approach was to implement a brute force algorithm which calculates
54 every possible combination of pets and children and then takes the one with the
55 highest value. This corresponds with the pseudocode specified together with a
56 rough estimate of the complexity in Listing~\ref{lst:brute_force}. The
57 algorithm, due to calculating all the values the algorithm has a complexity
58 within $\mathcal{O}(n!)$.
59 This is because there are $n!$ permutations possible for $n$ children.
60 \begin{lstlisting}[
61 caption={Brute Force approach},
62 label={lst:brute_force},
63 keywords={[3]loop,put,return}
64 ]
65 n! - loop over all permutations
66 c1 - put compatibility in list
67 c1 - return maximum compatibility rating from list
68 \end{lstlisting}
70 \subsection{Improved algorithm}
71 The improved algorithm makes use of the fact that some rows only have very few
72 positive compatibilities. If you handle the rows/columns in the order from
73 little to lots of entries with compatibilites $1$ then a greedy approach will
74 suffice. This corresponds with the pseudocode specified together with a rough
75 estimate of the complexity in Listing~\ref{lst:improved}. The algorithm has a
76 complexity lies in the $\mathcal{O}(nm)$ because the main loop repeats at
77 maximum $n$ or $m$ times and the searching within the loop has a complexity of
78 $n$ if the loop runs $m$ times and $m$ otherwise.
79 \begin{lstlisting}[
80 caption={Improved approach},
81 label={lst:improved},
82 keywords={[3]while,create,put,return,find,remove}
83 ]
84 n - create list result of length n and initialize with -1
85 n+m - create list rows/columns that contain pairs of indices and sums of values
86 nlgn - sort the rows and columns list on ascending sum
87 (n+m)/2 - while there are still unused values in the lists
88 c1 - pick the lowest value from the lists
89 c2 - remove the value
90 max(n, m) - find the lowest value in the corresponding antagonist
91 c2 - remove the antagonist
92 c3 - put the row/column pair in the results list
93 c4 - return the results list
94 \end{lstlisting}
96 \section{Conclusion}
98 \newpage
99 \section{Appendices}
100 \subsection{\textit{\href{http://www.java.com}{Java}} source}
101 \lstinputlisting[
102 language=java,
103 keywordstyle=\color{javapurple}\bfseries,
104 stringstyle=\color{javared},
105 commentstyle=\color{javagreen},
106 stepnumber=2
107 ]{LubbersSolver.java}
109 \end{document}