update cleanserial and makefile
[mTask.git] / Shares / mTaskShare.icl
1 implementation module Shares.mTaskShare
3 import dynamic_string
4 import Utils.SDS
5 import Utils.Devices
6 import iTasks
7 import mTask
8 import Data.List
9 from Data.Func import $
10 from StdFunc import flip
12 derive class iTask MTaskShareType, MTaskShare
14 manageShares :: [MTaskShare] -> Task ()
15 manageShares shares = withShared Nothing $ \cs->forever $
16 (viewSharesGrid cs shares -|| updateShares shares <<@ ArrangeVertical)
17 @! ()
19 updateShares :: [MTaskShare] -> Task BCValue
20 updateShares shares = anyTask (map updateS shares) <<@ ArrangeWithTabs
22 updateS :: MTaskShare -> Task BCValue
23 updateS sh = flip (<<@) (Title $ toString sh.identifier) $ forever $
24 viewSharedInformation "Current value" [] (getSDSShare sh)
25 ||- (
26 updateSharedInformation "New value" [] (getSDSShare sh)
27 >>= \nv->allTasks (map getDevice sh.withDevice)
28 >>= \devs->allTasks (map (sendMessages [MTUpd sh.identifier nv]) devs)
29 >>| treturn nv
30 )
31 <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
33 viewSharesGrid :: (Shared (Maybe MTaskShare)) [MTaskShare] -> Task [BCValue]
34 viewSharesGrid _ [] = viewInformation "No shares yet" [] []
35 viewSharesGrid cs sh = (allTasks [watch (getSDSShare m)\\m<-sh] <<@ NoUserInterface)
36 >&^ \st->flip (<<@) NoUserInterface $ whileUnchanged st $ \mshs->enterChoice "" [ChooseFromGrid id]
37 [{MTaskShare|ss&value=s}\\s<-fromJust mshs & ss<-sh]
38 >>* [OnValue (withValue $ \s->Just (set (Just s) cs))]
39 @! fromJust mshs
41 viewShare :: MTaskShare -> Task BCValue
42 viewShare m = viewSharedInformation "" [] (getSDSShare m)
43 <<@ Title ("SDS: " +++ toString m.identifier)
45 getSDSShare :: MTaskShare -> Shared BCValue
46 getSDSShare s=:{realShare=(MTaskWithShare id),value} = memoryShare id value
48 makeShare :: String String Int BCValue -> Task MTaskShare
49 makeShare withTask withDevice identifier value = treturn
50 {MTaskShare
51 |withTask=[withTask]
52 ,withDevice=[withDevice]
53 ,identifier=identifier
54 ,value=value
55 ,realShare=MTaskWithShare $ "mTaskSDS-" +++ toString identifier
56 } >>= \sh->set value (getSDSShare sh) >>| treturn sh
58 updateShare :: Int BCValue -> Task ()
59 updateShare ident val = get sdsStore
60 >>= \sh->(case find (\s->s.identifier==ident) sh of
61 Nothing = abort "Help, no share found with this ident"
62 Just mts = set val (getSDSShare mts))
63 >>| traceValue "Updated" @! ()