[mTask.git] / Utils / SDS.icl
1 implementation module Utils.SDS
3 import iTasks
4 import iTasks._Framework.Store
5 import Devices.mTaskDevice
6 import Shares.mTaskShare
7 import Tasks.Examples
8 import Data.List
9 import qualified Data.Map as DM
10 from Data.Func import $
11 import Data.Tuple
13 import StdDebug
15 memoryShare :: String a -> Shared a | iTask a
16 memoryShare s d = sdsFocus s $ memoryStore s $ Just d
18 deviceStoreNP :: Shared [MTaskDevice]
19 deviceStoreNP = sdsFocus Nothing $ deviceStore
21 import GenPrint, TTY
22 derive gPrint MTaskDevice, Maybe, MTaskShare, MTaskResource, TaskId, MTaskTask, (,), TTYSettings, TCPSettings, DateTime, Parity, BaudRate, ByteSize, MaybeError, ()
23 gPrint{|Dynamic|} _ st = gPrint{|*|} "**Dynamic**" st
25 deviceStore :: RWShared (Maybe (MTaskDevice, Int)) [MTaskDevice] [MTaskDevice]
26 deviceStore = SDSSource {SDSSource
27 | name = "deviceStore"
28 , read = realRead
29 , write= realWrite
30 }
31 where
32 realRead :: (Maybe (MTaskDevice,Int)) *IWorld -> (MaybeError TaskException [MTaskDevice], *IWorld)
33 realRead p iw = read realDeviceStore iw
35 realWrite :: (Maybe (MTaskDevice,Int)) [MTaskDevice] *IWorld -> (MaybeError TaskException (SDSNotifyPred (Maybe (MTaskDevice,Int))), *IWorld)
36 realWrite mi w iw
37 | not (trace_tn $ "write called with: " +++ printToString mi +++ " w " +++ printToString w) = undef
38 # (merr, iw) = write w realDeviceStore iw
39 | not (trace_tn $ "written to real store: " +++ printToString merr) = undef
40 | isError merr || isNothing mi = (merr $> notifyPred mi, iw)
41 # (Just (dev, ident)) = mi
42 | ident == -1 = (merr $> notifyPred mi, iw)
43 = case find ((==)dev) w of
44 Nothing = (Error $ exception "Device doesn't exist anymore", iw)
45 Just {deviceShares} = case find (\d->d.identifier == ident) deviceShares of
46 Nothing = (Error $ exception $ "deviceStore: Share doesn't exist: " +++ toString ident, iw)
47 Just s
48 | not $ trace_tn "Really sending a message from a share update" = undef
49 = case sendMessagesIW [MTUpd ident s.MTaskShare.value] dev iw of
50 (Error e, iw) = (Error e, iw)
51 (Ok _, iw) = (Ok $ notifyPred mi, iw)
53 notifyPred :: (Maybe (MTaskDevice, Int)) (Maybe (MTaskDevice, Int)) -> Bool
54 // Global watcher looking at a global event
55 notifyPred Nothing Nothing = True
56 // Global watcher looking at a local event
57 notifyPred Nothing (Just _) = False
58 // Local watcher looking at a global event
59 notifyPred (Just _) Nothing = False
60 // Local device watcher looking at a local event
61 notifyPred (Just (d1, -1)) (Just (d2, _)) = d1 == d2
62 // Local share watcher looking at a local share event
63 notifyPred (Just (d1, i1)) (Just (d2, i2)) = d1 == d2 && i1 == i2
65 realDeviceStore :: Shared [MTaskDevice]
66 realDeviceStore = sharedStore "mTaskDevices" []
67 //realDeviceStore = memoryShare "mTaskDevices" []
69 mTaskTaskStore :: Shared [String]
70 mTaskTaskStore = memoryShare "mTaskTasks" $ 'DM'.keys allmTasks