gadt shit
[ap2015.git] / a12 / mart / skeleton12_1-3.icl
1 module skeleton12
3 from Text import class Text, instance Text String
4 import Control.Applicative, Control.Monad
5 import Data.Maybe, Data.Functor
6 import StdInt, StdString, StdBool, StdList
7 import qualified Text
9 class arith x where
10 lit :: a -> x a | toString a
11 (+.) infixl 6 :: (x a) (x a) -> x a | + a
12 (*.) infixl 7 :: (x a) (x a) -> x a | * a
13 class store x where
14 read :: (x Int)
15 write :: (x Int) -> x Int
16 class truth x where
17 (XOR) infixr 3 :: (x Bool) (x Bool) -> x Bool
18 -. :: (x Bool) -> x Bool
19 class (=.=) infix 4 x :: (x a) (x a) -> x Bool | == a
20 class except x where
21 throw :: (x a)
22 try :: (x a) (x a) -> x a
24 class aexpr x | arith, store, except, =.= x
25 class bexpr x | arith, truth, except, =.= x
26 class expr x | aexpr, bexpr x
28 instance * Bool where (*) b1 b2 = b1 && b2
29 instance + Bool where (+) b1 b2 = b1 || b2
32 //Section 1: Showing expressions
33 :: Show a = Show ([String] -> [String])
34 instance arith Show where
35 lit x = Show \s.[toString x:s]
36 (+.) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["+":x2 s]
37 (*.) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["*":x2 s]
38 instance store Show where
39 read = Show \s.["read":s]
40 write (Show x) = Show \s.["write (":x [")":s]]
41 instance truth Show where
42 (XOR) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["⊕":x2 s]
43 -. (Show x) = Show \s.["¬":x s]
44 instance =.= Show where
45 (=.=) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["=":x2 s]
46 instance except Show where
47 throw = Show \s.["throw":s]
48 try (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.["try (":x1 [") except (":x2 [")":s]]]
50 show (Show f) = 'Text'.concat (f ["\n"])
52 //Section 2: Evaluation
53 :: Step a = Step (State -> (Maybe a, State))
54 :: State :== Int
56 instance Functor Step where
57 fmap f (Step s) = Step \st.let (x, st`)=s st in (fmap f x, st`)
58 instance Applicative Step where
59 pure s = Step \st.(pure s, st)
60 (<*>) x1 x2 = ap x1 x2
61 instance Monad Step where
62 bind (Step s) f = Step \ s st of
63 (Just x, st`) = let (Step s`) = f x in s` st`
64 (_, st`) = (Nothing, st`)
66 instance arith Step where
67 lit x = pure x
68 (+.) x1 x2 = (+) <$> x1 <*> x2
69 (*.) x1 x2 = (*) <$> x1 <*> x2
70 instance store Step where
71 read = Step \st.(Just st, st)
72 write (Step x) = Step \ x st of
73 (Just v`, _) = (Just v`, v`)
74 (_, st) = (Nothing, st)
75 instance truth Step where
76 (XOR) x1 x2 = (\x.(\y.x && not y || not x && y)) <$> x1 <*> x2
77 -. x1 = (not) <$> x1
78 instance =.= Step where
79 (=.=) x1 x2 = (==) <$> x1 <*> x2
80 instance except Step where
81 throw = Step \st.(Nothing, st)
82 try (Step x1) (Step x2) = Step \ x1 st of
83 (Just v`, st`) = (Just v`, st)
84 (Nothing, st`) = x2 st`
86 eval (Step f) = f 0
88 seven :: e Int | aexpr e
89 seven = lit 3 +. lit 4
91 throw1 :: e Int | expr e
92 throw1 = lit 3 +. throw
94 six :: e Int | expr e
95 six = write (lit 3) +. read
97 try1 :: e Int | expr e
98 try1 = try throw1 (lit 42)
100 loge :: e Bool | expr e
101 loge = lit True *. -. (lit True)
103 comp :: e Bool | expr e
104 comp = lit 1 =.= lit 2 XOR -. (-. (lit True))
106 Start = (
107 (eval seven, show seven),
108 (eval throw1, show throw1),
109 (eval six, show six),
110 (eval try1, show try1),
111 (eval loge, show loge),
112 (eval comp, show comp))
113 /*
114 ((Just 7),0),"3+4"),
115 ((Nothing,0),"3+throw"),
116 (((Just 6),3),"write (3)+read"),
117 (((Just 42),0),"try (3+throw) except (42)"),
118 (((Just False),0),"True*¬True"),
119 (((Just True),0),"1=2⊕¬¬True")
120 */