[ar1516.git] / a2 / 1.tex
1 \section{Problem 1}
2 \emph{Three non-self-supporting villages $A$, $B$ and $C$ in the middle of
3 nowhere consume one food package each per time unit. The required food packages
4 are delivered by a truck, having a capacity of $300$ food packages. The
5 locations of the villages are given in the following picture, in which the
6 numbers indicate the distance, more precisely, the number of time units the
7 truck needs to travel from one village to another, including loading or
8 delivering. The truck has to pick up its food packages at location $S$
9 containing an unbounded supply. The villages only have a limited capacity to
10 store food packages: for $A$ and $B$ this capacity is $120$, for $C$ it is
11 $200$. Initially, the truck is in $S$ and is fully loaded, and in $A$, $B$ and
12 $C$ there are $40$, $30$ and $145$ food packages, respectively.}
14 The problem can be described as a SAT problem that we can solve in SAT-solver.
15 Every movement from the truck from a city to a city is called an iteration $i$
16 for $i\in I$ where $I=\{0\ldots\}$. For every iteration $i$ we make variables
17 $a_i, b_i, c_i, t_i, l_i, d_i$ respectively for the capacity of city $A$,
18 city $B$, city $C$, the truck, the trucks location and a help variable to
19 record how much food is dumped in the city. The distance between two cities is
20 described with the function $dist(x, y)$. For all cities except $S$ and the
21 truck a variable is defined that states the maximum capacity. We express all
22 the constant values in the formula called $const$.
23 $$a_{\max}=120\wedge b_{\max}=120\wedge c_{\max}=200\wedge t_{\max}=300$$
25 Iteration $0$ depicts the initial state and can be described with a simple
26 conjunction called $initial$.
27 $$a_0=40\wedge b_0=30\wedge c_0=145\wedge t_0=300\wedge l_0=S\wedge d_0=0$$
29 In every iteration there are certain constraints that always have to hold. We
30 call them $constraints$ and they are expressed as:
31 $$d_i>0\wedge
32 d_i\leq t_{\max}\wedge
33 t_i\geq\wedge
34 t_i\leq t_{\max}\wedge
35 \bigwedge_{k\in\{A,B,C\}}k_i>0$$
37 We reason about the new iteration $i$ from the things we know about iteration
38 $i-1$. The crucial part is the location we were in iteration $i-1$ and we make
39 a disjunction over all possible cities and describe the result in the following
40 formula called $trans$. We introduce a function $conn(s)$ that returns the set
41 of all cities connected to city $s$. $(2)$ deals with the fact that the truck
42 can not dump any food in city $S$ and constraints the amount of food dumped in
43 the city. $(3)$ deals with the fact that the dumped food is added to the
44 current stock of the city. Subformula $(4)$ deals with the fact that if the
45 truck is in $S$ it is replenished and otherwise the dumped load is subtracted
46 from the trucks load. Finally $(5)$ deals with the other cities which will have
47 their stock decremented with the distance traveled.
49 \begin{align}
50 \bigvee_{k\in\{S\}\cup V}
51 l_{i-1}=k\wedge
52 \bigvee_{k'\in conn(k)} & l_i=k'\wedge\\
53 & (k'=S\wedge d_i=0)\vee(d_i\leq dist(k,k')+k'_{\max}-k'_{i-1}\wedge\\
54 & (k'\neq S\rightarrow k_i=k_i-dist(k,k')+d_i))\wedge\\
55 & (k'=S\wedge t_i=t_{\max})\vee t_i=t_{i-1}-d_i\wedge\\
56 & \bigwedge_{k''\in V\setminus\{k\}}
57 k''_i=k''_{i-1}-dist(k,k')
58 \end{align}
60 We tie all this together in one big formula that is as follows:
61 $$const\wedge initial\wedge
62 \bigwedge_{i\in I}\left(constraints\wedge trans\right)$$
64 \begin{enumerate}[a.]
65 \item \emph{Show that it is impossible to deliver food packages in such a
66 way that each of the villages consumes one food package per time unit
67 forever.}
69 \item \emph{Show that this is possible if the capacity of the truck is
70 increased to 320 food packages. (Note that a finite graph contains an
71 infinite path starting in a node $v$ if and only if there is a path
72 from $v$ to a node $w$ for which there is a non-empty path from $w$ to
73 itself.)}
74 To show this we need to prove that there is a state in the statespace
75 that is exactly the same as some previous state. To do this we add the
76 following formula to the conjunction.
77 $$\bigvee_{i\in I}\bigvee_{j\in \{0\ldots i-1\}}\left(
78 t_i=t_j\wedge l_i=l_j\wedge\bigwedge_{k\in V}k_i=k_j\right)
79 $$
81 When we incrementally increase the number of iterations we see that
82 when we have more then $8$ iterations we encounter a cycle. This is
83 shown in the following table where iteration $2$ and iteration $9$ are
84 equal.
85 \begin{table}[H]
86 \centering
87 \begin{tabular}{ccccccc}
88 \toprule
89 $I$ & $A$ & $B$ & $C$ & Truck & Location & Dump\\
90 \midrule
91 $0$ & $40$ & $30$ & $145$ & $320$ & $0$ & $0$\\
92 $1$ & $19$ & $22$ & $124$ & $307$ & $2$ & $9$\\
93 $2$ & $96$ & $5$ & $107$ & $213$ & $1$ & $98$\\
94 $3$ & $79$ & $119$ & $90$ & $82$ & $2$ & $133$\\
95 $4$ & $58$ & $98$ & $69$ & $320$ & $0$ & $0$\\
96 $5$ & $108$ & $69$ & $40$ & $241$ & $1$ & $79$\\
97 $6$ & $76$ & $37$ & $194$ & $55$ & $3$ & $186$\\
98 $7$ & $39$ & $55$ & $157$ & $0$ & $2$ & $53$\\
99 $8$ & $18$ & $34$ & $136$ & $320$ & $0$ & $0$\\
100 $9$ & $96$ & $5$ & $107$ & $213$ & $1$ & $107$\\
101 \bottomrule
102 \end{tabular}
103 \end{table}
104 \item \emph{Figure out whether it is possible if the capacity of the truck
105 is set to $318$.}
106 \end{enumerate}