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1 \section{Problem 1}
2 \emph{Three non-self-supporting villages $A$, $B$ and $C$ in the middle of
3 nowhere consume one food package each per time unit. The required food packages
4 are delivered by a truck, having a capacity of $300$ food packages. The
5 locations of the villages are given in the following picture, in which the
6 numbers indicate the distance, more precisely, the number of time units the
7 truck needs to travel from one village to another, including loading or
8 delivering. The truck has to pick up its food packages at location $S$
9 containing an unbounded supply. The villages only have a limited capacity to
10 store food packages: for $A$ and $B$ this capacity is $120$, for $C$ it is
11 $200$. Initially, the truck is in $S$ and is fully loaded, and in $A$, $B$ and
12 $C$ there are $40$, $30$ and $145$ food packages, respectively.}
14 The problem can be described as a SAT problem that we can solve in SAT-solver.
15 Every movement from the truck from a city to a city is called an iteration $i$
16 for $i\in I$ where $I=\{0\ldots\}$. For every iteration $i$ we make variables
17 $a_i, b_i, c_i, t_i, l_i, d_i$ respectively for the capacity of city $A$,
18 city $B$, city $C$, the truck, the trucks location and a help variable to
19 record how much food is dumped in the city. The distance between two cities is
20 described with the function $dist(x, y)$. For all cities except $S$ and the
21 truck a variable is defined that states the maximum capacity. We express all
22 the constant values in the formula called $const$.
23 $$a_{\max}=120\wedge b_{\max}=120\wedge c_{\max}=200\wedge t_{\max}=300$$
25 Iteration $0$ depicts the initial state and can be described with a simple
26 conjunction called $initial$.
27 $$a_0=40\wedge b_0=30\wedge c_0=145\wedge t_0=300\wedge l_0=S\wedge d_0=0$$
29 In every iteration there are certain constraints that always have to hold. We
30 call them $constraints$ and they are expressed as:
31 $$d_i>0\wedge
32 d_i\leq t_{\max}\wedge
33 t_i\geq\wedge
34 t_i\leq t_{\max}\wedge
35 \bigwedge_{k\in\{A,B,C\}}k_i>0$$
37 We reason about the new iteration $i$ from the things we know about iteration
38 $i-1$. The crucial part is the location we were in iteration $i-1$ and we make
39 a disjunction over all possible cities and describe the result in the following
40 formula called $trans$. We introduce a function $conn(s)$ that returns the set
41 of all cities connected to city $s$. $(2)$ deals with the fact that the truck
42 can not dump any food in city $S$ and constraints the amount of food dumped in
43 the city. $(3)$ deals with the fact that the dumped food is added to the
44 current stock of the city. Sub formula $(4)$ deals with the fact that if the
45 truck is in $S$ it is replenished and otherwise the dumped load is subtracted
46 from the trucks load. Finally $(5)$ deals with the other cities which will have
47 their stock decremented with the distance traveled.
49 \begin{align}
50 \bigvee_{k\in\{S\}\cup V}
51 l_{i-1}=k\wedge
52 \bigvee_{k'\in conn(k)} & l_i=k'\wedge\\
53 & (k'=S\wedge d_i=0)\vee(d_i\leq dist(k,k')+k'_{\max}-k'_{i-1}\wedge\\
54 & (k'\neq S\rightarrow k_i=k_i-dist(k,k')+d_i))\wedge\\
55 & (k'=S\wedge t_i=t_{\max})\vee t_i=t_{i-1}-d_i\wedge\\
56 & \bigwedge_{k''\in V\setminus\{k\}}
57 k''_i=k''_{i-1}-dist(k,k')
58 \end{align}
60 We tie all this together in one big formula that is as follows:
61 $$const\wedge initial\wedge
62 \bigwedge_{i\in I}\left(constraints\wedge trans\right)$$
64 \begin{enumerate}[(a)]
65 \item \emph{Show that it is impossible to deliver food packages in such a
66 way that each of the villages consumes one food package per time unit
67 forever.}
68 Incrementally increasing the number of iterations does not result in a
69 state where a city is without food. Therefore we try to find proof that
70 the truck is actually capable of keeping all cities saturated.
72 To show this we need to prove that there is a state in the state space
73 that is exactly the same as some previous state. To do this we add the
74 following formula to the conjunction.
75 $$\bigvee_{i\in I}\bigvee_{j\in \{0\ldots i-1\}}\left(
76 t_i=t_j\wedge l_i=l_j\wedge\bigwedge_{k\in V}k_i=k_j\right)
77 $$
79 When we incrementally increase the number of iterations we see that
80 when we have more then $8$ iterations we encounter a cycle. This is
81 shown in the following table where iteration $2$ and iteration $9$ are
82 equal. The amount dumped is only shown for more readability. For state
83 isomorphism it is not a factor.
84 \begin{table}[H]
85 \centering
86 \begin{tabular}{lrrrrcr}
87 \toprule
88 $I$ & $A$ & $B$ & $C$ & Truck & Location & Dump\\
89 \midrule
90 $0$ & $40$ & $30$ & $145$ & $300$ & $S$ & $0$\\
91 $1$ & $19$ & $36$ & $124$ & $273$ & $B$ & $27$\\
92 \textbf{2} & \textbf{120} & \textbf{19} & \textbf{107} &
93 \textbf{155} & \textbf{A} & \textbf{118}\\
94 $3$ & $103$ & $117$ & $90$ & $40$ & $B$ & $115$\\
95 $4$ & $82$ & $96$ & $69$ & $300$ & $S$ & $0$\\
96 $5$ & $94$ & $67$ & $40$ & $259$ & $A$ & $41$\\
97 $6$ & $62$ & $35$ & $194$ & $73$ & $C$ & $186$\\
98 $7$ & $25$ & $69$ & $157$ & $2$ & $B$ & $71$\\
99 $8$ & $4$ & $48$ & $136$ & $300$ & $S$ & $0$\\
100 \textbf{9} & \textbf{120} & \textbf{19} & \textbf{107} &
101 \textbf{155} & \textbf{A} & \textbf{145}\\
102 \bottomrule
103 \end{tabular}
104 \end{table}
105 \item \emph{Show that this is possible if the capacity of the truck is
106 increased to 320 food packages. (Note that a finite graph contains an
107 infinite path starting in a node $v$ if and only if there is a path
108 from $v$ to a node $w$ for which there is a non-empty path from $w$ to
109 itself.)}
110 Solution idem to $(a)$. Just imagine the truck operator glueing $20$
111 food packages to the truck which he can not deliver.
112 \item \emph{Figure out whether it is possible if the capacity of the truck
113 is set to $318$.}
114 Solution idem to $(a)$. Just imagine the truck operator glueing $18$
115 food packages to the truck which he can not deliver.
116 \end{enumerate}