4 updated
[ar1516.git] / a2 / 2.tex
1 \section{Problem 2}
2 \emph{Three bottles can hold 144, 72 and 16 units (say, centiliters),
3 respectively. Initially the first one contains 3 units of water, the
4 others are empty. The following actions may be performed any number of
5 times:
6 \begin{itemize}
7 \item One of the bottles is fully filled, at some water tap.
8 \item One of the bottles is emptied.
9 \item The content of one bottle is poured into another one. If it fits,
10 then the full content is poured, otherwise the pouring stops when the
11 other bottle is full.
12 \end{itemize}}
14 The problem can be solved by transforming it into a symbolic model. For all
15 bottles $b_i$ for $i\in\{1\ldots3\}$ a variable is created that states the
16 contents in that state. A constant variable is created per bottle that defines
17 the maximum content $b_{i\max}$ the bottle can hold. The initial state then
18 becomes.
19 $$b_0=3\wedge b_1=0\wedge b_2=0\wedge
20 b_{1\max}=144\wedge b_{2\max}=72\wedge b_{3\max}=16$$
22 When we transition to the next state we can do three actions. With a $next$
23 function we describe the transition to the next state for every bottle. If the
24 next state is not defined for a bottle $b_i$ we assume $next(b_i)=b_i$.
25 \begin{itemize}
26 \item Filling a bottle $b_i$\\
27 If we fill a bottle $b_i$ the contents will be the maximum thus:\\
28 $next(b_i)=b_{i\max}$.
29 \item Emptying a bottle $b_i$\\
30 If we empty a bottle $b_i$ the contents will become zero thus:\\
31 $next(b_i)=0$.
32 \item Pouring a bottle $b_i$ in bottle $b_j$ for $i\neq j$\\
33 If we pour a bottle $b_i$ into $b_j$, the contents that fits in $b_j$
34 will be subtracted from $b_i$ and added to $b_j$. What exactly fits in
35 $b_j$ can be described as $\min(b_{j\max}-b_j, b_i)$ thus the following
36 state changes can be defined:\\
37 $next(b_i)=b_i-\min(b_{j\max}-b_j, b_i)$\\
38 $next(b_j)=b_j+\min(b_{j\max}-b_j, b_i)$
39 \end{itemize}
41 All transitions together in a disjuction would specify all possible
42 transitions.
44 \newpage
45 \begin{enumerate}[(a)]
46 \item
47 \emph{Determine whether it is possible to arrive at a situation in
48 which the first bottle contains 8 units and the second one contains 11
49 units. If so, give a scenario reaching this situation.}
50 With the following goal the solution in Table~\ref{tab:sol2} is
51 found by \textsc{NuSMV} within $0.29$ seconds.
52 $$\mathcal{G}\neg(b_1=8\wedge b_2=1)$$
53 \item
54 \emph{Do the same for the variant in which the second bottle is
55 replaced by a bottle that can hold 80 units, and all the rest remains
56 the same.}
57 When updating variable $b_{2\max}=80$ and using the goal from $(a)$
58 \textsc{NuSMV} concludes that there is no there is no counterexample
59 within $0.1$ seconds.
60 \item
61 \emph{Do the same for the variant in which the third bottle is replaced
62 by a bottle that can hold 28 units, and all the rest (including the
63 capacity of 72 of the second bottle) remains the same.}
64 When updating variable $b_{3\max}=28$ and using the goal from $(a)$
65 the solution in Table~\ref{tab:sol2} is found by \textsc{NuSMV} within
66 $1.8$ seconds.
67 \end{enumerate}
68 \begin{table}[h]
69 \centering\small
70 \begin{tabular}{ccc}
71 \begin{minipage}{.40\linewidth}
72 \begin{tabular}{rrrrl}
73 \toprule
74 & $b_1$ & $b_2$ & $b_3$ & Action\\
75 \midrule
76 $0$ & $3$ & $0$ & $0$ &\\
77 $1$ & $0$ & $0$ & $3$ & Poured $1$ in $3$\\
78 $2$ & $144$ & $0$ & $3$ & Filled $1$\\
79 $3$ & $72$ & $72$ & $3$ & Poured $1$ in $2$\\
80 $4$ & $72$ & $59$ & $16$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
81 $5$ & $88$ & $59$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
82 $6$ & $88$ & $43$ & $16$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
83 $7$ & $104$ & $43$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
84 $8$ & $104$ & $27$ & $16$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
85 $9$ & $120$ & $27$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
86 $10$ & $120$ & $11$ & $16$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
87 $11$ & $136$ & $11$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
88 $12$ & $136$ & $11$ & $16$ & Filled $3$\\
89 $13$ & $144$ & $11$ & $8$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
90 $14$ & $0$ & $11$ & $8$ & Emptied $1$\\
91 $15$ & $8$ & $11$ & $8$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
92 \bottomrule
93 \multicolumn{5}{c}{Solution for problem $2a$}
94 \end{tabular}\vspace{16.55em}
95 \end{minipage} & \quad &
96 \begin{minipage}{.40\linewidth}
97 \begin{tabular}{rrrrl}
98 \toprule
99 & $b_1$ & $b_2$ & $b_3$ & Action\\
100 \midrule
101 $0$ & $3$ & $0$ & $0$ &\\
102 $1$ & $3$ & $72$ & $0$ & Filled $2$\\
103 $2$ & $3$ & $44$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
104 $3$ & $0$ & $47$ & $28$ & Poured $1$ in $2$\\
105 $4$ & $28$ & $47$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
106 $5$ & $28$ & $47$ & $28$ & Filled $3$\\
107 $6$ & $56$ & $47$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
108 $7$ & $56$ & $19$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
109 $8$ & $84$ & $19$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
110 $9$ & $84$ & $0$ & $19$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
111 $10$ & $12$ & $72$ & $19$ & Poured $2$ in $1$\\
112 $11$ & $12$ & $63$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
113 $12$ & $40$ & $63$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
114 $13$ & $40$ & $35$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
115 $14$ & $68$ & $35$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
116 $15$ & $68$ & $7$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
117 $16$ & $96$ & $7$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
118 $17$ & $96$ & $0$ & $7$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
119 $18$ & $24$ & $72$ & $7$ & Poured $1$ in $2$\\
120 $19$ & $24$ & $51$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
121 $20$ & $52$ & $51$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
122 $21$ & $52$ & $23$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $1$\\
123 $22$ & $80$ & $23$ & $0$ & Poured $3$ in $1$\\
124 $23$ & $80$ & $0$ & $23$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
125 $24$ & $8$ & $72$ & $23$ & Poured $1$ in $2$\\
126 $25$ & $8$ & $67$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
127 $26$ & $8$ & $67$ & $0$ & Emptied $3$\\
128 $27$ & $8$ & $39$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
129 $28$ & $8$ & $39$ & $0$ & Emptied $3$\\
130 $29$ & $8$ & $11$ & $28$ & Poured $2$ in $3$\\
131 \bottomrule
132 \multicolumn{5}{c}{Solution for problem $2c$}
133 \end{tabular}
134 \end{minipage}
135 \end{tabular}
136 \caption{Solutions for problems $2a$ and $2c$}\label{tab:sol2}
137 \end{table}