[tt2015.git] / a2 / 2results.tex
2 \subsection{Preflight checklist}
3 Execution of the preflight checklist of Table~\ref{tbl:preflight} yields the
4 following results:
6 \begin{table}[H]
7 \centering
8 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
9 \hline
10 Check \# & result \\ \hline \hline
11 1 & RESULT\\ \hline
12 2 & RESULT\\ \hline
13 3 & RESULT\\ \hline
14 4 & RESULT\\ \hline
15 5 & RESULT\\ \hline
16 \end{tabular}
17 \caption{Results of the preflight checks}
18 \label{tbl:preflightresults}
19 \end{table}
21 \subsection{Test cases}
22 Comparing the results of the execution of the test cases of
23 Table~\ref{tbl:testpairs} with the expected results of those test cases specified in
24 Table~\ref{tbl:testcases} yields the following results:
26 \setcounter{TCC}{1}
27 \begin{table}[H]
28 \centering
29 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
30 \hline
31 Test case \# & result \\ \hline \hline
32 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
33 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
34 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
35 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
36 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
37 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
38 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
39 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
40 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
41 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
42 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
43 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
44 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
45 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
46 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
47 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
48 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
49 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
50 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
51 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
52 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
53 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
54 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
55 \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline
56 \end{tabular}
57 \caption{Results of the test cases}
58 \label{tbl:testcasesresults}
59 \end{table}
61 \subsection{Result}
62 To pass the test the SUT has to pass all the specified test cases (
63 Table~\ref{tbl:tpreflight} and Table~\ref{tbl:testpairs}). As can be seen in
64 Table~\ref{tbl:preflightresults} and Table~\ref{tbl:testcasesresults} this is
65 %not %remove first % in case of any failure
66 the case. Therefore the SUT has PASSED/FAILED this test.
67 %This failure is due to the failure of the test case(s) 1,2,3,n as specified
68 %where the SUT failed to behave in the expected way by... %behavior dat SUT wel
69 %%liet zien
71 \subsection{Notes on results}
72 Due to severe difficulties with implementing the corruption of a checksum any
73 tests which mention corruption of the checksum, that is, all tests testing
74 the different partitions 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a and 5b as mentioned in
75 Section~\ref{sec:testingofsut}, are always done with a valid checksum. These
76 tests always fall in partition 4a and 5a.
78 These difficulties arise because TCP-checksum computation is something which is
79 done
80 on the hardware level or somewhere otherwise quite far from the software
81 implementation of anything calling the TCP-stack. Due to this, changing the
82 checksum of the segments send from the test script to the SUT is not possible
83 without writing raw data to the network sockets, which would result
84 in high changes of manual errors.
86 Because of this these partitions are not tested and the SUT is not tested for
87 the requirement that it should disregard segments with invalid checksums.