2 test-cases ter illustratie.
[tt2015.git] / a2 / preamble.tex
1 \documentclass[titlepage]{article}
3 \usepackage{a4wide}
4 \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}
5 \usepackage{listings}
6 \usepackage{graphicx}
7 \usepackage{float}
8 \usepackage{tabularx}
10 \lstset{%
11 basicstyle=\footnotesize, % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
12 breakatwhitespace=false, % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
13 breaklines=true, % sets automatic line breaking
14 frame=single, % adds a frame around the code
15 tabsize=4
16 }
18 \author{%
19 Charlie Gerhardus\and
20 Pim Jager\and
21 Mart Lubbers
22 }
23 \title{Test approach for TCP}
24 \date{\today}