with gast output
[tt2015.git] / a3 / 4tests.tex
1 % testcases, results and discussion on results:
3 % Write your model in the input language of the selected MBT tools, generate
4 % tests, and execute
5 % them on your SUT. Explain your observations and analyse the test results.
6 \subsection{\GAST}
8 Since \GAST requires a input enabled model, the actual specification is a bit different compared to the other tools.
9 Luckily \GAST is capable of generating a graphical representation of the model from source.
11 \begin{figure}[H]
12 \centering
13 \includegraphics[scale=.75]{gast.eps}
14 \caption{Model generated by \GAST}\label{fig:model}
15 \end{figure}
17 Because of the input enabled model it was necessary to include the \emph{ConnectionError} state.
18 All inputs (packets sent from \emph{SUT}) which the original TCP specification
19 deems illegal in a given state are redirected
20 to this state which is also defined as one of the final states together with \emph{Closed}.
21 When \GAST will end up in this state the SUT is reset and a new path is tried.
23 Because of time constraints we decided to allow \GAST to evaluate $9000$ paths.
24 None of the paths where rejected by \GAST. The output generated by \GAST is listed below.
26 \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Gast commandline output}]
27 Gast starts testing.
28 paths: 8999, rejected: 0, truncated: 0...
29 End of testing, maximum paths used.
30 9000 test paths executed successful, in total 12252 transitions.
31 65536
32 \end{lstlisting}
34 \subsection{JTorX}
35 The model in itself was usable in JTorX since the model was written in
36 Graphviz' DOT language which is readable by JTorX. JTorX itself generates all
37 the testcases and after over $8000$ state changes we stopped the testing. There
38 are an infinite number of traces possible because there are several loops in
39 the model. The logfile generated by JTorX is $6.7MB$ long and contains indepth
40 detail about the trace.
42 \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Last lines of JTorX' log saying the sut has passed}]
43 2015-12-20T21:17:32.370+0100 VERDICT 8500 pass
44 2015-12-20T21:17:32.370+0100 EOT 8500
45 2015-12-20T21:17:32.371+0100 LOG 8500 (tcpclient-label-Adapter) streamreader io exception: Socket closed
46 \end{lstlisting}