reset a3, kut Charlie ;)
[tt2015.git] / a3 / code / Gast / Graphviz.dcl
1 // Péter Diviánszky, 2007
2 // Code extended and adapted by Peter Achten, 2007
4 definition module Graphviz
6 //from StdOverloaded import class ==, class toString
7 from StdOverloaded import class toString
8 import StdMaybe
9 import ESMSpec
10 import GenEq
12 // A digraph contains a title and a list of node definitions
13 :: Digraph
14 = Digraph String [GraphAttribute] [NodeDef] (Maybe SelectedItem)
15 :: SelectedItem
16 = Node Int
18 digraphTitle :: !Digraph -> String
19 digraphAtts :: !Digraph -> [GraphAttribute]
20 digraphNodes :: !Digraph -> [NodeDef]
21 digraphSelectedItem :: !Digraph -> Maybe SelectedItem
23 // A node definition contains a unique identifier (an integer), a list of node attributes and a list of edge definitions.
24 // An edge definition contains an identifier (the id of the end node and edge attributes).
25 :: NodeDef
26 = NodeDef !Int ![NodeState] ![NodeAttribute] [EdgeDef]
27 :: EdgeDef
28 :== (!Int,![EdgeAttribute])
29 :: NodeState
30 = NStAllEdgesFound !Bool // all edges of this node are known
32 // Convert digraph into list of strings.
33 // The strings are lines of the graphviz representation of the graph.
34 printDigraph :: !Digraph -> [String]
36 :: GraphAttribute
37 = GAtt_Damping Real
38 | GAtt_K Real
39 | GAtt_URL String
40 | GAtt_bb Rect
41 | GAtt_bgcolor Color
42 | GAtt_center Bool
43 | GAtt_charset String
44 | GAtt_clusterrank ClusterMode
45 | GAtt_colorscheme String
46 | GAtt_comment String
47 | GAtt_compound Bool
48 | GAtt_concentrate Bool
49 | GAtt_defaultdist Real
50 | GAtt_dim Int
51 // | GAtt_diredgeconstraints ... PA: ignored, neato only
52 | GAtt_dpi Real
53 | GAtt_epsilon Real
54 | GAtt_esep Real
55 | GAtt_fontcolor Color
56 | GAtt_fontname String
57 | GAtt_fontnames String
58 | GAtt_fontpath String
59 | GAtt_fontsize Real
60 | GAtt_label String
61 | GAtt_labeljust String
62 | GAtt_labelloc String
63 | GAtt_landscape Bool
64 | GAtt_layers LayerList
65 | GAtt_layersep String
66 | GAtt_levelsgap Real
67 | GAtt_lp DotPoint
68 | GAtt_margin Margin
69 | GAtt_maxiter Int
70 | GAtt_mclimit Real
71 | GAtt_mindist Real
72 | GAtt_mode String
73 | GAtt_model String
74 | GAtt_mosek Bool
75 | GAtt_nodesep Real
76 | GAtt_nojustify Bool
77 | GAtt_normalize Bool
78 | GAtt_nslimit Real
79 | GAtt_nslimit1 Real
80 | GAtt_ordering String
81 | GAtt_orientation String
82 | GAtt_outputorder OutputMode
83 | GAtt_pad Pad
84 | GAtt_page Pointf
85 | GAtt_pagedir PageDir
86 | GAtt_quantum Real
87 | GAtt_rank RankType
88 | GAtt_rankdir RankDir
89 | GAtt_ranksep Real
90 | GAtt_ratio Ratio
91 | GAtt_remincross Bool
92 | GAtt_resolution Real
93 | GAtt_root String
94 | GAtt_rotate Int
95 | GAtt_searchsize Int
96 | GAtt_showboxes Int
97 | GAtt_size Sizef //Pointf // PA++
98 // | GAtt_splines PA: skipped for the time being
99 | GAtt_start StartType
100 | GAtt_stylesheet String
101 | GAtt_target String
102 | GAtt_truecolor Bool
103 | GAtt_viewport ViewPort
104 | GAtt_voro_margin Real
105 :: NodeAttribute
106 = NAtt_URL String
107 | NAtt_color Color
108 | NAtt_colorscheme String
109 | NAtt_comment String
110 | NAtt_distortion Real
111 | NAtt_fillcolor Color
112 | NAtt_fixedsize Bool
113 | NAtt_fontcolor Color
114 | NAtt_fontname String
115 | NAtt_fontsize Real
116 | NAtt_group String
117 | NAtt_height Real
118 | NAtt_label String
119 | NAtt_layer LayerRange
120 | NAtt_margin Margin
121 | NAtt_nojustify Bool
122 | NAtt_orientation Real
123 | NAtt_peripheries Int
124 | NAtt_pin Bool
125 // | NAtt_pos ... PA: ignored for the time being
126 | NAtt_rects Rect
127 | NAtt_regular Bool
128 | NAtt_samplepoints Int
129 | NAtt_shape NodeShape
130 | NAtt_shapefile String
131 | NAtt_showboxes Int
132 | NAtt_sides Int
133 | NAtt_skew Real
134 | NAtt_style NodeStyle
135 | NAtt_target String
136 | NAtt_tooltip String
137 | NAtt_width Real
138 | NAtt_z Real
139 :: EdgeAttribute
140 = EAtt_URL String
141 | EAtt_arrowhead ArrowType
142 | EAtt_arrowsize Real
143 | EAtt_arrowtail ArrowType
144 | EAtt_color Color
145 | EAtt_colorscheme String
146 | EAtt_comment String
147 | EAtt_constraint Bool
148 | EAtt_decorate Bool
149 | EAtt_dir DirType
150 | EAtt_edgeURL String
151 | EAtt_edgehref String
152 | EAtt_edgetarget String
153 | EAtt_edgetooltip String
154 | EAtt_fontcolor Color
155 | EAtt_fontname String
156 | EAtt_fontsize Real
157 | EAtt_headURL String
158 | EAtt_headclip Bool
159 | EAtt_headhref String
160 | EAtt_headlabel String
161 | EAtt_headport PortPos
162 | EAtt_headtarget String
163 | EAtt_headtooltip String
164 | EAtt_href String
165 | EAtt_label String
166 | EAtt_labelURL String
167 | EAtt_labelangle Real
168 | EAtt_labeldistance Real
169 | EAtt_labelfloat Bool
170 | EAtt_labelfontcolor Color
171 | EAtt_labelfontname String
172 | EAtt_labelfontsize Real
173 | EAtt_labelhref String
174 | EAtt_labeltarget String
175 | EAtt_labeltooltip String
176 | EAtt_layer LayerRange
177 | EAtt_len Real
178 | EAtt_lhead String
179 | EAtt_lp DotPoint
180 | EAtt_ltail String
181 | EAtt_minlen Int
182 | EAtt_nojustify Bool
183 // | EAtt_pos PA: ignored for the time being
184 | EAtt_samehead String
185 | EAtt_sametail String
186 | EAtt_showboxes Int
187 | EAtt_style EdgeStyle
188 | EAtt_tailURL String
189 | EAtt_tailclip Bool
190 | EAtt_tailhref String
191 | EAtt_taillabel String
192 | EAtt_tailport PortPos
193 | EAtt_tailtarget String
194 | EAtt_tailtooltip String
195 | EAtt_target String
196 | EAtt_tooltip String
197 | EAtt_weight Real
198 :: ClusterMode
199 = CM_local | CM_global | CM_none
200 :: CompassPoint
201 = CP_n | CP_ne | CP_e | CP_se | CP_s | CP_sw | CP_w | CP_nw
202 :: DotPoint
203 = DotPoint Real Real Bool
204 :: LayerId
205 = LayerAll
206 | LayerNr Int
207 | LayerName String
208 :: LayerList
209 = LayerList [String]
210 :: LayerRange
211 = LayerRange LayerId [LayerId]
212 :: Margin
213 = SingleMargin Real
214 | DoubleMargin Real Real
215 :: OutputMode
216 = OM_breadthfirst | OM_nodesfirst | OM_edgesfirst
217 :: Pad
218 = SinglePad Real
219 | DoublePad Real Real
220 :: PageDir
221 = PD_BL | PD_BR | PD_TL | PD_TR | PD_RB | PD_RT | PD_LB | PD_LT
222 :: Pointf
223 = Pointf Real Real
224 :: PortPos // PA: for now only compass points are supported
225 :== CompassPoint
226 :: RankDir
227 = RD_TB | RD_LR | RD_BT | RD_RL
228 :: RankType
229 = RT_same | RT_min | RT_source | RT_max | RT_sink
230 :: Ratio
231 = AspectRatio Real
232 | R_fill
233 | R_compress
234 | R_expand
235 | R_auto
236 :: Rect
237 = {llx :: Int,lly :: Int, urx :: Int, ury :: Int}
238 :: Sizef // PA++
239 = Sizef Real Real Bool
240 :: StartStyle
241 = SS_regular | SS_self | SS_random
242 :: StartType
243 = { startStyle :: Maybe StartStyle
244 , startSeed :: Maybe Int
245 }
246 :: ViewPort
247 = { vp_W :: Real
248 , vp_H :: Real
249 , vp_Z :: Maybe Real
250 , vp_xy :: Maybe Pointf
251 }
253 pointNode :: [NodeAttribute] // attributes of a point-shaped node
254 hiddenNode :: [NodeAttribute] // attributes of a hidden node
257 :: NodeShape
258 = NShape_box
259 | NShape_circle
260 | NShape_diamond
261 | NShape_doublecircle
262 | NShape_doubleoctagon
263 | NShape_egg
264 | NShape_ellipse
265 | NShape_hexagon
266 | NShape_house
267 | NShape_invtriangle
268 | NShape_invtrapezium
269 | NShape_invhouse
270 | NShape_octagon
271 | NShape_Mdiamond
272 | NShape_Msquare
273 | NShape_Mcircle
274 | NShape_parallelogram
275 | NShape_pentagon
276 | NShape_plainText
277 | NShape_polygon
278 | NShape_point
279 | NShape_rect
280 | NShape_rectangle
281 | NShape_septagon
282 | NShape_trapezium
283 | NShape_triangle
284 | NShape_tripleoctagon
285 | NShape_none
286 instance toString NodeShape
287 instance == NodeShape
288 derive gEq NodeShape // PK++
290 :: NodeStyle
291 = NStyle_filled
292 | NStyle_invis
293 | NStyle_diagonals
294 | NStyle_rounded
295 | NStyle_dashed
296 | NStyle_dotted
297 | NStyle_solid
298 | NStyle_bold
299 instance toString NodeStyle
300 instance == NodeStyle
301 derive gEq NodeStyle // PK++
303 :: EdgeStyle
304 = EStyle_solid
305 | EStyle_bold
306 | EStyle_dashed
307 | EStyle_dotted
308 | EStyle_invis
309 instance toString EdgeStyle
310 instance == EdgeStyle
311 derive gEq EdgeStyle // PK++
313 :: Color
314 = RGB Int Int Int
315 | HSV Real Real Real
316 | Color String // X11 1.2 color names; see rgb.txt
318 C_black :== Color "black"
319 C_white :== Color "white"
320 C_gray :== Color "gray"
321 C_red :== Color "red"
322 C_green :== Color "green"
323 C_blue :== Color "blue"
324 C_yellow :== Color "yellow"
326 instance toString Color
327 instance == Color
328 derive gEq Color // PK++
330 :: ArrowType =
331 { closest :: Arrow
332 , furthest :: Maybe Arrow
333 }
334 :: Arrow =
335 { open :: Bool
336 , side :: Maybe Side
337 , shape :: ArrowShape
338 }
339 :: Side
340 = Side_l
341 | Side_r
342 :: ArrowShape
343 = AShape_box
344 | AShape_crow
345 | AShape_diamond
346 | AShape_dot
347 | AShape_inv
348 | AShape_none
349 | AShape_normal
350 | AShape_tee
351 | AShape_vee
352 instance toString ArrowType
353 instance == ArrowType
354 derive gEq ArrowType // PK++
357 // direction of the edge
358 :: DirType
359 = DT_forward
360 | DT_back
361 | DT_both
362 | DT_none
363 instance toString DirType
364 instance == DirType
365 derive gEq DirType // PK++
367 layersep :== ":\t"
369 mkDigraph :: String (KnownAutomaton s i o,s,[s],[s],[SeenTrans s i o],[SeenTrans s i o]) -> Digraph | render, gEq{|*|} s
370 & render, gEq{|*|} i
371 & render, gEq{|*|} o