Merge branch 'master' of
[tt2015.git] / a3 / code / tcpmodel.icl
1 module tcpmodel
3 import gast, TCPIP
5 derive bimap []
6 derive gEq State
7 derive gLess State
8 derive genShow State
9 derive ggen Input
10 derive genShow Input
11 derive gEq Output
12 derive genShow Output
14 /* connection settings */
15 hostIP = ""
16 hostPort = 1203
18 /* states */
19 :: State = Listen | ReceivedSYN | Established | Waiting | Closed | WaitClose | ConnectionError
21 instance == State where
22 (==) Listen Listen = True
23 (==) ReceivedSYN ReceivedSYN = True
24 (==) Established Established = True
25 (==) Waiting Waiting = True
26 (==) Closed Closed = True
27 (==) WaitClose WaitClose = True
28 (==) ConnectionError ConnectionError = True
29 (==) _ _ = False
31 /* input (received from client) */
32 :: Input = InSYN | InACK | InDATA | InRST | InFIN
34 instance toString Input where
35 toString InSYN = "SYN"
36 toString InACK = "ACK"
37 toString InRST = "RST"
38 toString InFIN = "FIN"
39 toString InDATA = "DATA"
41 /* output (sent to client) */
42 :: Output = OutSYN | OutACK | OutDATA | OutFIN
44 toOutput :: String -> [Output]
45 toOutput "SYN-ACK" = [OutSYN, OutACK]
46 toOutput "ACK" = [OutACK]
47 toOutput "DATA" = [OutDATA]
48 toOutput "TO" = []
50 /* state transitions */
51 stateTrans :: State Input -> [Trans Output State]
52 stateTrans Listen InSYN = [Pt [OutSYN, OutACK] ReceivedSYN]
53 stateTrans Listen InFIN = [Pt [] ConnectionError]
54 stateTrans Listen InACK = [Pt [] ConnectionError]
55 stateTrans Listen InDATA = [Pt [] ConnectionError]
56 stateTrans Listen InRST = [Pt [] ConnectionError]
58 stateTrans ReceivedSYN InSYN = [Pt [OutSYN,OutACK] ConnectionError]
59 stateTrans ReceivedSYN InRST = [Pt [] Listen]
60 stateTrans ReceivedSYN InACK = [Pt [] Established]
61 stateTrans ReceivedSYN InFIN = [Pt [OutACK] Closed]
62 stateTrans ReceivedSYN InDATA = [Pt [OutACK] Established]
64 stateTrans Established InSYN = [Pt [] ConnectionError, Pt [OutACK] ConnectionError, Pt [OutDATA] ConnectionError] // connection error returns whatever it wants?
65 stateTrans Established InDATA = [Pt [OutACK] Waiting, Pt [OutDATA] Established, Pt [] Established] // last one resend?
66 stateTrans Established InRST = [Pt [] ConnectionError, Pt [OutACK] ConnectionError, Pt [OutDATA] ConnectionError] // connection error returns whatever it wants?
67 stateTrans Established InFIN = [Pt [OutACK] Closed, Pt [] WaitClose]
68 stateTrans Established InACK = [Pt [] ConnectionError]
70 stateTrans Waiting InACK = [Pt [] Established]
71 stateTrans Waiting _ = [Pt [] ConnectionError, Pt [OutACK] ConnectionError, Pt [OutDATA] ConnectionError]
73 stateTrans WaitClose InACK = [Pt [OutACK] Closed]
74 stateTrans WaitClose _ = [Pt [] ConnectionError]
76 /* sut state */
77 :: *SutState :== (StringSChannel, StringRChannel, *World)
79 /* adapter for SUT communication */
80 adapter :: *SutState Input -> ([Output], *SutState)
81 adapter (s, r, world) i
82 # (s, world) = send (toString i) s world
83 # (cmd, r, world) = receive r world
84 = (toOutput cmd, (s, r, world))
86 /* reset SUT */
87 reset :: *SutState -> *SutState
88 reset (s, r, world)
89 # (s, world) = send "SUT-RESET" s world
90 = (s, r, world)
92 /* all endstates */
93 endstate :: [State] -> Bool
94 endstate sts = isMember Closed sts || isMember ConnectionError sts
96 /* testing options */
97 options = [Nsequences 10000, Stop endstate]
99 /* testing program */
100 Start world
101 /* open console */
102 # (console, world) = stdio world
103 /* setup connection with adapter */
104 # (Just adr, world) = lookupIPAddress hostIP world
105 # (to, mcon, world) = connectTCP_MT Nothing (adr, hostPort) world
106 | to <> TR_Success
107 # console = console <<< "ERROR: can't connect to SUT!\n"
108 # (_, world) = fclose console world
109 = world
110 # (Just con) = mcon
111 /* open files */
112 # (_, file, world) = fopen "testOut.txt" FWriteText world
113 /* perform testing */
114 # st = (toStringSChannel con.sChannel, toStringRChannel con.rChannel, world)
115 # ((_, _, world), console, file) = testConfSM options stateTrans Listen adapter st reset console file
116 /* close connection */
117 /* close files */
118 # (_, world) = fclose file world
119 # (_, world) = fclose console world
120 /* done */
121 = world