[tt2015.git] / a4 / question2.tex
1 In order to be allow learnlib to learn the TCP model it was necessary to have a
2 deterministic model. We accomplished this by modifying the adapter so it can
3 reach a \texttt{ERROR} or \texttt{CLOSED} state. In these states all inputs are
4 discarded and a default output is returned. In the case of a state where an
5 input results in a non-deterministic output we jump to the \texttt{ERROR} state
6 for additional this given input. When the connection is successfully closed
7 using a \texttt{FIN} packet we move the adapter to the \texttt{CLOSED} state.
9 We divided the input alphabet into three sets, this way we can control the size
10 of the model learned by learnlib.
12 \begin{table}[H]
13 \begin{tabular}{cl}
14 \toprule
15 Alphabet & Inputs \\
16 \midrule
17 small & \texttt{SYN}, \texttt{ACK} \\
18 partial & \texttt{SYN}, \texttt{ACK}, \texttt{DATA} \\
19 full & \texttt{SYN}, \texttt{ACK}, \texttt{DATA}, \texttt{RST},
20 \texttt{FIN} \\
21 \bottomrule
22 \end{tabular}
23 \caption{Different input alphabets used during learning.}
24 \end{table}
26 Just as in our previous assignment the \texttt{DATA} packet is actually a
27 \texttt{ACK} with an user data payload and the \emph{push} flag set. These
28 input alphabets will influence the size of the model produced. \emph{small}
29 will result in a 2 state model, \emph{partial} will be the full model without
30 the \texttt{CLOSED} state and \emph{full} should result in the full model as
31 used in the previous assignment.
32 %
33 %\begin{figure}[H]
34 % \centering
35 % \includegraphics[scale=0.75]{model.small.LStar.rand.eps}
36 % \vspace{5mm}
37 % \caption{Model learned with small input alphabet}
38 %\end{figure}
39 %
40 %\begin{figure}[H]
41 % \centering
42 % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{model.partial.LStar.rand.eps}
43 % \vspace{5mm}
44 % \caption{Model learned with partial input alphabet}
45 %\end{figure}
46 %
47 %\begin{figure}[H]
48 % \centering
49 % \includegraphics[width=1.2\textwidth]{model.full.LStar.rand.eps}
50 % \vspace{5mm}
51 % \caption{Model learned with full input alphabet}
52 %\end{figure}