[tt2015.git] / a4 / tcp / tester / learner / Main.java
1 package learner;
3 import java.io.File;
4 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
5 import java.io.IOException;
6 import java.io.PrintWriter;
7 import java.net.InetAddress;
8 import java.util.Arrays;
9 import java.util.Calendar;
10 import java.util.Random;
12 import net.automatalib.automata.transout.MealyMachine;
13 import net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT;
14 import net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.GraphViewable;
15 import net.automatalib.util.graphs.dot.GraphDOT;
16 import net.automatalib.words.Alphabet;
17 import net.automatalib.words.Word;
18 import net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet;
20 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
21 import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
23 import de.learnlib.acex.analyzers.AcexAnalyzers;
24 import de.learnlib.algorithms.kv.mealy.KearnsVaziraniMealy;
25 import de.learnlib.algorithms.lstargeneric.ce.ObservationTableCEXHandlers;
26 import de.learnlib.algorithms.lstargeneric.closing.ClosingStrategies;
27 import de.learnlib.algorithms.lstargeneric.mealy.ExtensibleLStarMealy;
28 import de.learnlib.algorithms.ttt.mealy.TTTLearnerMealy;
29 import de.learnlib.api.EquivalenceOracle;
30 import de.learnlib.api.LearningAlgorithm;
31 import de.learnlib.api.MembershipOracle.MealyMembershipOracle;
32 import de.learnlib.api.SUL;
33 import de.learnlib.eqtests.basic.WMethodEQOracle;
34 import de.learnlib.eqtests.basic.WpMethodEQOracle;
35 import de.learnlib.eqtests.basic.mealy.RandomWalkEQOracle;
36 import de.learnlib.experiments.Experiment.MealyExperiment;
37 import de.learnlib.oracles.DefaultQuery;
38 import de.learnlib.oracles.ResetCounterSUL;
39 import de.learnlib.oracles.SULOracle;
40 import de.learnlib.oracles.SymbolCounterSUL;
41 import de.learnlib.statistics.Counter;
43 /**
44 * General learning testing framework. The most important parameters are the input alphabet and the SUL (The
45 * first two static attributes). Other settings can also be configured.
46 *
47 * Based on the learner experiment setup of Joshua Moerman, https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/moerman/Learnlib-Experiments
48 *
49 * @author Ramon Janssen
50 */
51 public class Main {
52 //*****************//
53 // SUL information //
54 //*****************//
55 // Defines the input alphabet, adapt for your socket (you can even use other types than string, if you
56 // change the generic-values, e.g. make your SUL of type SUL<Integer, Float> for int-input and float-output
57 private static final Alphabet<String> inputAlphabet =
58 new SimpleAlphabet<String>(ImmutableSet.of(
59 "SYN", "ACK",
60 "DAT", "RST", "FIN"));
61 // There are two SULs predefined, an example (see ExampleSul.java) and a socket SUL which connects to the SUL over socket
62 private static final SULType sulType = SULType.Socket;
63 public enum SULType { Example, Socket }
64 // For SULs over socket, the socket address/port can be set here
65 private static final InetAddress socketIp = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress();
66 private static final int socketPort = 8888;
67 private static final boolean printNewLineAfterEveryInput = true; // print newlines in the socket connection
68 private static final String resetCmd = "RES"; // the command to send over socket to reset sut
70 //*******************//
71 // Learning settings //
72 //*******************//
73 // file for writing the resulting .dot-file and .pdf-file (extensions are added automatically)
74 private static final String OUTPUT_FILENAME = "learnedModel";
75 // the learning and testing algorithms. LStar is the basic algorithm, TTT performs much faster
76 // but is a bit more inaccurate and produces more intermediate hypotheses, so test well)
77 private static final LearningMethod learningAlgorithm = LearningMethod.LStar;
78 public enum LearningMethod { LStar, RivestSchapire, TTT, KearnsVazirani }
79 // Random walk is the simplest, but performs badly on large models: the chance of hitting a
80 // erroneous long trace is very small
81 private static final TestingMethod testMethod = TestingMethod.RandomWalk;
82 public enum TestingMethod { RandomWalk, WMethod, WpMethod }
83 // for random walk, the chance to do a reset after an input and the number of
84 // inputs to test before accepting a hypothesis
85 private static final double chanceOfResetting = 0.1;
86 private static final int numberOfSymbols = 100;
87 // Simple experiments produce very little feedback, controlled produces feedback after
88 // every hypotheses and are better suited to adjust by programming
89 private static final boolean runControlledExperiment = true;
90 // For controlled experiments only: store every hypotheses as a file. Useful for 'debugging'
91 // if the learner does not terminate (hint: the TTT-algorithm produces many hypotheses).
92 private static final boolean saveAllHypotheses = false;
94 public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
95 // Load the actual SUL-class, depending on which SUL-type is set at the top of this file
96 // You can also program an own SUL-class if you extend SUL<String,String> (or SUL<S,T> in
97 // general, with S and T the input and output types - you'll have to change some of the
98 // code below)
99 SUL<String,String> sul;
100 switch (sulType) {
101 case Example:
102 sul = new ExampleSUL();
103 break;
104 case Socket:
105 sul = new SocketSUL(socketIp, socketPort, printNewLineAfterEveryInput, resetCmd);
106 break;
107 default:
108 throw new RuntimeException("No SUL-type defined");
109 }
111 // Wrap the SUL in a detector for non-determinism
112 sul = new NonDeterminismCheckingSUL<String,String>(sul);
113 // Wrap the SUL in counters for symbols/resets, so that we can record some statistics
114 SymbolCounterSUL<String, String> symbolCounterSul = new SymbolCounterSUL<>("symbol counter", sul);
115 ResetCounterSUL<String, String> resetCounterSul = new ResetCounterSUL<>("reset counter", symbolCounterSul);
116 Counter nrSymbols = symbolCounterSul.getStatisticalData(), nrResets = resetCounterSul.getStatisticalData();
117 // we should use the sul only through those wrappers
118 sul = resetCounterSul;
119 // Most testing/learning-algorithms want a membership-oracle instead of a SUL directly
120 MealyMembershipOracle<String,String> sulOracle = new SULOracle<>(sul);
122 // Choosing an equivalence oracle
123 EquivalenceOracle<MealyMachine<?, String, ?, String>, String, Word<String>> eqOracle = null;
124 switch (testMethod){
125 // simplest method, but doesn't perform well in practice, especially for large models
126 case RandomWalk:
127 eqOracle = new RandomWalkEQOracle<>(chanceOfResetting, numberOfSymbols, true, new Random(123456l), sul);
128 break;
129 // Other methods are somewhat smarter than random testing: state coverage, trying to distinguish states, etc.
130 case WMethod:
131 eqOracle = new WMethodEQOracle.MealyWMethodEQOracle<>(3, sulOracle);
132 break;
133 case WpMethod:
134 eqOracle = new WpMethodEQOracle.MealyWpMethodEQOracle<>(3, sulOracle);
135 break;
136 default:
137 throw new RuntimeException("No test oracle selected!");
138 }
140 // Choosing a learner
141 LearningAlgorithm<MealyMachine<?, String, ?, String>, String, Word<String>> learner = null;
142 switch (learningAlgorithm){
143 case LStar:
144 learner = new ExtensibleLStarMealy<>(inputAlphabet, sulOracle, Lists.<Word<String>>newArrayList(), ObservationTableCEXHandlers.CLASSIC_LSTAR, ClosingStrategies.CLOSE_SHORTEST);
145 break;
146 case RivestSchapire:
147 learner = new ExtensibleLStarMealy<>(inputAlphabet, sulOracle, Lists.<Word<String>>newArrayList(), ObservationTableCEXHandlers.RIVEST_SCHAPIRE, ClosingStrategies.CLOSE_SHORTEST);
148 break;
149 case TTT:
150 learner = new TTTLearnerMealy<>(inputAlphabet, sulOracle, AcexAnalyzers.LINEAR_FWD);
151 break;
152 case KearnsVazirani:
153 learner = new KearnsVaziraniMealy<>(inputAlphabet, sulOracle, false, AcexAnalyzers.LINEAR_FWD);
154 break;
155 default:
156 throw new RuntimeException("No learner selected");
157 }
159 // Running the actual experiments!
160 if (runControlledExperiment) {
161 runControlledExperiment(learner, eqOracle, nrSymbols, nrResets, inputAlphabet);
162 } else {
163 runSimpleExperiment(learner, eqOracle, inputAlphabet);
164 }
165 }
167 /**
168 * Simple example of running a learning experiment
169 * @param learner Learning algorithm, wrapping the SUL
170 * @param eqOracle Testing algorithm, wrapping the SUL
171 * @param alphabet Input alphabet
172 * @throws IOException if the result cannot be written
173 */
174 public static void runSimpleExperiment(
175 LearningAlgorithm<MealyMachine<?, String, ?, String>, String, Word<String>> learner,
176 EquivalenceOracle<MealyMachine<?, String, ?, String>, String, Word<String>> eqOracle,
177 Alphabet<String> alphabet) throws IOException {
178 MealyExperiment<String, String> experiment = new MealyExperiment<String, String>(learner, eqOracle, alphabet);
179 experiment.run();
180 System.out.println("Ran " + experiment.getRounds().getCount() + " rounds");
181 produceOutput(OUTPUT_FILENAME, experiment.getFinalHypothesis(), alphabet, true);
182 }
184 /**
185 * More detailed example of running a learning experiment. Starts learning, and then loops testing,
186 * and if counterexamples are found, refining again. Also prints some statistics about the experiment
187 * @param learner learner Learning algorithm, wrapping the SUL
188 * @param eqOracle Testing algorithm, wrapping the SUL
189 * @param nrSymbols A counter for the number of symbols that have been sent to the SUL (for statistics)
190 * @param nrResets A counter for the number of resets that have been sent to the SUL (for statistics)
191 * @param alphabet Input alphabet
192 * @throws IOException
193 */
194 public static void runControlledExperiment(
195 LearningAlgorithm<MealyMachine<?, String, ?, String>, String, Word<String>> learner,
196 EquivalenceOracle<MealyMachine<?, String, ?, String>, String, Word<String>> eqOracle,
197 Counter nrSymbols, Counter nrResets,
198 Alphabet<String> alphabet) throws IOException {
200 // prepare some counters for printing statistics
201 int stage = 0;
202 long lastNrResetsValue = 0, lastNrSymbolsValue = 0;
204 // start the actual learning
205 learner.startLearning();
207 while(true) {
208 // store hypothesis as file
209 if(saveAllHypotheses) {
210 String outputFilename = "hyp." + stage + ".obf.dot";
211 PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(outputFilename);
212 produceOutput(outputFilename, learner.getHypothesisModel(), alphabet, false);
213 output.close();
214 }
216 // Print statistics
217 System.out.println(stage + ": " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
218 // Log number of queries/symbols
219 System.out.println("Hypothesis size: " + learner.getHypothesisModel().size() + " states");
220 long roundResets = nrResets.getCount() - lastNrResetsValue, roundSymbols = nrSymbols.getCount() - lastNrSymbolsValue;
221 System.out.println("learning queries/symbols: " + nrResets.getCount() + "/" + nrSymbols.getCount()
222 + "(" + roundResets + "/" + roundSymbols + " this learning round)");
223 lastNrResetsValue = nrResets.getCount();
224 lastNrSymbolsValue = nrSymbols.getCount();
226 // Search for CE
227 DefaultQuery<String, Word<String>> ce = eqOracle.findCounterExample(learner.getHypothesisModel(), alphabet);
229 // Log number of queries/symbols
230 roundResets = nrResets.getCount() - lastNrResetsValue;
231 roundSymbols = nrSymbols.getCount() - lastNrSymbolsValue;
232 System.out.println("testing queries/symbols: " + nrResets.getCount() + "/" + nrSymbols.getCount()
233 + "(" + roundResets + "/" + roundSymbols + " this testing round)");
234 lastNrResetsValue = nrResets.getCount();
235 lastNrSymbolsValue = nrSymbols.getCount();
237 if(ce == null) {
238 // No counterexample found, stop learning
239 System.out.println("\nFinished learning!");
240 produceOutput(OUTPUT_FILENAME, learner.getHypothesisModel(), alphabet, true);
241 break;
242 } else {
243 // Counterexample found, rinse and repeat
244 System.out.println();
245 stage++;
246 learner.refineHypothesis(ce);
247 }
248 }
249 }
251 /**
252 * Produces a dot-file and a PDF (if graphviz is installed)
253 * @param fileName filename without extension - will be used for the .dot and .pdf
254 * @param model
255 * @param alphabet
256 * @param verboseError whether to print an error explaing that you need graphviz
257 * @throws FileNotFoundException
258 * @throws IOException
259 */
260 public static void produceOutput(String fileName, MealyMachine<?,String,?,String> model, Alphabet<String> alphabet, boolean verboseError) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
261 GraphDOT.write(model, alphabet, new PrintWriter(OUTPUT_FILENAME + ".dot"));
262 try {
263 DOT.runDOT(new File(OUTPUT_FILENAME + ".dot"), "pdf", new File(OUTPUT_FILENAME + ".pdf"));
264 } catch (Exception e) {
265 if (verboseError) {
266 System.err.println("Warning: Install graphviz to convert dot-files to PDF");
267 System.err.println(e.getMessage());
268 }
269 }
270 }
271 }