[ap2015.git] / a7 / mart / skeleton7.icl
1 module skeleton7
3 from iTasks import
4 always, hasValue, :: TaskValue(..), :: Task, :: Stability,
5 :: TaskCont(..), :: Action, updateInformation, viewInformation,
6 class descr, instance descr String, :: UpdateOption, :: ViewOption(..),
7 -||-, -||, ||-, startEngine, class Publishable, >>*, class TFunctor,
8 instance TFunctor Task, class TApplicative, instance TApplicative Task,
9 instance Publishable Task, Void
10 import Data.Tuple, StdClass, StdList, iTasks._Framework.Generic, Text.JSON,
11 Data.Functor, Control.Applicative, Control.Monad, Data.Map, Data.Either
12 import qualified iTasks
13 import qualified Text
14 import qualified Data.List as List
15 import StdTuple
16 from Text import class Text, instance Text String
17 from StdFunc import o
19 e = Insert New (Oper New +. (Union (Integer 7) (Size (Integer 9))))
21 :: Expression
22 = New
23 | Insert Element Set
24 | Delete Element Set
25 | Variable Ident
26 | Union Set Set
27 | Difference Set Set
28 | Intersection Set Set
29 | Integer Int
30 | Size Set
31 | Oper Element Op Element
32 | (=.) infixl 2 Ident Expression
34 :: Op = +. | -. | *.
35 :: Set :== Expression
36 :: Element :== Expression
37 :: Ident :== String
40 // === State
41 :: Val = Int Int | Set [Int]
42 :: State :== Map String Val
44 :: Sem a = Sem (State -> (Either String a, State))
46 // === semantics
47 unsem :: (Sem a) -> (State -> (Either String a, State))
48 unsem (Sem a) = a
50 instance Functor Sem where
51 fmap f s = Sem \st.let (a, st`)=unsem s st in (fmap f a, st`)
53 instance Applicative Sem where
54 pure s = Sem \st.(pure s, st)
55 (<*>) a f = ap a f
57 instance Monad Sem where
58 bind (Sem s) f = Sem \st.case s st of
59 (Right v, st`) = unsem (f v) st`
60 (Left e, st`) = (Left e, st`)
62 store :: Ident Val -> Sem Val
63 store i v = Sem \st.(pure v, put i v st)
65 read :: Ident -> Sem Val
66 read i = Sem \st.case get i st of
67 (Just v) = (Right v, st)
68 _ = unsem (fail "variable not found") st
70 fail :: String -> Sem a
71 fail s = Sem \st.(Left s,st)
73 expectInt :: Expression String -> Sem Int
74 expectInt e m = eval e >>= \r.case r of
75 (Int i) = return i
76 _ = fail (m +++ " argument has to be an Int")
78 expectSet :: Expression String -> Sem [Int]
79 expectSet e m = eval e >>= \r.case r of
80 (Set i) = return i
81 _ = fail (m +++ " argument has to be a Set")
83 instance toString Op where
84 toString (+.) = "+"
85 toString (-.) = "-"
86 toString (*.) = "*"
88 eval :: Expression -> Sem Val
89 eval New = return (Set [])
90 eval (Insert e s) = expectInt e "Insert, 1st"
91 >>= \e.expectSet s "Insert, 2nd"
92 >>= \s.return (Set [e:s])
93 eval (Delete e s) = expectInt e "Delete, 1st"
94 >>= \e.expectSet s "Delete, 2nd"
95 >>= \s.return (Set ('List'.delete e s))
96 eval (Variable e) = read e
97 eval (Union s1 s2) = expectSet s1 "Union, 1st"
98 >>= \s1.expectSet s2 "Union, 2nd"
99 >>= \s2.return (Set ('List'.union s1 s2))
100 eval (Difference s1 s2) = expectSet s1 "Difference, 1st"
101 >>= \s1.expectSet s2 "Difference, 2nd"
102 >>= \s2.return (Set ('List'.difference s1 s2))
103 eval (Intersection s1 s2) = expectSet s1 "Intersection, 1st"
104 >>= \s1.expectSet s2 "Intersection, 2nd"
105 >>= \s2.return (Set ('List'.intersect s1 s2))
106 eval (Integer i) = return (Int i)
107 eval (Size s) = expectSet e "Size, 1st" >>= \e.return (Int (length e))
108 eval (Oper e1 o e2) = expectInt e1 (toString o +++ ", 1st")
109 >>= \e1.expectInt e2 (toString o +++ ", 2nd")
110 >>= \e2.case o of
111 (+.) = return (Int (e1+e2))
112 (-.) = return (Int (e1-e2))
113 (*.) = return (Int (e1*e2))
114 eval (i =. e) = eval e >>= \e.store i e
116 evalExpr :: Expression State -> Either String Val
117 evalExpr e s = fst (unsem (eval e) s)
119 print :: Expression -> String
120 print e = 'Text'.concat (print` e [])
122 print` :: Expression [String] -> [String]
123 print` New l = ["Ø":l]
124 print` (Insert e s) l = ["{":print` e ["}∪":print` s l]]
125 print` (Delete e s) l = ["(":print` s [")\\{":print` e ["}":l]]]
126 print` (Variable e) l = [e:l]
127 print` (Union s1 s2) l = ["(":print` s1 [")∪(":print` s2 [")":l]]]
128 print` (Difference s1 s2) l = ["(":print` s1 [")∆(":print` s2 [")":l]]]
129 print` (Intersection s1 s2) l = ["(":print` s1 [")∩(":print` s2 [")":l]]]
130 print` (Integer i) l = [toString i: l]
131 print` (Size s) l = ["|":print` s ["|":l]]
132 print` (Oper e1 o e2) l = ["(":print` e1 [")",toString o,"(":print` e2 [")":l]]]
133 print` (i =. e) l = [i,"=":print` e l++["\n"]]
135 // === simulation
137 (>>>=) :== 'iTasks'.tbind
138 (>>>|) a b :== 'iTasks'.tbind a (\_ -> b)
139 treturn :== 'iTasks'.return
140 ActionOk :== 'iTasks'.ActionOk
141 ActionQuit :== 'iTasks'.ActionQuit
142 ActionNew :== 'iTasks'.ActionNew
144 mainTask = viewInformation (print e)
146 Start :: *World -> *World
147 Start world = startEngine mainTask world
148 //Start = print (Insert (Size (Insert (Oper (Integer 5) +. (Integer 6)) New)) New)