clean up acronyms and glossaries and make them emphasized"
[msc-thesis1617.git] / acronyms.tex
1 \newacronym{GADT} {GADT} {Generalized Algebraic Datatype}
2 \newacronym{GPIO} {GPIO} {General-Purpose Input/Output}
3 \newacronym{ADT} {ADT} {Algebraic Datatype}
4 \newacronym{SDS} {SDS} {Shared Data Source}
5 \newacronym{IoT} {IoT} {Internet of Things}
6 \newacronym{TOP} {TOP} {Task Oriented Programming}
7 \newacronym{EDSL} {EDSL} {Embedded Domain Specific Language}
8 \newacronym{RISC} {RISC} {Reduced Instruction Set Computer}
9 \newacronym{ARM} {ARM} {Acorn \acrshort{RISC} Machine}
10 \newacronym{LTN} {LTN} {Low Throughput Network}
11 \newacronym{IDE} {IDE} {Integrated Development Environment}
12 \newacronym{TCP} {TCP} {Transmission Control Protocol}
13 \newacronym{RFID} {RFID} {Radio-Frequency Identification}
14 \newacronym{GNSS} {GNSS} {Global Navigation SAtellite System}
15 \newacronym{LCD} {LCD} {Liquid Crystal Display}
16 \newacronym{AST} {AST} {Abstract Syntax Tree}
17 \newacronym{GPS} {GPL} {Global Positioning System}
18 \newacronym{GLONASS}{GLONASS}{Global Navigation Satellite System}