[clean-tests.git] / afp / a8 / a8_old.icl
1 module a8
3 /*
4 Advanced Progrmming 2018, Assignment 8
5 Pieter Koopman, pieter@cs.ru.nl
6 */
7 import StdEnv
9 import iTasks => qualified return, >>=, >>|, sequence, forever, :: Set
11 import Control.Applicative
12 import Control.Monad
13 import Control.Monad.State
14 import Control.Monad.Trans
15 import Data.Func
16 import Data.Functor
17 import Data.Either
18 import Data.Maybe
20 import Text => qualified join
22 import qualified Data.List as List
23 import qualified Data.Map as Map
25 :: Expression
26 = New [Int]
27 | Elem Int
28 | Variable Ident
29 | Size Set
30 | (+.) infixl 6 Expression Expression
31 | (-.) infixl 6 Expression Expression
32 | (*.) infixl 7 Expression Expression
33 | (=.) infixl 2 Ident Expression
35 :: Logical
37 | (In) infix 4 Elem Set
38 | (==.) infix 4 Expression Expression
39 | (<=.) infix 4 Expression Expression
40 | Not Logical
41 | (||.) infixr 2 Logical Logical
42 | (&&.) infixr 3 Logical Logical
44 :: Stmt
45 = Expression Expression
46 | Logical Logical
47 | For Ident Set Stmt
48 | If Logical Stmt Stmt
50 :: Set :== Expression
51 :: Elem :== Expression
52 :: Ident :== String
54 // === State
55 :: Val :== Either Int [Int]
56 :: SemState :== 'Map'.Map String Val
58 :: Sem a :== StateT SemState (Either String) a
59 store :: Ident Val -> Sem Val
60 store k v = modify ('Map'.put k v) *> pure v
62 read :: Ident -> Sem Val
63 read k = gets ('Map'.get k) >>= maybe (fail "Unknown ident") pure
65 fail :: String -> Sem a
66 fail s = liftT (Left s)
68 // === semantics
69 isset :: (Sem Val) -> Sem [Int]
70 isset s = s >>= either (\_->fail "Expected Set, got Elem") pure
72 iselem :: (Sem Val) -> Sem Int
73 iselem s = s >>= either pure (\_->fail "Expected Elem, got Set")
75 evalExpr :: Expression -> Sem Val
76 evalExpr (New s) = pure $ Right s
77 evalExpr (Elem i) = pure $ Left i
78 evalExpr (Variable i) = read i
79 evalExpr (Size s) = isset (evalExpr s) >>= pure o Left o length
80 evalExpr (l +. r) = evalExpr l >>= \x->evalExpr r >>= \y->case (x, y) of
81 (Left x, Left y) = pure $ Left (x + y)
82 (Left x, Right y) = pure $ Right $ 'List'.union [x] y
83 (Right x, Left y) = pure $ Right $ 'List'.union x [y]
84 (Right x, Right y) = pure $ Right $ 'List'.union x y
85 evalExpr (l -. r) = evalExpr l >>= \x->evalExpr r >>= \y->case (x, y) of
86 (Left x, Left y) = pure $ Left (x - y)
87 (Left x, Right y) = fail "Elem -. Set is illegal"
88 (Right x, Left y) = pure $ Right $ 'List'.intersect x [y]
89 (Right x, Right y) = pure $ Right $ 'List'.intersect x y
90 evalExpr (l *. r) = evalExpr l >>= \x->evalExpr r >>= \y->case (x, y) of
91 (Left x, Left y) = pure $ Left (x * y)
92 (Left x, Right y) = pure $ Right [x*y\\y<-y]
93 (Right x, Left y) = fail "Set *. Elem is illegal"
94 (Right x, Right y) = pure $ Right $ 'List'.intersect x y
95 evalExpr (v =. b) = evalExpr b >>= store v
97 evalLogic :: Logical -> Sem Bool
98 evalLogic TRUE = pure True
99 evalLogic FALSE = pure False
100 evalLogic (e In s) = liftM2 'List'.elem (iselem (evalExpr e)) (isset (evalExpr s))
101 evalLogic (e1 ==. e2) = liftM2 (===) (evalExpr e1) (evalExpr e2)
102 evalLogic (e1 <=. e2) = evalExpr e1 >>= \x->evalExpr e2 >>= \y->case (x, y) of
103 (Left e1, Left e2) = pure $ e1 < e2
104 (Left e1, Right e2) = pure $ True
105 (Right e1, Left e2) = pure $ False
106 (Right e1, Right e2) = pure $ length e1 < length e2
107 evalLogic (Not l) = not <$> evalLogic l
108 evalLogic (l1 ||. l2) = liftM2 (||) (evalLogic l1) (evalLogic l2)
109 evalLogic (l1 &&. l2) = liftM2 (&&) (evalLogic l1) (evalLogic l2)
111 evalStmt :: Stmt -> Sem ()
112 evalStmt (Expression e) = evalExpr e >>| pure ()
113 evalStmt (Logical l) = evalLogic l >>| pure ()
114 evalStmt (For i e s) = (evalExpr e >>= store i) *> evalStmt s
115 evalStmt (If l s1 s2) = evalLogic l >>= \b->if b (evalStmt s1) (evalStmt s2)
117 printExpr :: Expression [String] -> [String]
118 printExpr (New s) c = ["[":'List'.intersperse "," $ map toString s] ++ ["]":c]
119 printExpr (Elem i) c = [toString i:c]
120 printExpr (Variable i) c = [i:c]
121 printExpr (Size s) c = ["size(":printExpr s [")":c]]
122 printExpr (l +. r) c = ["(":printExpr l ["+.":printExpr r [")":c]]]
123 printExpr (l -. r) c = ["(":printExpr l ["-.":printExpr r [")":c]]]
124 printExpr (l *. r) c = ["(":printExpr l ["*.":printExpr r [")":c]]]
125 printExpr (l =. r) c = [l,"=.":printExpr r c]
127 printLogic :: Logical [String] -> [String]
128 printLogic TRUE c = ["True":c]
129 printLogic FALSE c = ["False":c]
130 printLogic (e In s) c = printExpr e [" in ":printExpr s c]
131 printLogic (e1 ==. e2) c = ["(":printExpr e1 ["==.":printExpr e2 [")":c]]]
132 printLogic (e1 <=. e2) c = ["(":printExpr e1 ["<=.":printExpr e2 [")":c]]]
133 printLogic (Not l) c = ["not (":printLogic l [")":c]]
134 printLogic (l1 ||. l2) c = ["(":printLogic l1 ["||.":printLogic l2 [")":c]]]
135 printLogic (l1 &&. l2) c = ["(":printLogic l1 ["&&.":printLogic l2 [")":c]]]
137 printStmt :: Stmt [String] -> [String]
138 printStmt (Expression e) c = printExpr e c
139 printStmt (Logical l) c = printLogic l c
140 printStmt (For i e s) c = ["For ",i,"=":printExpr e ["in":printStmt s ["Rof":c]]]
141 printStmt (If l s1 s2) c = ["If":printLogic l ["then":printStmt s1 ["else":printStmt s2 ["Fi":c]]]]
143 // === simulation
144 stateShared :: Shared SemState
145 stateShared = sharedStore "sharedSemState" 'Map'.newMap
147 derive class iTask Expression, Logical, Stmt
149 main :: Task SemState
150 main = 'iTasks'.forever $
151 enterInformation "Enter a statement" []
152 -|| viewSharedInformation "Old state" [ViewAs printState] stateShared
153 >&^ viewSharedInformation "Print" [ViewAs viewer]
154 >&> viewSharedInformation "New state" [ViewAs $ fmap printState] o mapRead evaler o ((>*<) stateShared)
155 >>* [OnAction (Action "Execute") $ ifValue (\e->e=:(Right _)) $ \(Right s)->set s stateShared]
156 where
157 viewer = maybe
158 "No expression selected"
159 ('Text'.join " " o flip printStmt [])
160 evaler (s, t) = maybe
161 (Left "No expression selected")
162 (\e->execStateT (evalStmt e) s) t
163 printState m = [k +++ "=" +++ toSingleLineText v\\(k,v)<-'Map'.toList m]
165 Start w = doTasks main w