small update
[msc-thesis1617.git] / appendix-planning.tex
1 \begin{table}[ht]
2 \centering
3 \begin{tabular}{lll}
4 \toprule
5 Date & Activities\\
6 \midrule
7 \multicolumn{2}{c}{Internship}\\
8 \midrule
9 7 September & Kickoff for the research internship\\
10 30 Januari & Presented internship work\\
11 1 Februari & Final internship review handed in, started with thesis\\
12 \midrule
13 \multicolumn{2}{c}{Past thesis work}\\
14 \midrule
15 2 Februari & Adapt code to work with \texttt{ui-reorg} branch\\
16 9 Februari & Integrated system with iTasks admin like interface\\
17 19 Februari & Modularize devices, shares and tasks\\
18 26 Februari & Task deletion and acknowledgements\\
19 3 March & Fix shares.\\
20 7 March & Rewrite \gls{mTask} backend with a \texttt{RWS}.\\
21 12 March & Try to store shares as dynamic.\\
22 13 March & Make share values existential.\\
23 15 March & Device handshakes and device deletion fixed\\
24 20 March & Clean up interfaces with \texttt{ifdefs}.\\
25 21 March & Add share update and polish up demo.\\
26 22 March & Trip to Den Helder\\
27 31 March & Proposed planning submitted\\
28 \midrule
29 \multicolumn{2}{c}{Future thesis work}\\
30 \midrule
31 3-9 April & Dynamic task and share allocation, NodeMCU support\\
32 10-16 April & Functions, finish up dynamic allocation\\
33 17-23 April & Not much, my wedding\\
34 24-30 April & Start writing introduction and literatu embedding.\\
35 & Use real shares and share shares between tasks\\
36 1-7 May & Have hardware for demo working\\
37 8-14 May & Introduction done\\
38 15-21 May & Method section done\\
39 22-28 May & Demo done\\
40 29 May - 4 June & Results and discussion done\\
41 5-11 June & Preliminary thesis version finished\\
42 12-18 June & Polish demo and thesis\\
43 19-25 June & Finished demo and thesis\\
44 26 June & Finished\\
45 \bottomrule
46 \end{tabular}
47 \caption{Preliminary planning}
48 \end{table}