add appendix and protocol
[msc-thesis1617.git] / appendix-protocol.tex
1 \section{Server to Client}
2 Messages are delimited by newlines to make processing by line based devices
3 more easy.
4 \todo{Handshake}
5 \begin{table}[ht]
6 \centering
7 \begin{tabular}{ll}
8 \toprule
9 byte & value\\
10 \midrule
11 1 & \texttt{'t'}\\
12 2,3 & interval\\
13 4,5 & length (\texttt{n})\\
14 6 to n+6 & bytecode\\
15 \bottomrule
16 \end{tabular}
17 \caption{Send a task}
18 \end{table}
20 \begin{table}[ht]
21 \centering
22 \begin{tabular}{ll}
23 \toprule
24 byte & meaning\\
25 \midrule
26 1 & \texttt{'d'}\\
27 2,3 & task id\\
28 \bottomrule
29 \end{tabular}
30 \caption{Delete a task}
31 \end{table}
33 \begin{table}[ht]
34 \centering
35 \begin{tabular}{ll}
36 \toprule
37 byte & meaning\\
38 \midrule
39 1 & \texttt{'s'}\\
40 2,3 & identifier\\
41 4,5 & value\\
42 \bottomrule
43 \end{tabular}
44 \caption{Send an SDS specification}
45 \end{table}
47 \begin{table}[ht]
48 \centering
49 \begin{tabular}{ll}
50 \toprule
51 byte & meaning\\
52 \midrule
53 1 & \texttt{'u'}\\
54 2,3 & sdsid\\
55 4,5 & value\\
56 \bottomrule
57 \end{tabular}
58 \caption{SDS update}
59 \end{table}
61 \section{Client to Server}
62 \todo{Handshake reply}
63 \begin{table}[ht]
64 \centering
65 \begin{tabular}{ll}
66 \toprule
67 byte & value\\
68 \midrule
69 1 & \texttt{'t'}\\
70 2,3 & task id\\
71 \bottomrule
72 \end{tabular}
73 \caption{Task acknowledgement}
74 \end{table}
76 \begin{table}[ht]
77 \centering
78 \begin{tabular}{ll}
79 \toprule
80 byte & value\\
81 \midrule
82 1 & \texttt{'u'}\\
83 2,3 & SDS id\\
84 4,5 & value\\
85 \bottomrule
86 \end{tabular}
87 \caption{SDS publish}
88 \end{table}
90 \todo{SDS acknowledgement}