[phd-thesis.git] / appx / mtask_aux.tex
1 \documentclass[../thesis.tex]{subfiles}
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5 \begin{document}
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7 \chapter{Auxiliary \texorpdfstring{\glsentrytext{MTASK}}{mTask} type classes}%
8 \label{chp:mtask_aux}
9 \lstset{basicstyle=\tt\footnotesize}
10 \section{Peripherals}\label{sec:aux_peripherals}
11 This section shows the peripherals not mentioned in \cref{chp:top4iot}.
12 All constructors use \gls{HOAS} to create a type safe sensor object from a connection specification that can be used to interact with the sensor.
13 The measurement tasks all yield unstable values contaning the measured value.
14 The auxiliary functions such as calibration yield stable values indicating the result.
15 Tasks suffixed with the backtick (\cleaninline{'}) indicate variants for which the timing interval can be specified (see \cref{chp:green_computing_mtask}).
17 \subsection{Air quality sensor}
18 The \gls{MTASK} language supports one type (\emph{CCS811} connected via \gls{I2C}) of air quality sensors that measures \gls{TVOC} (\unit{ppm}) and \gls{ECO2} ($\%$).
19 Besides the constructor and tasks for the measurements there is also a calibration task that can be used to calibrate the sensor from temperature and humidity readings to increase the accuracy.
20 The complete interface is shown in \cref{lst:mtask_aqs}.
22 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_aqs},caption={Air quality sensor interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
23 :: AirQualitySensor // abstract
25 class AirQualitySensor v where
26 airqualitysensor :: I2CAddr ((v AirQualitySensor) -> Main (v a)) -> Main (v a)
27 tvoc` :: (TimingInterval v) (v AirQualitySensor) -> MTask v Int
28 tvoc :: (v AirQualitySensor) -> MTask v Int
29 co2` :: (TimingInterval v) (v AirQualitySensor) -> MTask v Int
30 co2 :: (v AirQualitySensor) -> MTask v Int
31 setEnvironmentalData :: (v AirQualitySensor) (v Real) (v Real) -> MTask v ()
32 setEnvFromDHT :: (v AirQualitySensor) (v DHT) -> MTask v ()
33 \end{lstClean}
35 \subsection{Gesture sensor}
36 The \gls{MTASK} language supports one type (\emph{PAJ7620} connected via \gls{I2C}) of gesture sensors.
37 The \emph{PAJ7620} contains an optical CMOS array that measures the reflection of the on-board \gls{IR} \gls{LED} to detect up to several different gestures.
38 The complete interface containing the constructor and the measurement task is shown in \cref{lst:mtask_gesture}.
40 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_gesture},caption={Gesture sensor interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
41 :: GestureSensor // abstract
42 :: Gesture = GNone | GRight | GLeft | GUp | GDown | GForward | GBackward
43 | GClockwise | GCountClockwise
45 class GestureSensor v where
46 gestureSensor :: I2CAddr ((v GestureSensor) -> Main (v a)) -> Main (v a)
47 gesture` :: (TimingInterval v) (v GestureSensor) -> MTask v Gesture
48 gesture :: (v GestureSensor) -> MTask v Gesture
49 \end{lstClean}
51 \subsection{Light intensity sensor}
52 The \gls{MTASK} language supports one type (\emph{BH1750} connected via \gls{I2C}) of light intensity sensors that measure the light intensity in \unit{lx}.
53 The complete interface containing the constructor and the measurement task is shown in \cref{lst:mtask_light}.
55 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_light},caption={Light intensity sensor interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
56 :: LightSensor // abstract
58 class LightSensor v where
59 lightsensor :: I2CAddr ((v LightSensor) -> Main (v b)) -> Main (v b)
60 light` :: (TimingInterval v) (v LightSensor) -> MTask v Real
61 light :: (v LightSensor) -> MTask v Real
62 \end{lstClean}
64 \subsection{Motion detection sensor}
65 The \gls{MTASK} language supports motion sensing using a \gls{PIR} sensor through a type class that only contains macros.
66 \gls{PIR} sensors detect motion by the \gls{IR} reflection through a number of fresnel lenses and communicates through a digital \gls{GPIO} pin.
67 Therefore, a \gls{PIR} is nothing more than a \cleaninline{DPIN} according to \gls{MTASK} but for uniformity, a type class is available (see \cref{lst:mtask_pir}).
69 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_pir},caption={\Gls{PIR} sensor interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
70 :: PIR :== DPin
72 class PIR v | step, expr, pinMode v & dio DPin v where
73 PIR :: DPin ((v PIR) -> Main (v b)) -> Main (v b) | expr, step, pinMode v
75 motion` :: (TimingInterval v) (v PIR) -> MTask v Bool
76 motion :: (v PIR) -> MTask v Bool | dio DPin v
77 \end{lstClean}
79 \subsection{Sound detection sensor}
80 The \gls{MTASK} language supports motion sensing using one type of sensor (\emph{SEN-12642}) that outputs either a gate value through a digital \gls{GPIO} pin, the envelope (amplitude) through an analog \gls{GPIO} pin and an audio output.
81 Only the sound level---i.e.\ the envelope---and the sound presence are available in \gls{MTASK} through a type class containing only macros.
82 Therefore, a sound detector is nothing more than a tuple of a \cleaninline{DPin} for the gate value and an \cleaninline{APin} for the envelope (see \cref{lst:mtask_sound}).
84 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_sound},caption={Sound detection sensor interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
85 :: SoundDetector :== (DPin, APin)
87 class SoundDetector v | tupl, expr, pinMode v & dio DPin v
88 where
89 soundDetector :: DPin APin ((v SoundDetector) -> Main (v b)) -> Main (v b)
91 soundPresence` :: (TimingInterval v) (v SoundDetector) -> MTask v Bool
92 soundPresence :: (v SoundDetector) -> MTask v Bool | tupl v & dio DPin v
94 soundLevel` :: (TimingInterval v) (v SoundDetector) -> MTask v Bool
95 soundLevel :: (v SoundDetector) -> MTask v Bool | tupl, aio v
96 \end{lstClean}
98 \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\gls{I2C}}{I\textsuperscript{2}C} buttons}
99 The \gls{MTASK} language supports one type of \gls{I2C} buttons (the \gls{I2C} buttons from the \gls{WEMOS} d1 mini \gls{OLED} shield).
100 The buttons from this shield provide more information than just the status (see \cleaninline{ButtonStatus}).
101 The complete interface containing the constructor and the measurement tasks is shown in \cref{lst:mtask_i2cbutton}.
103 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_i2cbutton},caption={\Gls{I2C} button interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
104 :: I2CButton // abstract
105 :: ButtonStatus = ButtonNone | ButtonPress | ButtonLong | ButtonDouble | ButtonHold
107 class i2cbutton v where
108 i2cbutton :: I2CAddr ((v I2CButton) -> Main (v b)) -> Main (v b) | type b
110 AButton` :: (TimingInterval v) (v I2CButton) -> MTask v ButtonStatus
111 AButton :: (v I2CButton) -> MTask v ButtonStatus
113 BButton` :: (TimingInterval v) (v I2CButton) -> MTask v ButtonStatus
114 BButton :: (v I2CButton) -> MTask v ButtonStatus
115 \end{lstClean}
117 \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\gls{LED}}{LED} matrix}
118 The \gls{MTASK} language supports one type of \gls{LED} matrix (the $8\times8$ \gls{LED} matrix shield for the \gls{WEMOS} d1 mini).
119 Instead of containing a \gls{TOP}-like interface, the \gls{ARDUINO} interface is directly translated to \gls{MTASK}.
120 As a result, every task immediately returns a stable value indicating the result.
121 The complete interface containing the constructor and the interaction tasks is shown in \cref{lst:mtask_ledmatrix}.
123 \begin{lstClean}[label={lst:mtask_ledmatrix},caption={\Gls{LED} matrix interface in \gls{MTASK}.}]
124 :: LEDMatrix // abstract
125 :: LEDMatrixInfo = { dataPin :: Pin, clockPin :: Pin }
127 class LEDMatrix v where
128 ledmatrix :: LEDMatrixInfo ((v LEDMatrix) -> Main (v b)) -> Main (v b) | type b
129 LMDot :: (v LEDMatrix) (v Int) (v Int) (v Bool) -> MTask v ()
130 LMIntensity :: (v LEDMatrix) (v Int) -> MTask v ()
131 LMClear :: (v LEDMatrix) -> MTask v ()
132 LMDisplay :: (v LEDMatrix) -> MTask v ()
133 \end{lstClean}
135 \subsection{Connection types}\label{lst:connection_types}
136 \begin{lstClean}[caption={}]
137 :: TCPSettings =
138 { host :: String
139 //** host name
140 , port :: Int
141 //** port number
142 , pingTimeout :: ?Int
143 //** Require a ping signal every so many seconds
144 }
145 :: MQTTSettings =
146 { host :: String
147 //** Host name
148 , port :: Int
149 //** Port number
150 , mcuId :: String
151 //** Identifier for the device
152 , serverId :: String
153 //** Identifier for the server
154 , auth :: MQTTAuth
155 //** Authentication type
156 }
157 :: TTYSettings = {
158 devicePath :: String,
159 //* Path of the device, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0
160 baudrate :: BaudRate,
161 //* Baudrate
162 bytesize :: ByteSize,
163 //* Parity
164 parity :: Parity,
165 //* stop2bits
166 stop2bits :: Bool,
167 //* xonxoff flow control
168 xonxoff :: Bool,
169 //* Time in seconds to wait after opening the devices. Set this to 2 if you want to connect to a borked arduino
170 sleepTime :: Int
171 }
172 \end{lstClean}
175 \lstset{basicstyle=\tt}
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