[msc-thesis1617.git] / arch.example.tex
1 \subsection{Framework}
2 Systems built with support for \gls{mTask} are often following the same design
3 pattern. First the devices are created --- with or without the interaction of
4 the user --- and they are then connected. When all devices are registered, the
5 \gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} can be sent and \gls{iTasks}-\glspl{Task} can be
6 started to monitor the output. When everything is finished, the devices are
7 removed and the system is shut down.
9 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Clean,label={lst:framework},
10 caption={\gls{mTask} framework for building applications}]
11 w :: Task ()
12 w = makeDevice "dev1" (...) >>= connectDevice
13 >>= \dev1->makeDevice "dev2" (...) >>= connectDevice
14 >>= \dev2->...
15 ...
16 >>* [OnAction (Action "Shutdown") $ always
17 $ deleteDevice dev1 >>| deleteDevice dev2
18 >>| ...
19 >>| shutDown 0
20 ]
21 \end{lstlisting}
23 \subsection{Thermostat}
24 The thermostat is a classic example program for showing interactions between
25 peripherals. The following program shows a system containing two devices. The
26 first device --- the sensor -- contains a temperature sensor that measures the
27 room temperature. The second device --- the actor --- contains a heater,
28 connected to the digital pin \CI{D5}. Moreover, this device contains a led to
29 indicate whether the heater is on. The following code shows an implementation
30 for this. The code fully uses the framework. Note that a little bit of type
31 twiddling is required to fully us the result from the \gls{SDS}. This approach
32 is still type safe due to the type safety of \CI{Dynamic}s.
34 \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Thermostat example}]
35 thermos :: Task ()
36 thermos = makeDevice "nodeM" nodeMCU >>= connectDevice
37 >>= \nod-> makeDevice "stm32" stm32 >>= connectDevice
38 >>= \stm-> sendTaskToDevice "sensing" sensing (nod, OnInterval 1000)
39 >>= \(st, [t])->sendTaskToDevice "acting" acting (stm, OnInterval 1000)
40 (\(BCValue s)->set (BCValue $ dynInt (dynamic s) > 0) (shareShare nod a))
41 >>| treturn ()
42 where
43 dynInt :: Dynamic -> Int
44 dynInt (a :: Int) = a
46 sensing = sds \x=0 In {main=
47 x =. analogRead A0 :. pub x
48 }
49 acting = sds \cool=False In {main=
50 IF cool (ledOn LED1) (ledOff LED1) :.
51 digitalWrite D5 cool
52 }
53 nodeMCU = TCP
54 \end{lstlisting}
56 \subsection[Lifting mTasks to iTasks-Tasks]%
57 {Lifting \gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} to \gls{iTasks}-\glspl{Task}}
58 If the user does not want to know where and when a \gls{mTask} is actually
59 executed and is just interested in the results it can lift the \gls{mTask} to
60 an \gls{iTasks}-\gls{Task}. The function is called with a name, \gls{mTask},
61 device and interval specification and it will return a \gls{Task} that finishes
62 if and only if the \gls{mTask} has returned.
64 \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Lifting \gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} to \gls{iTasks}}]
65 liftmTask :: String (Main (ByteCode () Stmt)) (MTaskDevice, MTaskInterval) -> Task [MTaskShare]
66 liftmTask wta mTask c=:(dev, _)= sendTaskToDevice wta mTask c
67 >>= \(t, shs)->wait "Waiting for mTask to return" (taskRemoved t) (deviceShare dev)
68 >>| viewInformation "Done!" [] ()
69 >>| treturn shs
70 where
71 taskRemoved t d = isNothing $ find (\t1->t1.ident==t.ident) d.deviceTasks
72 \end{lstlisting}
74 The factorial example can then be lifted to a real \gls{iTasks}-\gls{mTask}
75 with the following code:
76 \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Lifting the factorial \gls{Task} to \gls{iTasks}}]
77 factorial :: MTaskDevice -> Task BCValue
78 factorial dev = enterInformation "Factorial of ?" []
79 >>= \fac->liftmTask "fact" (fact fac) (dev, OnInterval 100)
80 @ fromJust o find (\x->x.humanName == "result")
81 @ \s->s.MTaskShare.value
82 where
83 fact i = sds \y=i
84 In namedsds \x=(1 Named "result")
85 In {main = IF (y <=. lit 1)
86 ( pub x :. retrn )
87 ( x =. x *. y :. y =. y -. lit 1 )}
88 \end{lstlisting}
90 \subsection{Heartbeat \& Oxygen Saturation Sensor}
91 As an example, the addition of a new sensor will be demonstrated. The heartbeat
92 and oxygen saturation sensor is a \textsc{PCB} the size of a fingernail with a
93 red \gls{LED} and a light sensor on it. Moreover, it contains an \textsc{I2C}
94 chip to communicate. The company producing the chip provides the programmer
95 with example code for \gls{Arduino} and \textsc{mbed}. So suppose %TODO
96 Adding peripheral is supposedly simple.