[ri1617.git] / architecture / a.tex
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2 \begin{document}
3 \maketitleru[
4 course={Research Intership},
5 righttextheader={Supervisors:},
6 righttext={P.W.M. Koopman\\M.J. Plasmeijers}]
8 \section{Introduction}
9 \input{intro.tex}
11 \section{mTasks}
12 The current implementation of \emph{mTask}s can be used to generate \emph{C}
13 code that will run a mini-taskserver on a microcontroller. This project will
14 strip the original \emph{mTask} of this functionality and embed communication
15 in the system.
17 \section{Microcontroller}
18 Every microcontroller will run the \emph{mTask-engine}. This engine is a
19 program that has two jobs. The first job of the engine is to listen to the
20 \iTasks{} server to which it is connected via one of the aforementioned
21 methods. The \iTasks{} server can send task specifications and SDS
22 specifications to the engine to process. Moreover the \iTasks{} server can send
23 requests for termination of tasks.
25 The second job of the engine is to run the tasks in a round robin fashion.
26 Every task has a frequency of execution and when the task want a turn he will
27 be executed by the engine through interpreting the bytecode. Tasks can change
28 SDS's and therefore the engine also has to keep the \iTasks{} server updated
29 with the changes. The specifics of this are explained in detail later on.
31 \section{Communication}
32 We can divide the communication up into two parts. Communication from the
33 \iTasks{} server to the microcontroller and vice versa. The means of
34 communicating are unimportant, this can be TCP, Serial or any other
35 communication method that sends data in a linear way.
37 \subsection{\iTasks{} $\rightarrow$ microcontroller}
38 The \iTasks{} server can send two types of messages. The first and most
39 important type is sending a new task to the server. Tasks are dynamically sent
40 to the microcontroller, this means that the engine in itself does not do
41 anything without it getting a task first from the server. When a task is sent
42 the microcontroller acknowledges the message by sending the associated task
43 identification number back to the for the server to use in the future.
44 The second task is sending SDS specifications to the engine to tell the engine
45 what type of SDS will be used in the tasks so that it can be allocated. The
46 message structure for sending a task is shown in Table~\ref{tbl:tasksend} and
47 the message of sending an SDS specification is shown in
48 Table~\ref{tbl:sdsspec}.
49 \begin{table}[h]
50 \centering
51 \begin{tabular}{ll}
52 \toprule
53 Bytes & Description\\
54 \midrule
55 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Request}}\\
56 $1$ & Task send code \verb#'t'#\\
57 $2-3$ & Frequency in number of milliseconds as a 16-bit integer\\
58 $4-5$ & Length of the bytecode 16-bit integer\\
59 $n$ & Bytecode for the task\\
60 \midrule
61 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Response}}\\
62 $1$ & Task numeric identification\\
63 \bottomrule
64 \end{tabular}
65 \caption{Message format for sending a task}\label{tbl:tasksend}
66 \end{table}
68 \begin{table}[h]
69 \centering
70 \begin{tabular}{ll}
71 \toprule
72 Bytes & Description\\
73 \midrule
74 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Request}}\\
75 $1$ & SDS send code \verb#'s'#\\
76 $2-3$ & SDS length as a 16-bit integer\\
77 $n$ & Value of the SDS identifier\\
78 \midrule
79 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Response}}\\
80 $1$ & SDS numeric identification\\
81 \bottomrule
82 \end{tabular}
83 \caption{Message format for sending an SDS specification}\label{tbl:sdssend}
84 \end{table}
86 \subsection{Microcontroller $\rightarrow$ \iTasks{}}
87 The only thing the microcontroller has to communicate back with the server is
88 an update of the SDS and a request for an SDS value.
89 Since all SDSs have a numeric identifier the engine can just send a request
90 message with the identifier to the server. A detailed description of the
91 message for sending and receiving SDSs is described in
92 Tables~\ref{tbl:sdssend},~\ref{tbl:sdsrecv}.
94 As said before, publication of SDS values is not done automatically to save
95 bandwidth. Therefore the tasks need to have a way of requesting the latest SDS
96 value and a way of publishing an updated value. This is elaborated more upon in
97 the next section.
99 \begin{table}[h]
100 \centering
101 \begin{tabular}{ll}
102 \toprule
103 Bytes & Description\\
104 \midrule
105 $1$ & SDS send code \verb#'s'#\\
106 $2-3$ & SDS identifier as a 16-bit integer\\
107 $4-5$ & Length of the message 16-bit integer\\
108 $n$ & Value of the SDS identifier\\
109 \bottomrule
110 \end{tabular}
111 \caption{Message format for a SDS-send operation}\label{tbl:sdssend}
112 \end{table}
114 \begin{table}[h]
115 \centering
116 \begin{tabular}{ll}
117 \toprule
118 Bytes & Description\\
119 \midrule
120 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Request}}\\
121 $1$ & SDS send code \verb#'r'#\\
122 $2-3$ & SDS identifier as a 16-bit integer\\
123 \midrule
124 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Response}}\\
125 $1-2$ & Length of the message as a 16-bit integer\\
126 $n$ & Value of the SDS\\
127 \bottomrule
128 \end{tabular}
129 \caption{Message format for a SDS-receive operation}\label{tbl:sdsrecv}
130 \end{table}
132 \section{Improvements and future research}
133 In the current implementation the number of possible tasks that can run
134 simultaneously is fixed. A future project can implement dynamic task allocation
135 and garbage collection that is then needed. Since memory is scarce on a
136 microcontroller the program can not go and \verb#malloc# all the time to
137 allocate new memory on the heap for the tasks. Over time this will cause
138 fragmentation and eventually the program will run out of memory. A solution for
139 this could be to let the engine handle the memory management and reorder and
140 defragment the tasks on demand.
142 Another improvement could be the task scheduling. At the moment all tasks get
143 one slice in which they are executed as a whole. Because of this the use of
144 loops is not possible since a loop will block the entire program. A possible
145 solution for this is to give different stack and program pointers to each task
146 and save them separately. In this way the interpreter can slice the programs
147 and pause one to let another run and through this it will be possible to add
148 loops to the DSL and make the DSL even more imperative like.
150 \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
151 \bibliography{a}
152 \end{document}