[ri1617.git] / architecture / a.tex
1 %&a
2 \begin{document}
3 \maketitleru[
4 course={Research Intership},
5 righttextheader={Supervisors:},
6 righttext={P.W.M. Koopman\\M.J. Plasmeijers}]
8 \listoftodos[Todo]
9 \tableofcontents
11 \section{Introduction}
12 \input{intro.tex}
14 \section{mTasks}
15 \input{mtasks.tex}
17 \section{Architecture}
18 \subsection{Microcontroller}
19 \input{microcontroller.tex}
21 \subsection{Bytecode specification}
22 \todo{Bytecode specificatie}
24 \subsection{Communication}
25 We can divide the communication up into two parts. Communication from the
26 \iTasks{} server to the microcontroller and vice versa. The means of
27 communicating are unimportant, this can be TCP, Serial or any other
28 communication method that sends data in a linear way.
30 \subsubsection{\iTasks{} $\rightarrow$ microcontroller}
31 \input{commim.tex}
33 \subsubsection{Microcontroller $\rightarrow$ \iTasks{}}
34 \input{commmi.tex}
36 \subsection{\iTasks{} task}
37 \input{itasks.tex}
39 \section{Conclusion}
40 \input{conclusion.tex}
42 \section{Improvements and future research}
43 In the current implementation the number of possible tasks that can run
44 simultaneously is fixed. A future project can implement dynamic task allocation
45 and garbage collection that is then needed. Since memory is scarce on a
46 microcontroller the program can not go and \verb#malloc# all the time to
47 allocate new memory on the heap for the tasks. Over time this will cause
48 fragmentation and eventually the program will run out of memory. A solution for
49 this could be to let the engine handle the memory management and reorder and
50 defragment the tasks on demand.
52 Another improvement could be the task scheduling. At the moment all tasks get
53 one slice in which they are executed as a whole. Because of this the use of
54 loops is not possible since a loop will block the entire program. A possible
55 solution for this is to give different stack and program pointers to each task
56 and save them separately. In this way the interpreter can slice the programs
57 and pause one to let another run and through this it will be possible to add
58 loops to the DSL and make the DSL even more imperative like.
60 \todo{Iets over task return values}
62 \todo{Iets over task combinators}
64 \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
65 \bibliography{a}
66 \end{document}