restructure repository, add literature review
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1 %&asr
2 \usepackage[toc,nonumberlist,acronyms]{glossaries}
3 \makeglossaries%
4 \newacronym{ANN}{ANN}{Artificial Neural Network}
5 \newacronym{HMM}{HMM}{Hidden Markov Model}
6 \newacronym{GMM}{GMM}{Gaussian Mixture Models}
7 \newacronym{DHMM}{DHMM}{Duration-explicit \acrlong{HMM}}
8 \newacronym{HTK}{HTK}{\acrlong{HMM} Toolkit}
9 \newacronym{FA}{FA}{Forced alignment}
10 \newacronym{MFC}{MFC}{Mel-frequency cepstrum}
11 \newacronym{MFCC}{MFCC}{\acrlong{MFC} coefficient}
12 \newacronym{PPF}{PPF}{Posterior Probability Features}
13 \newacronym{MLP}{MLP}{Multi-layer Perceptron}
14 \newacronym{PLP}{PLP}{Perceptual Linear Prediction}
15 \newacronym{ZCR}{ZCR}{Zero-crossing Rate}
16 \newacronym{LPC}{LPC}{Linear Prediction Coefficients}
17 \newacronym{LPCC}{LPCC}{\acrlong{LPC} derivec cepstrum}
18 \newacronym{IFPI}{IFPI}{International Federation of the Phonographic Industry}
19 \newglossaryentry{dm}{name={Death Metal},
20 description={is an extreme heavy metal music style with growling vocals and
21 pounding drums}}
22 \newglossaryentry{dom}{name={Doom Metal},
23 description={is an extreme heavy metal music style with growling vocals and
24 pounding drums played very slowly}}
25 \newglossaryentry{FT}{name={Fourier Transform},
26 description={is a technique of converting a time representation signal to a
27 frequency representation}}
28 \newglossaryentry{MS}{name={Mel-Scale},
29 description={is a human ear inspired scale for spectral signals.}}
30 \newglossaryentry{Viterbi}{name={Viterbi},
31 description={is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely
32 sequence of hidden states in a \gls{HMM}}}
34 \begin{document}
35 \frontmatter{}
37 \maketitleru[
38 course={(Automatic) Speech Recognition},
39 institute={Radboud University Nijmegen},
40 authorstext={Author:},
41 pagenr=1]
42 \listoftodos[Todo]
44 \tableofcontents
46 \mainmatter{}
47 %Berenzweig and Ellis use acoustic classifiers from speech recognition as a
48 %detector for singing lines. They achive 80\% accuracy for forty 15 second
49 %exerpts. They mention people that wrote signal features that discriminate
50 %between speech and music. Neural net
51 %\glspl{HMM}~\cite{berenzweig_locating_2001}.
52 %
53 %In 2014 Dzhambazov et al.\ applied state of the art segmentation methods to
54 %polyphonic turkish music, this might be interesting to use for heavy metal.
55 %They mention Fujihara (2011) to have a similar \gls{FA} system. This method uses
56 %phone level segmentation, first 12 \gls{MFCC}s. They first do vocal/non-vocal
57 %detection, then melody extraction, then alignment. They compare results with
58 %Mesaros \& Virtanen, 2008~\cite{dzhambazov_automatic_2014}. Later they
59 %specialize in long syllables in a capella. They use \glspl{DHMM} with
60 %\glspl{GMM} and show that adding knowledge increases alignment (bejing opera
61 %has long syllables)~\cite{dzhambazov_automatic_2016}.
62 %
65 %Introduction, leading to a clearly defined research question
66 \chapter{Introduction}
67 \input{intro.tex}
69 \chapter{Methods}
70 \input{methods.tex}
72 \chapter{Conclusion \& Discussion}
73 \input{conclusion.tex}
75 %(Appendices)
76 \appendix
77 \input{appendices.tex}
79 \newpage
80 %Glossaries
81 \glsaddall{}
82 \begingroup
83 \let\clearpage\relax
84 \let\cleardoublepage\relax
85 \printglossaries{}
86 \endgroup
88 \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
89 \bibliography{asr}
90 \end{document}