[sws1-1415.git] / ass5a / mart / sws1-assignment5-s4109503-s4202015 / exercise1b
1 You will get root by entiring a password of which the sha256 hash is:
2 7597f68c1c45b11ade48a8d0b3e1db1cecbe2d
4 However. There are several variables declared
5 buf: array of 20 characters for holding our input
6 ok: integer that stores to which function we jump
7 i: integer used to loop through the buffer to clear it initially
9 ok is allocated 28 bytes after buffer. When okay is non-falsey we will gain
10 'root access' so putting any non-null byte there will make us gain root. So an
11 input of 29 characters where the last characters is not null will give you
12 root. For example:
13 11111111111111111111111111111