[phd-thesis.git] / back / acknowledgements.tex
1 \documentclass[../thesis.tex]{subfiles}
3 \input{subfilepreamble}
5 \begin{document}
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7 \ifSubfilesClassLoaded{\chapter*{Acknowledgements}}{\chapter{Acknowledgements}}%
8 \label{chp:acknowledgements}
9 %\begin{center}
10 \noindent%
11 While the research and writing carried out for this thesis was mostly done by me, it could not have been done without the support of many others.
13 First of all I would like to thank Rinus Plasmeijer, Pieter Koopman, and Jan Martin Jansen for the supervision, I learned a lot from you, not only regarding academia but in many other aspects of life as well.
14 The BEST people, Adrian Ramsingh, Jeremy Singer, and Phil Trinder for the fruitful collaboration, and the memorable trip to Glasgow.
15 The \glsxtrshort{CEFP}/SusTrainable group, for offering a platform for the various summer schools I had the opportunity to teach; and not to mention the countless meetings, dinners, and drinks we had.
16 The Royal Dutch Navy, in particular Teun de Groot and Ton van Heusden, for trusting me by funding the project.
17 All the colleagues and others that I had the privilege of sharing an office with, meeting in conferences, interact with in the department, or work with in some other way:
18 Arjan Oortgiese,
19 Bas Lijnse,
20 Ellie Kimenai,
21 Fok Bolderheij,
22 Hans-Nikolai Vie\ss{}mann,
23 Ingrid Berenbroek,
24 John van Groningen,
25 Jurri\"en Stutterheim,
26 László Domoslai,
27 Marie-José van Diem,
28 Markus Klinik,
29 Peter Achten,
30 Ralf Hinze,
31 Simone Meeuwsen,
32 Sjaak Smetsers,
33 Steffen Michels,
34 Sven-Bodo Scholz,
35 Tim Steenvoorden.
36 %
37 The many students that allowed me to (co) supervise them in their theses:
38 Arjen Nederveen,
39 Colin de Roos,
40 Dave Artz,
41 Elina Antonova
42 Erin van der Veen,
43 Gijs Alberts,
44 Haye B\"ohm,
45 Matheus Amazonas Cabral de Andrade,
46 Michel de Boer,
47 Sjoerd Crooijmans,
48 Willem de Vos.
50 I give special thanks to my mentors who never stopped having faith me:
51 Jos Baack, Francisco Torreira, Franc Grootjen, Louis Vuurpijl, and Larry Caruthers.
53 And of course my friends and acquaintances that supported me throughout the process.
54 Pieter Wolfert and Anouk Neerincx;
55 Chris Kamphuis and Maudy Bijen;
56 Koen Dercksen and Michelle Everard;
57 Jules Kruijswijk en Nadia Klijn;
58 George Gregoire;
59 \selectlanguage{russian}Александер Барков\selectlanguage{british};
60 Tim Hirschler;
61 Emma Lindahl;
62 Truman Crandell;
63 Annerieke Wessels;
64 Camil Staps.
66 \selectlanguage{dutch}
67 Als laatste wil ik diegene bedanken die het dichtst bij mij staan.
68 Elvira, Rosalie en Liselotte voor hun tomeloze geduld en ondersteuning wanneer dat nodig was.
69 Mijn ouders in het bijzonder voor hun liefde en vertrouwen.
70 Mijn oma, broers, schoonfamilie en alle andere familieleden die op wat voor manier dan ook bijgedragen hebben.
71 \selectlanguage{british}
73 %\end{center}
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