[phd-thesis.git] / back / summary.tex
1 \documentclass[../thesis.tex]{subfiles}
3 \input{subfilepreamble}
5 \begin{document}
6 \input{subfileprefix}
7 \chapter{Summary}%
8 \label{chp:summary}
9 %\begin{center}
10 \noindent%
11 The amount of computers around us is growing exponentially.
12 With it, the systems in which they operate are becoming more and more complex.
13 Many of these computers are so called \emph{edge devices}.
14 For a special class of systems, \glsxtrlong{IOT} systems, they perform the interaction with the world.
15 Powered by microcontrollers, these specialised computers have little memory, slow processors, and support slow communication methods.
16 On the other hand, they are also cheap, tiny, consume little energy, and can easily equipped with various sensors and actuators.
18 There is a great variety within edge devices but also between edge devices and more conventional computers.
19 However, they do have to communicate with the conventional computers.
20 This results in semantic friction, an impedance mismatch.
21 Developing and maintaining such systems is expensive and error prone.
23 This is a summary of 350--400 words.
24 %\end{center}
25 \input{subfilepostamble}
26 \end{document}