[minfp.git] / check.icl
1 implementation module check
3 import StdEnv
5 import Data.Either
6 import Data.List
7 import Data.Functor
8 import Data.Func
9 import Data.Maybe
10 import Data.Tuple
11 import Control.Monad
12 import Control.Monad.Trans
13 import Control.Monad.State
15 import qualified Data.Map
16 from Data.Map import instance Functor (Map k)
18 import ast
20 import StdDebug
21 check :: [Function] -> Either [String] Expression
22 check fs
23 # dups = filter (\x->length x > 1) (groupBy (\(Function i _ _) (Function j _ _)->i == j) fs)
24 | length dups > 0 = Left ["Duplicate functions: ":[toString n\\[(Function n _ _):_]<-dups]]
25 = case partition (\a->a=:(Function ['start'] _ _)) fs of
26 ([], _) = Left ["No start function defined"]
27 ([Function _ [] e], fs)
28 # e = foldr (\(Function i a e)->Let i a e) e fs
29 = case runInfer (infer 'Data.Map'.newMap e) of
30 Left e = Left e
31 Right s
32 = Left [printToString s]
33 ([Function _ _ _], _) = Left ["Start cannot have arguments"]
35 import Text.GenPrint
36 derive gPrint Scheme, Type
38 //Polytypes
39 :: Scheme = Forall [[Char]] Type
40 :: TypeEnv :== 'Data.Map'.Map [Char] Scheme
41 :: Subst :== 'Data.Map'.Map [Char] Type
42 nullSubst = 'Data.Map'.newMap
44 :: Infer a :== StateT [Int] (Either [String]) a
45 runInfer :: (Infer (Subst, Type)) -> Either [String] Scheme
46 runInfer i = uncurry closeOver <$> evalStateT i [0..]
47 where
48 closeOver :: Subst Type -> Scheme
49 closeOver sub ty = normalize (generalize 'Data.Map'.newMap (apply sub ty))
51 normalize :: Scheme -> Scheme
52 normalize i = i
53 // normalize (Forall ts body) = Forall (snd <$> ord) (normtype body)
54 // where
55 // ord = zip2 (removeDup $ fv body) (fmap letters)
56 //
57 // fv (TVar a) = [a]
58 // fv (TFun a b) = fv a ++ fv b
59 // fv _ = []
60 //
61 // normtype (TFun a b) = TFun (normtype a) (normtype b)
62 // normtype (TCon a) = TCon a
63 // normtype (TVar a) =
64 // case lookup a ord of
65 // Just x = TVar x
66 // Nothing = Left ["type variable not in signature"]
68 fresh :: Infer Type
69 fresh = getState >>= \[s:ss]->put ss >>| pure (TVar (['v':[c\\c<-:toString s]]))
71 compose :: Subst Subst -> Subst
72 compose s1 s2 = 'Data.Map'.union (apply s1 <$> s2) s1
74 class Substitutable a where
75 apply :: Subst a -> a
76 ftv :: a -> [[Char]]
78 instance Substitutable Type where
79 apply s t=:(TVar v) = 'Data.Map'.findWithDefault t v s
80 apply s (TFun t1 t2) = on TFun (apply s) t1 t2
81 apply _ x = x
83 ftv (TVar v) = [v]
84 ftv (TFun t1 t2) = on union ftv t1 t2
85 ftv _ = []
87 instance Substitutable Scheme where
88 apply s (Forall as t) = Forall as $ apply (foldr 'Data.Map'.del s as) t
89 ftv (Forall as t) = difference (ftv t) (removeDup as)
91 instance Substitutable TypeEnv where
92 apply s env = apply s <$> env
93 ftv env = ftv ('Data.Map'.elems env)
95 instance Substitutable [a] | Substitutable a where
96 apply s l = apply s <$> l
97 ftv t = foldr (union o ftv) [] t
99 occursCheck :: [Char] -> (a -> Bool) | Substitutable a
100 occursCheck a = isMember a o ftv
102 unify :: Type Type -> Infer Subst
103 unify (TFun l r) (TFun l` r`)
104 = unify l l`
105 >>= \s1->on unify (apply s1) r r`
106 >>= \s2->pure (compose s1 s2)
107 unify (TVar a) t = bind a t
108 unify t (TVar a) = bind a t
109 unify TInt TInt = pure nullSubst
110 unify TBool TBool = pure nullSubst
111 unify t1 t2 = liftT (Left ["Cannot unify: ", toString t1, " with ", toString t2])
113 bind :: [Char] Type -> Infer Subst
114 bind a (TVar t) | a == t = pure nullSubst
115 bind a t
116 | occursCheck a t = liftT (Left ["Infinite type: ", toString a, " and ", toString t])
117 = pure ('Data.Map'.singleton a t)
119 instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type
120 instantiate (Forall as t)
121 = sequence [fresh\\_<-as]
122 >>= \as`->pure (apply ('Data.Map'.fromList $ zip2 as as`) t)
124 generalize :: TypeEnv Type -> Scheme
125 generalize env t = Forall (difference (ftv t) (ftv env)) t
127 infer :: TypeEnv Expression -> Infer (Subst, Type)
128 infer env (Lit (Int _)) = pure (nullSubst, TInt)
129 infer env (Lit (Bool _)) = pure (nullSubst, TBool)
130 infer env (Var x) = case 'Data.Map'.get x env of
131 Nothing = liftT (Left ["Unbound variable: ", toString x])
132 Just s = tuple nullSubst <$> instantiate s
133 infer env (App e1 e2)
134 = fresh
135 >>= \tv-> infer env e1
136 >>= \(s1, t1)->infer (apply s1 env) e2
137 >>= \(s2, t2)->unify (apply s2 t1) (TFun t2 tv)
138 >>= \s3-> pure (compose (compose s3 s2) s1, apply s3 tv)
139 infer env (Lambda x b)
140 = fresh
141 >>= \tv-> infer ('Data.Map'.put x (Forall [] tv) env) b
142 >>= \(s1, t1)->pure (s1, TFun (apply s1 tv) t1)
143 infer env (Builtin c a) = undef
144 infer env (Let i args e b) = undef