update old modules and use newer versions of slstatus
[dotfiles.git] / clean / .local / bin / install_clean.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
4 if [ $# -ne 1 ]
5 then
6 echo "Usage: $0 [x86|x64]"
7 exit 1
8 fi
10 DISTRO="https://ftp.cs.ru.nl/Clean/builds/linux-$1/clean-bundle-complete-linux-$1-latest.tgz"
11 TAGS="https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/cloogle/cloogle-tags/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/cloogletags?job=build"
12 CLMMAN="https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/clean-and-itasks/clm/raw/master/clm.1"
13 CP2CG="https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/clean-and-itasks/cleanprof2callgrind/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/cleanprof2callgrind?job=test"
14 CLEAN_HOME="/opt/clean-$1"
16 echo "Cleaning up the old distro"
17 rm -rf "$CLEAN_HOME"/*
18 mkdir -p "$CLEAN_HOME"
19 echo "Downloading clean"
20 curl -sSL "$DISTRO" | tar -C "$CLEAN_HOME" --strip-components=1 -xz
21 echo "Installing manpages"
22 mkdir -p ~/.local/man/man1
23 curl -sSLo ~/.local/man/man1/clm.1 "$CLMMAN"
24 echo "Downloading cleanprof2callgrind"
25 curl -sSLo "$CLEAN_HOME/bin/cleanprof2callgrind" "$CP2CG"
26 chmod +x "$CLEAN_HOME"/bin/cleanprof2callgrind
27 echo "Downloading cloogletags"
28 curl -sSLo "$CLEAN_HOME"/bin/cloogletags "$TAGS"
29 chmod +x "$CLEAN_HOME"/bin/cloogletags
30 echo "Generating tags"
31 cloogletags -a -c -d "$CLEAN_HOME"/lib -o "$CLEAN_HOME"/lib/tags 2>/dev/null