[msc-thesis1617.git] / conclusion.conclusion.tex
1 This thesis introduces a novel system for adding \gls{IoT} functionality to
2 the \gls{TOP} implementation \gls{iTasks}. A new view for the existing
3 \gls{mTask}-\gls{EDSL} has been created which compiles the program
4 into bytecode that can be interpreted by a client. Clients have
5 been written for several microcontrollers and consumer architectures which can
6 be connected through various means of communication such as serial port,
7 wifi and wired network communication. The bytecode on the devices is
8 interpreted using a stack machine and provides the programmer with interfaces
9 to the peripherals. The semantics for \gls{mTask} try to resemble the
10 \gls{iTasks} semantics as close as possible.
12 The host language has a proven efficient compiler and code generator. The
13 compilation is linear in the amount of instructions generated and is therefore
14 also scalable. Moreover, compiling \glspl{Task} is fast because it is nothing
15 more than running some functions native to the host language and there is no
16 intermediate \gls{AST}.
18 The dynamic nature of the client allows the microcontroller to be programmed
19 once and used many times. The program memory of microcontrollers often
20 guarantees around $10.000$ write or upload cycles and therefore existing
21 techniques such as generating \gls{C} code are not suitable for dynamic
22 \gls{Task} environments. The dynamic nature also allows the programmer to
23 design fail-over mechanisms. When a device is assigned a \gls{Task} but another
24 device suddenly becomes unusable, the \gls{iTasks} system can reassign a new
25 \gls{mTask}-\gls{Task} to another device that is also suitable for running the
26 \gls{Task} without needing to recompile the code.