quasiquoting for patterns
[clean-tests.git] / datatype / Language / Quote.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
5 module Language.Quote where
7 import Data.Char
8 import Data.List
9 import Debug.Trace
11 import Control.Applicative
12 import Control.Monad
13 import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
14 import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
15 import Language.Haskell.TH
17 import Language
18 import Language.GenDSL
20 cp :: QuasiQuoter
21 cp = QuasiQuoter
22 { quoteExp = quoteCPExp
23 , quotePat = undefined
24 , quoteType = undefined
25 , quoteDec = undefined
26 }
28 appFst f (a, b) = (f a, b)
30 newtype Parser t a = Parser {runParser :: [t] -> Maybe (a, [t])}
31 instance Functor (Parser t) where
32 fmap f m = Parser $ fmap (appFst f) . runParser m
33 instance Applicative (Parser t) where
34 pure a = Parser $ Just . (a,)
35 l <*> r = Parser $ \ts->runParser l ts >>= \(a, ts')->runParser r ts' >>= \(b, ts'')->pure (a b, ts'')
36 instance Monad (Parser t) where
37 ma >>= a2mb = Parser $ \ts->runParser ma ts >>= \(a, ts')->runParser (a2mb a) ts'
38 instance Alternative (Parser t) where
39 empty = Parser $ \_->Nothing
40 l <|> r = Parser $ \ts->runParser l ts <|> runParser r ts
42 pTop :: Parser t t
43 pTop = Parser uncons
45 pFail :: Parser t a
46 pFail = Parser $ \_->Nothing
48 pSatisfy :: (t -> Bool) -> Parser t t
49 pSatisfy pred = pTop >>= \v->if pred v then pure v else pFail
51 pToken :: Eq t => t -> Parser t t
52 pToken t = pSatisfy (t==)
54 pChainl :: Parser t (a -> a -> a) -> Parser t a -> Parser t a
55 pChainl op p = foldl (flip ($)) <$> p <*> many (flip <$> op <*> p)
57 pChainr :: Parser t (a -> a -> a) -> Parser t a -> Parser t a
58 pChainr op p = flip ($) <$> p <*> (flip <$> op <*> pChainr op p) <|> p
60 pNonfix :: Parser t (a -> a -> a) -> Parser t a -> Parser t a
61 pNonfix op p = (\l op r->l `op` r) <$> p <*> op <*> p <|> p
63 pSepBy :: Parser t s -> Parser t a -> Parser t [a]
64 pSepBy sep el = (:) <$> el <*> many (sep *> el) <|> pure []
66 pBrack :: Parser String s -> Parser String s
67 pBrack p = pToken "(" *> p <* pToken ")"
69 pCase :: Parser String Exp
70 pCase = mkCase <$ pToken "case" <*> pExp <* pToken "of" <*> some pCaseMatch
71 where
72 mkCase :: Exp -> [(Pat, Exp)] -> Exp
73 mkCase name cases = foldr (uncurry mkCaseMatch) (VarE (mkName "bottom") `AppE` LitE (StringL "Exhausted case")) cases
74 where
75 mkCaseMatch :: Pat -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
76 mkCaseMatch (VarP v) e _ = LetE [FunD v [Clause [] (NormalB name) []]] e
77 mkCaseMatch WildP e _ = e
78 mkCaseMatch (ConP consName fields) e rest
79 = VarE (mkName "if'")
80 `AppE` (VarE (mkName $ "is" ++ stringName consName) `AppE` name) --Predicate
81 `AppE` LetE [mkFieldMatch idx f | f <- fields | idx <- [0..]] e
82 `AppE` rest
83 where
84 mkFieldMatch idx (VarP v) = FunD v [Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE (selectorName $ mkName $ stringName consName ++ "f" ++ show idx) `AppE` name) []]
86 pCaseMatch :: Parser String (Pat, Exp)
87 pCaseMatch = (,) <$> pPat <* pToken "->" <*> pExp
89 pExp :: Parser String Exp
90 pExp
91 = foldr ($) (pChainl (pure AppE) pBasic)
92 [ pChainr $ parseOps ["^."]
93 , pChainl $ parseOps ["*.", "/."]
94 , pChainl $ parseOps ["+.", "-."]
95 , pNonfix $ parseOps ["==.", "/=.", "<.", ">.", "<=.", ">=."]
96 , pChainr $ parseOps ["&."]
97 , pChainr $ parseOps ["|."]
98 ]
99 where
100 parseOps = foldr1 (<|>) . map (\op->ifx op <$ pToken op)
102 pBasic :: Parser String Exp
103 pBasic
104 = VarE <$> pVar
105 <|> AppE (VarE (mkName "lit")) . LitE <$> pLit
106 <|> pBrack pExp
108 pLit :: Parser String Lit
109 pLit
110 -- = CharL <$ pToken '\'' <*> pTop <* pToken '\''
111 = (IntegerL . read) <$> pSatisfy (all isDigit)
113 pVar :: Parser String Name
114 pVar = mkName <$> pSatisfy (\x->isLower (head x) && all isAlpha x && Prelude.not (x `elem` kw))
116 pCon :: Parser String Name
117 pCon = mkName <$> pSatisfy (\x->isUpper (head x) && all isAlpha x && Prelude.not (x `elem` kw))
119 kw = ["case", "of"]
121 pPat :: Parser String Pat
122 pPat
123 = ConP <$> pCon <*> many pPat
124 <|> VarP <$> pVar
125 <|> WildP <$ pToken "_"
127 parseCP (file, line, col) s =
128 case runParser pCase (let ts = lexer s in trace (show ts) ts) of
129 Nothing -> fail "Parsing failed"
130 Just (_, _:_) -> fail "Non-exhaustive parse found"
131 Just (e, []) -> pure e
133 lexer :: [Char] -> [String]
134 lexer ('c':'a':'s':'e':rest) = "case":lexer rest
135 lexer ('o':'f':rest) = "of":lexer rest
136 lexer ('-':'>':rest) = "->":lexer rest
137 lexer ('^':'.':rest) = "^.":lexer rest
138 lexer ('*':'.':rest) = "*.":lexer rest
139 lexer ('/':'.':rest) = "/.":lexer rest
140 lexer ('+':'.':rest) = "+.":lexer rest
141 lexer ('-':'.':rest) = "-.":lexer rest
142 lexer ('|':'.':rest) = "|.":lexer rest
143 lexer ('&':'.':rest) = "&.":lexer rest
144 lexer ('=':'=':'.':rest) = "==.":lexer rest
145 lexer ('/':'=':'.':rest) = "/=.":lexer rest
146 lexer ('<':'=':'.':rest) = "<=.":lexer rest
147 lexer ('>':'=':'.':rest) = ">=.":lexer rest
148 lexer ('<':'.':rest) = "<.":lexer rest
149 lexer ('>':'.':rest) = ">.":lexer rest
150 lexer ('(':rest) = "(":lexer rest
151 lexer (')':rest) = ")":lexer rest
152 lexer ('_':rest) = "_":lexer rest
153 lexer (d:rest)
154 | isAlpha d = case span isAlpha (d:rest) of
155 (s, rest') -> s:lexer rest'
156 | isDigit d = case span isDigit (d:rest) of
157 (s, rest') -> s:lexer rest'
158 lexer (_:rest) = lexer rest
159 -- | isSpace d = lexer rest
160 lexer [] = []
162 quoteCPExp :: String -> Q Exp
163 quoteCPExp s = do
164 loc <- location
165 let pos = (loc_filename loc, fst (loc_start loc), snd (loc_start loc))
166 parseCP pos s
168 quoteCPPat :: String -> Q Pat
169 quoteCPPat _ = undefined