[cc1516.git] / deliverables / p1 / p1.tex
1 %&p1
2 \begin{document}
3 \frame{\titlepage}
5 \section{Introduction}
6 \begin{frame}
7 \frametitle{\textsc{SPL}}
8 \begin{block}{Features}
9 \begin{itemize}
10 \item Implementation language:
11 Clean ({\tiny\url{http://clean.cs.ru.nl}})
12 \pause
13 \begin{itemize}
14 \item Pure language
15 \item Higher order functions
16 \item Monads
17 \item Using parser combinator library \textsc{Yard}
18 \end{itemize}
19 \pause
20 \item Positional data available for easy locating of errors.
21 \pause
22 \item Standardized parser errors. This means you can set it as
23 \texttt{buildprg} in \texttt{vim} and you can then use the
24 quickfix window!
25 \end{itemize}
26 \end{block}
27 \end{frame}
29 \begin{frame}[fragile]
30 \frametitle{\textsc{YARD}}
31 \framesubtitle{A minimal home grown monadic parser combinator library}
32 \begin{itemize}
33 \item Inspired by \textsc{parsec}: $1pc=3.375\cdot10^{16}yd$~\footnote{
34 A yard is exactly $36$ inch and an inch is exactly the length
35 of $3$ barleycorns}.
36 \item Definitons:
37 \begin{CleanCode}
38 :: Error = PositionalError Int Int String | Error String
39 :: Parser a b = Parser ([a] -> (Either Error b, [a]))
40 \end{CleanCode}
41 \pause
42 \item Result is either Error or \texttt{b}, not a \texttt{[b]} as
43 described Hutton \& Meijer \footnote{G. Hutton and E. Meijer.
44 Monadic parser combinators. 1996.}
45 \pause
46 \item Matches longest left-most parser
47 \pause
48 \item Stops immediately on error\pause\\
49 By design!
50 \end{itemize}
51 \end{frame}
53 \begin{frame}[fragile]
54 \frametitle{\textsc{YARD} Combinators}
55 \framesubtitle{Designed to be minimal, just 14 parsers/combinators}
56 YARD is designed to be minimal and defines just 14 primitives:
57 \begin{columns}[t]
58 \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}
59 \begin{CleanCode}
60 top :: Parser a a
61 peek :: Parser a a
62 fail :: Parser a b
63 eof :: Parser a Void
64 (until) :: (Parser a b)
65 (Parser a c)
66 -> Parser a [b]
67 satisfy :: (a -> Bool)
68 -> Parser a a
69 check :: (a -> Bool)
70 -> Parser a a
71 item :: a -> Parser a a
72 list :: [a] -> Parser a [a]
73 \end{CleanCode}
74 \end{column}
75 \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}
76 \begin{CleanCode}
77 (>>=) :: (Parser a b)
78 (b -> Parser a c)
79 -> Parser a c
80 (<|>) :: (Parser a b)
81 (Parser a b)
82 -> Parser a b
83 some :: (Parser a b)
84 -> Parser a [b]
85 many :: (Parser a b)
86 -> Parser a [b]
87 optional :: (Parser a b)
88 -> Parser a (Maybe b)
89 \end{CleanCode}
90 \end{column}
91 \end{columns}
92 \end{frame}
94 \begin{frame}[fragile]
95 \frametitle{\textsc{YARD} Combinators}
96 \framesubtitle{Designed to be minimal, just \textbf{7} parsers/combinators}
97 Actually, scrap that, just \textbf{7} primitives:
98 \begin{columns}[t]
99 \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}
100 \begin{CleanCode}
101 top :: Parser a a
102 peek :: Parser a a
103 fail :: Parser a b
104 eof :: Parser a Void
105 \end{CleanCode}
106 \end{column}
107 \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}
108 \begin{CleanCode}
109 (>>=) :: (Parser a b)
110 (b -> Parser a c)
111 -> Parser a c
112 (<|>) :: (Parser a b)
113 (Parser a b)
114 -> Parser a b
115 \end{CleanCode}
116 \end{column}
117 \end{columns}
118 All others can be (and are) derived from these. e.g.
119 \begin{lstlisting}
120 satisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
121 satisfy f = top >>= \c -> if (f c) (return c) fail
122 \end{lstlisting}
123 \end{frame}
125 \section{Design choices}
126 \begin{frame}
127 \frametitle{Adapting the grammar}
128 \begin{itemize}
129 \item Remove left recursion
130 \item Fixing associativity
131 \item Added small features such as escape characters \texttt{
132 \textbackslash n\textbackslash b}
133 \pause
134 \item Show grammar now\ldots
135 \end{itemize}
136 \end{frame}
138 \begin{frame}
139 \frametitle{Two-phase design}
140 \framesubtitle{Lexing}
141 Also done with \textsc{YARD} because
142 \begin{itemize}
143 \item Multiline comments
144 \item Alternatives
145 \item Positions
146 \end{itemize}
147 \end{frame}
149 \begin{frame}[fragile]
150 \frametitle{Two-phase design}
151 \framesubtitle{Parsing}
152 Read from stdin, write to stdout\\
153 Added some handy primitives
154 \begin{CleanCode}
155 parseBlock :: Parser Token [Stmt]
157 parseOpR :: (Parser Token Op2) (Parser Token Expr) -> Parser Token Expr
158 parseOpL :: (Parser Token Op2) (Parser Token Expr) -> Parser Token Expr
160 trans2 :: TokenValue (TokenValue -> a) -> Parser Token a
161 trans1 :: TokenValue a -> Parser Token a
163 peekPos :: Parser Token Pos
164 \end{CleanCode}
165 \end{frame}
167 \begin{frame}[fragile]
168 \frametitle{Statistics}
169 \framesubtitle{Lines of code}
170 \lstinputlisting{|"wc -l ../../*.[di]cl"}
171 \pause
172 \begin{block}{}
173 \emph{``Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like
174 measuring aircraft building progress by weight.''}\\
175 {---} Bill Gates
176 \end{block}
177 \end{frame}
179 \begin{frame}
180 \frametitle{Statistics}
181 \framesubtitle{Hours of work}
182 We have no clue how much time we have worked on it\ldots
183 \pause
184 \begin{block}{}
185 \emph{``Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in
186 your life.''}\\
187 {---} Confucius
188 \end{block}
189 \end{frame}
191 \section{Examples}
192 \begin{frame}
193 \frametitle{Weird inputs}
194 \begin{itemize}
195 \item \pause Heap full
196 \pause\ldots Increase heap\\
197 \texttt{\$ ./spl -h 2000M}
198 \item \pause Stack full
199 \pause\ldots Increase stack\\
200 \texttt{\$ ./spl -s 200M}
201 \item \pause Segmentation fault
202 \pause\ldots Enable memory overcommitting\\
203 \texttt{\# echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit\_memory}
204 \item \pause Still segmentation fault
205 \pause\ldots Buy more \textsc{RAM}
206 \item \pause Still segmentation fault?
207 \pause\ldots Divide into modules and parse separatly~\footnote{To be
208 implemented}
209 \item \pause Thus, we are only limited by hardware\ldots
210 \end{itemize}
211 \end{frame}
213 \begin{frame}
214 \frametitle{Learned lessons}
215 \begin{itemize}
216 \item \pause Parser combinators are elegant!
217 \item \pause Positional errors are a must!
218 \item \ldots
219 \end{itemize}
220 \end{frame}
221 \end{document}