[cc1516.git] / deliverables / report / sem.tex
1 \section{Semantic analysis}\label{sec:sem}
2 %The grammar used to parse
3 %SPL
4 %, if it is di erent from the given grammar.
5 %{
6 %The scoping rules you use and check in your compiler.
7 %{
8 %The typing rules used for
9 %SPL
10 %.
11 %{
12 %A brief guide telling what each of the examples tests (see next point).
13 %{
14 %A concise but precise description of how the work was divided amongst the
15 %members of
16 %the team.
18 The semantic analysis phase asses if a -grammatically correct- program is also
19 semantically correct and decorates the program with extra information it
20 finds during this checking. The input of the semantic analysis is an \AST/ of
21 the
22 parsed program, its output is either a semantically correct and completely typed
23 \AST/ plus the environment in which it was typed (for debug purposes), or it is
24 an error describing the problem with the \AST/.
26 During this analysis \SPLC checks four properties of the program:
27 \begin{enumerate}
28 \item That no functions are declared with the same name
29 \item That \tt{main} is of type \tt{(-> Void)}
30 \item That the program includes a main function
31 \item That the program is correctly typed
32 \end{enumerate}
33 The first three steps are simple sanity checks which are coded in slightly over
34 two dozen lines of Clean code. The last step is a Hindley Milner type inference
35 algorithm, which is a magnitude more complex. This last step also decorates the
36 \AST/ with inferred type information.
38 \subsection{Sanity checks}
39 The sanity checks are defined as simple recursive functions over the function
40 declarations in the AST. We will very shortly describe them here.
42 \begin{description}
43 \item [No duplicate functions] This function checks that the program does
44 not contain top level functions sharing the same name. Formally:
45 $ \forall f \in \textrm{functions} \ldotp \neg
46 \exists g \in \textrm{functions} \setminus \{f\} \ldotp
47 f.\textrm{name} = g.\textrm{name}$
48 \item [\tt{main} should have type \tt{->Void}] Our semantics of \SPL{}
49 require the main function to take no arguments and to not return a
50 value. Formally: $\forall f \in \textrm{functions} \ldotp
51 f.\textrm{name} = \textrm{'main'} \Rightarrow
52 \textit{typeof}\textrm{(main)} = \rightarrow\textrm{Void} $
53 \item [The program should have a main function] $\exists f \in
54 \textrm{functions} \ldotp f.\textrm{name} = \textrm{'main'}$
55 \end{description}