[cc1516.git] / deliverables / report / sem.tex
1 \section{Semantic analysis}\label{sec:sem}
2 The semantic analysis phase asses if a -grammatically correct- program is also
3 semantically correct and decorates the program with extra information it finds
4 during this checking. The input of the semantic analysis is an \AST{} of the
5 parsed program, its output is either a semantically correct and completely
6 typed \AST{} plus the environment in which it was typed (for debug purposes),
7 or it is an error describing the problem with the \AST{}.
9 During this analysis \SPLC{} applies one \AST{} transformation and checks four
10 properties of the program:
11 \begin{enumerate}
12 \item That no functions are declared with the same name
13 \item That \tt{main} is of type \tt{(-> Void)}
14 \item That the program includes a main function
15 \item That the program is correctly typed
16 \end{enumerate}
17 The first three steps are simple sanity checks which are coded in slightly over
18 two dozen lines of \Clean{} code. The last step is a \emph{Hindley-Milner} type
19 inference algorithm, which is a magnitude more complex. This last step also
20 decorates the \AST{} with inferred type information.
22 \subsection{\AST{} transformation for lambdas}
23 Before checking the semantic correctness of the program one small \AST{}
24 transformations needs to be done. Currently this transformation is build into
25 the semantic analysis phase, however, it would be more in place as a separate
26 compiler phase, and if more transformations are needed in the future these will
27 be placed in a separate phase.
29 The implementation of lambdas in \SPLC{} is implemented through a clever trick.
30 All \\
31 \tt{LambdaExpressions} in the \AST{} are lifted to actual functions. This
32 transformation is illustrated in Listing~\ref{lst:lambdaLift}. This
33 has the advantage that, with our support for higher order functions, lambda
34 functions do not require any special attention after this transformation. One
35 downside is that in the current implementation lambdas can not access variables
36 in the scope in which they are declared. This could be solved by adding all
37 free variables in the lambda expression as parameters to the lifted function.
39 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:lambdaLift},caption={\SPLC{} types},language=SPLCode]
40 main() {
41 var x = \a b -> a + b;
42 }
44 // is transformed to:
45 2lambda_12(a, b) {
46 return a + b;
47 }
48 main() {
49 var x = 2lambda_12;
50 }
51 \end{lstlisting}
53 \subsection{\AST{} transformation for printing}
54 During type inference and checking it is clear what the type is of all the
55 functions and thus we can specify the print functions since it is overloaded.
56 At time of compilation the overloaded print function is changed to the
57 corresponding specific function. For example \SI{print(True)} is changed to
58 \SI{1printbool(True)}. Printing is the only overloaded functionality built-in.
59 While comparison and equality are overloaded too they generate the same
60 assembly code for different types and thus need not to be specified.
62 \subsection{Type inference}
63 \SPLC{} features a \emph{Hindley-Milner} type inference algorithm based on the
64 algorithm presented in the slides. It supports full polymorphism and can infer
65 omitted types. It does not support multiple recursion and all functions and
66 identifiers need to be declared before they can be used. In essence the program
67 is typed as nested \tt{let .. in ..} statements.
69 \subsubsection{Types}
70 Listing~\ref{lst:types} shows the \ADT{} representing types in \SPLC{}. Most of
71 these are self explanatory, however typing of functions requires some special
72 attention. \SPLC{}s extension of higher order functions requires that the type
73 system can distinguish if an
74 expression represents a type $a$ or a functions which takes no input and returns
75 a value of type $a$ (we write: $\rightarrow a$). The latter is represented by
76 the \CI{FuncType}.
78 Another important difference with standard \SPL{} is that \SPLC{} supports
79 currying of functions, functions are not typed with a list of argument types
80 and a return type, but with just a single argument and return type. This return
81 type then in itself can be a function.
83 \begin{lstlisting}[
84 label={lst:types},
85 caption={SPLC types},
86 language=Clean]
87 :: Type
88 = TupleType (Type, Type) -- (t1, t2)
89 | ListType type -- [t]
90 | IdType TVar -- type variable
91 | IntType
92 | BoolType
93 | CharType
94 | VoidType
95 | FuncType Type -- (-> t)
96 | (->>) infixl 7 Type Type -- (t1 -> t2)
97 \end{lstlisting}
99 \subsubsection{Environment}
100 As all stages of \SPLC{}, the type inference is programmed in Clean. It takes
101 an \AST{} and produces either a fully typed \AST{}, or an error if the provided
102 \AST{} contains type errors. The Program is typed in an environment $\Gamma :
103 id \rightarrow \Sigma$ which maps identifiers of functions or variables to type
104 schemes.
106 In \SPLC{} type inference and unification are done in one pass. They are
107 unified in the \tt{Typing} monad, which is defined as \CI{Typing a :== StateT
108 (Gamma, [TVar]) (Either SemError) a}. The carried list of \tt{TVar} is an
109 infinite list of fresh \tt{TVars}, which are just an alias of \tt{String}.
111 \subsubsection{Substitution and Unification}
112 In \SPLC{} substitutions are defined as map from type variables to concrete
113 types. Composing of substitutions is then simply taking the union of two
114 substitutions and substituting the first substitution over the types in the
115 second substitution. We write $\star$ for a substitution and $\star_0$ for the
116 empty substitution.
118 Unification ($\unif$) takes two types and either provides a substitution which
119 could unify them, or an error of the types are not unifiable. The interesting
120 case of unification is when trying to unify an type variable with a more
121 specialised type. Equation~\ref{eq:unifyId} shows this. All other cases are
122 trivially promoting unification to the contained types, or checking directly if
123 the types to be unified are equal.
125 \begin{equation} \label{eq:unifyId}
126 \infer{\alpha \unif \tau = [tv \mapsto \tau]}
127 {\alpha \notin ftv(\tau)}
128 \end{equation}
130 \subsubsection{Inferring}
131 Inferring the type of expression or statement yields a 4-tuple of a new Gamma,
132 Substitution, a Type and an updated version of that element. In the case of
133 expressions the yielded type is the actual type of the expression. In the case
134 of statements the yielded type is the type returned by a return statement if
135 one is present, or Void otherwise.
137 In the Clean implementation the new Gamma in the result of an inference is
138 carried through the Typing Monad.
140 Below we will show the inference rules for expressions and statements. In these
141 lowercase Greek letters are always fresh type variables.
143 Section~\ref{sec:infRules} shows all typing inference rules. Below we will show
144 a few to express the basics and show some interesting cases.
146 \paragraph{Variables}
147 Inferring variable requires a bit of care. First of all the variable has to
148 be present in $\Gamma$, secondly field selectors need to be respected. To apply
149 the field selectors on a type the function \tt{apfs} is used, which maps a
150 type and a field selector to a new type: $\texttt{apfs} : \tau \times
151 \textit{fieldselector} \rightarrow \tau$.
153 Note that the inference rule only checks if a field selector can be applied on
154 a certain type, and does not use the field selector to infer the type. This
155 means that a program: \tt{f(x)\{ return x.hd; \}} can not be typed, and instead
156 \tt{f} must be explicitly typed as \tt{:: [a] -> a} (or something more
157 specialised) by the programmer. This could be improved by changing the
158 \tt{apfs} function to infer for type variables.
160 \begin{equation}
161 \infer[Var]
162 {\Gamma \vdash \textit{id}.\textit{fs}^* \Rightarrow
163 (\Gamma, \star_0, \tau', \textit{id}.\textit{fs}^*)}
164 {\Gamma(id) = \lfloor \tau \rfloor
165 &\texttt{fold apfs } \tau \textit{ fs}^* = \tau'
166 }
167 \end{equation}
169 \paragraph{Functions}
170 When inferring two functions we distinguish two rules: one for a function which
171 is applied without any arguments (Equation~\ref{eq:inferApp0}) and one for when
172 a function is applied with arguments (Equation~\ref{eq:inferAppN}). Inferring a
173 list of expressions is done by folding the infer function over the expressions
174 and accumulating the resulting types, substitutions, etc.
176 \begin{equation} \label{eq:inferApp0}
177 \infer[App 0]
178 {\Gamma \vdash \textit{id}().\textit{fs}^* \Rightarrow
179 ((\Gamma^\star, \star, \tau^r,
180 \textit{id}().\textit{fs}^*)}
181 {\Gamma(id) = \lfloor \tau^e \rfloor
182 &\texttt{fold apfs } \tau \textit{ fs}^* = \tau^r
183 }
184 \end{equation}
186 \begin{equation}\label{eq:inferAppN}
187 \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{%
188 \infer[AppN]
189 {\Gamma \vdash \textit{id}(e^*).\textit{fs}^* \Rightarrow
190 ((\Gamma^\star, \star, \tau^r,
191 \textit{id}({e^*}').\textit{fs}^*)}
192 {\Gamma(id) = \lfloor \tau^e \rfloor
193 &\Gamma \vdash e^* \Rightarrow
194 (\Gamma^{\star_1}, \star_1, \tau^*, {e^*}')
195 &(\texttt{fold } (\rightarrow) \texttt{ } \alpha \texttt{ } \tau^*)
196 \unif \tau^e = \star_2
197 &\star = \star_2 \cdot \star_1
198 &\texttt{fold apfs } \tau \textit{ fs}^* = \tau^e
199 }
200 }
201 \end{equation}
203 \paragraph{Return statements}
204 Statements are typed with the type they return. The base case for this is
205 trivially a return statement. An empty return statement is of type \tt{Void}
206 and other return statements are typed with the type or their expression.
208 When checking combinations of statements, e.g. if-then-else statements, it is
209 checked that all branches return the same type, then the type of the
210 combination is set to this type.
212 \begin{equation}
213 \infer[Return \emptyset]
214 {\Gamma \vdash \underline{\textrm{return}} \Rightarrow
215 (\Gamma, \star_0, \textrm{Void}, \underline{\textrm{return}})
216 }
217 {}
218 \end{equation}
220 \begin{equation}
221 \infer[Return]
222 {\Gamma \vdash \underline{\textrm{return }} e \Rightarrow
223 (\Gamma^\star, \star, \tau, \underline{\textrm{return }} e')
224 }
225 {\Gamma \vdash e \Rightarrow (\Gamma^\star, \star, \tau, e')}
226 \end{equation}
228 \paragraph{Assignment statement}
229 When assigning a new value to a variable this variable needs to be present in
230 Gamma and its type needs to unify with the type of the expression.
232 One thing that needs to be taken care of when assigning are the field
233 selectors. \tt{unapfs} is a function which takes a type and a fieldselector
234 and returns the type of the variable needed to assign to that fieldselector,
235 i.e. \CI{unapfs a FieldHd = ListType a}
236 \begin{equation}
237 \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{%
238 \infer[Ass]
239 {\Gamma \vdash \textit{id.fs}^* \underline{=} e \Rightarrow
240 (\Gamma^\star.k:\tau_r^\star, \star, \textrm{Void},
241 \textit{id.fs}^* \underline{=} e')
242 }
243 {\Gamma(\textit{id}) = \lfloor \tau_e \rfloor
244 &\Gamma \vdash e \Rightarrow (\Gamma^{\star_1}, \star_1, \tau_g, e')
245 &\texttt{fold unapfs } \tau_g \textit{ reverse fs} = \tau^r
246 &\tau_e \unif \tau_g = \star_2
247 &\star = \star_2 \cdot \star_1
248 }
249 }
250 \end{equation}