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[phd-thesis.git] / domain-specific_languages / class_deep_embedding.tex
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3 \begin{document}
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8 \chapter{Deep embedding with class}%
9 \label{chp:classy_deep_embedding}
11 \begin{chapterabstract}
12 The two flavours of DSL embedding are shallow and deep embedding.
13 In functional languages, shallow embedding models the language constructs as functions in which the semantics are embedded.
14 Adding semantics is therefore cumbersome while adding constructs is a breeze.
15 Upgrading the functions to type classes lifts this limitation to a certain extent.
17 Deeply embedded languages represent their language constructs as data and the semantics are functions on it.
18 As a result, the language constructs are embedded in the semantics, hence adding new language constructs is laborious where adding semantics is trouble free.
20 This paper shows that by abstracting the semantics functions in deep embedding to type classes, it is possible to easily add language constructs as well.
21 So-called classy deep embedding results in DSLs that are extensible both in language constructs and in semantics while maintaining a concrete abstract syntax tree.
22 Additionally, little type-level trickery or complicated boilerplate code is required to achieve this.
23 \end{chapterabstract}
25 \section{Introduction}%
26 The two flavours of DSL embedding are deep and shallow embedding~\cite{boulton_experience_1992}.
27 In functional programming languages, shallow embedding models language constructs as functions in the host language.
28 As a result, adding new language constructs---extra functions---is easy.
29 However, the semantics of the language is embedded in these functions, making it troublesome to add semantics since it requires updating all existing language constructs.
31 On the other hand, deep embedding models language constructs as data in the host language.
32 The semantics of the language are represented by functions over the data.
33 Consequently, adding new semantics, i.e.\ novel functions, is straightforward.
34 It can be stated that the language constructs are embedded in the functions that form a semantics.
35 If one wants to add a language construct, all semantics functions must be revisited and revised to avoid ending up with partial functions.
37 This juxtaposition has been known for many years~\cite{reynolds_user-defined_1978} and discussed by many others~\cite{krishnamurthi_synthesizing_1998} but most famously dubbed the \emph{expression problem} by Wadler~\cite{wadler_expression_1998}:
39 \begin{quote}
40 The \emph{expression problem} is a new name for an old problem.
41 The goal is to define a data type by cases, where one can add new cases to the data type and new functions over the data type, without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety (e.g., no casts).
42 \end{quote}
44 In shallow embedding, abstracting the functions to type classes disentangles the language constructs from the semantics, allowing extension both ways.
45 This technique is dubbed tagless-final embedding~\cite{carette_finally_2009}, nonetheless it is no silver bullet.
46 Some semantics that require an intensional analysis of the syntax tree, such as transformation and optimisations, are difficult to implement in shallow embedding due to the lack of an explicit data structure representing the abstract syntax tree.
47 The semantics of the DSL have to be combined and must hold some kind of state or context, so that structural information is not lost~\cite{kiselyov_typed_2012}.
49 \subsection{Research contribution}
50 This paper shows how to apply the technique observed in tagless-final embedding to deep embedding.
51 The presented basic technique, christened \emph{classy deep embedding}, does not require advanced type system extensions to be used.
52 However, it is suitable for type system extensions such as generalised algebraic data types.
53 While this paper is written as a literate
54 Haskell~\cite{peyton_jones_haskell_2003} program using some minor extensions provided by GHC~\cite{ghc_team_ghc_2021}, the idea is applicable to other languages as well\footnotemark{}.
55 \footnotetext{Lubbers, M. (2021): Literate Haskell/lhs2\TeX{} source code of the paper ``Deep Embedding
56 with Class'': TFP 2022.\ DANS.\ \url{}.}
58 \section{Deep embedding}%
60 Pick a DSL, any DSL, pick the language of literal integers and addition.
61 In deep embedding, terms in the language are represented by data in the host language.
62 Hence, defining the constructs is as simple as creating the following algebraic data type\footnote{All data types and functions are subscripted to indicate the evolution.}.
64 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
65 data Expr_0 = Lit_0 Int
66 | Add_0 Expr_0 Expr_0
67 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
69 Semantics are defined as functions on the \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_0} data type.
70 For example, a function transforming the term to an integer---an evaluator---is implemented as follows.
72 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
73 eval_0 :: Expr_0 -> Int
74 eval_0 (Lit_0 e) = e
75 eval_0 (Add_0 e1 e2) = eval_0 e1 + eval_0 e2
76 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
78 Adding semantics---e.g.\ a printer---just means adding another function while the existing functions remain untouched.
79 I.e.\ the key property of deep embedding.
80 The following function, transforming the \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_0} data type to a string, defines a simple printer for our language.
82 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
83 print_0 :: Expr_0 -> String
84 print_0 (Lit_0 v) = show v
85 print_0 (Add_0 e1 e2) = "(" ++ print_0 e1 ++ "-" ++ print_0 e2 ++ ")"
86 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
88 While the language is concise and elegant, it is not very expressive.
89 Traditionally, extending the language is achieved by adding a case to the \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_0} data type.
90 So, adding subtraction to the language results in the following revised data type.
92 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
93 data Expr_0 = Lit_0 Int
94 | Add_0 Expr_0 Expr_0
95 | Sub_0 Expr_0 Expr_0
96 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
98 Extending the DSL with language constructs exposes the Achilles' heel of deep embedding.
99 Adding a case to the data type means that all semantics functions have become partial and need to be updated to be able to handle this new case.
100 This does not seem like an insurmountable problem, but it does pose a problem if either the functions or the data type itself are written by others or are contained in a closed library.
102 \section{Shallow embedding}%
104 Conversely, let us see how this would be done in shallow embedding.
105 First, the data type is represented by functions in the host language with embedded semantics.
106 Therefore, the evaluators for literals and addition both become a function in the host language as follows.
108 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
109 type Sem_s = Int
111 lit_s :: Int -> Sem_s
112 lit_s i = i
114 add_s :: Sem_s -> Sem_s -> Sem_s
115 add_s e1 e2 = e1 + e2
116 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
118 Adding constructions to the language is done by adding functions.
119 Hence, the following function adds subtraction to our language.
121 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
122 sub_s :: Sem_s -> Sem_s -> Sem_s
123 sub_s e1 e2 = e1 - e2
124 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
126 Adding semantics on the other hand---e.g.\ a printer---is not that simple because the semantics are part of the functions representing the language constructs.
127 One way to add semantics is to change all functions to execute both semantics at the same time.
128 In our case this means changing the type of \haskelllhstexinline{Sem_s} to be \haskelllhstexinline{(Int, String)} so that all functions operate on a tuple containing the result of the evaluator and the printed representation at the same time. %chktex 36
129 Alternatively, a single semantics can be defined that represents a fold over the language constructs~\cite{gibbons_folding_2014}, delaying the selection of semantics to the moment the fold is applied.
131 \subsection{Tagless-final embedding}
132 Tagless-final embedding overcomes the limitations of standard shallow embedding.
133 To upgrade to this embedding technique, the language constructs are changed from functions to type classes.
134 For our language this results in the following type class definition.
136 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
137 class Expr_t s where
138 lit_t :: Int -> s
139 add_t :: s -> s -> s
140 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
142 Semantics become data types\footnotemark{} implementing these type classes, resulting in the following instance for the evaluator.
143 \footnotetext{%
144 In this case \haskelllhstexinline{newtype}s are used instead of regular \haskelllhstexinline{data} declarations.
145 A \haskelllhstexinline{newtype} is a special data type with a single constructor containing a single value only to which it is isomorphic.
146 It allows the programmer to define separate class instances that the instances of the isomorphic type without any overhead.
147 During compilation the constructor is completely removed~\cite[Sec.~4.2.3]{peyton_jones_haskell_2003}.
148 }
150 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
151 newtype Eval_t = E_t Int
153 instance Expr_t Eval_t where
154 lit_t v = E_t v
155 add_t (E_t e1) (E_t e2) = E_t (e1 + e2)
156 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
158 Adding constructs---e.g.\ subtraction---just results in an extra type class and corresponding instances.
160 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
161 class Sub_t s where
162 sub_t :: s -> s -> s
164 instance Sub_t Eval_t where
165 sub_t (E_t e1) (E_t e2) = E_t (e1 - e2)
166 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
168 Finally, adding semantics such as a printer over the language is achieved by providing a data type representing the semantics accompanied by instances for the language constructs.
170 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
171 newtype Printer_t = P_t String
173 instance Expr_t Printer_t where
174 lit_t i = P_t (show i)
175 add_t (P_t e1) (P_t e2) = P_t ("(" ++ e1 ++ "+" ++ e2 ++ ")")
177 instance Sub_t Printer_t where
178 sub_t (P_t e1) (P_t e2) = P_t ("(" ++ e1 ++ "-" ++ e2 ++ ")")
179 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
181 \section{Lifting the backends}%
182 Let us rethink the deeply embedded DSL design.
183 Remember that in shallow embedding, the semantics are embedded in the language construct functions.
184 Obtaining extensibility both in constructs and semantics was accomplished by abstracting the semantics functions to type classes, making the constructs overloaded in the semantics.
185 In deep embedding, the constructs are embedded in the semantics functions instead.
186 So, let us apply the same technique, i.e.\ make the semantics overloaded in the language constructs by abstracting the semantics functions to type classes.
187 The same effect may be achieved when using similar techniques such as explicit dictionary passing or ML style modules.
188 In our language this results in the following type class.
190 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
191 class Eval_1 v where
192 eval_1 :: v -> Int
194 data Expr_1 = Lit_1 Int
195 | Add_1 Expr_1 Expr_1
196 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
198 Implementing the semantics type class instances for the \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_1} data type is an elementary exercise.
199 By a copy-paste and some modifications, we come to the following implementation.
201 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
202 instance Eval_1 Expr_1 where
203 eval_1 (Lit_1 v) = v
204 eval_1 (Add_1 e1 e2) = eval_1 e1 + eval_1 e2
205 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
207 Subtraction can now be defined in a separate data type, leaving the original data type intact.
208 Instances for the additional semantics can now be implemented separately as instances of the type classes.
210 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
211 data Sub_1 = Sub_1 Expr_1 Expr_1
213 instance Eval_1 Sub_1 where
214 eval_1 (Sub_1 e1 e2) = eval_1 e1 - eval_1 e2
215 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
217 \section{Existential data types}%
219 The astute reader might have noticed that we have dissociated ourselves from the original data type.
220 It is only possible to create an expression with a subtraction on the top level.
221 The recursive knot is left untied and as a result, \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_1} can never be reached from an \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_1}.
223 Luckily, we can reconnect them by adding a special constructor to the \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_1} data type for housing extensions.
224 It contains an existentially quantified~\cite{mitchell_abstract_1988} type with type class constraints~\cite{laufer_combining_1994,laufer_type_1996} for all semantics type classes~\cite[Chp.~6.4.6]{ghc_team_ghc_2021} to allow it to house not just subtraction but any future extension.
226 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
227 data Expr_2 = Lit_2 Int
228 | Add_2 Expr_2 Expr_2
229 | forall x. Eval_2 x => Ext_2 x
230 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
232 The implementation of the extension case in the semantics type classes is in most cases just a matter of calling the function for the argument as can be seen in the semantics instances shown below.
234 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
235 instance Eval_2 Expr_2 where
236 eval_2 (Lit_2 v) = v
237 eval_2 (Add_2 e1 e2) = eval_2 e1 + eval_2 e2
238 eval_2 (Ext_2 x) = eval_2 x
239 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
241 Adding language construct extensions in different data types does mean that an extra \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_2} tag is introduced when using the extension.
242 This burden can be relieved by creating a smart constructor for it that automatically wraps the extension with the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_2} constructor so that it is of the type of the main data type.
244 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
245 sub_2 :: Expr_2 -> Expr_2 -> Expr_2
246 sub_2 e1 e2 = Ext_2 (Sub_2 e1 e2)
247 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
249 In our example this means that the programmer can write\footnotemark{}:
250 \footnotetext{%
251 Backticks are used to use functions or constructors in an infix fashion~\cite[Sec.~4.3.3]{peyton_jones_haskell_2003}.
252 }
253 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
254 e2 :: Expr_2
255 e2 = Lit_2 42 `sub_2` Lit_2 1
256 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
257 instead of having to write
258 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
259 e2p :: Expr_2
260 e2p = Ext_2 (Lit_2 42 `Sub_2` Lit_2 1)
261 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
263 \subsection{Unbraiding the semantics from the data}
264 This approach does reveal a minor problem.
265 Namely, that all semantics type classes are braided into our datatypes via the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_2} constructor.
266 Say if we add the printer again, the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_2} constructor has to be modified to contain the printer type class constraint as well\footnote{Resulting in the following constructor: \haskelllhstexinline{forall x.(Eval_2 x, Print_2 x) => Ext_2 x}.}. %chktex 36
267 Thus, if we add semantics, the main data type's type class constraints in the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_2} constructor need to be updated.
268 To avoid this, the type classes can be bundled in a type class alias or type class collection as follows.
270 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
271 class (Eval_2 x, Print_2 x) => Semantics_2 x
273 data Expr_2 = Lit_2 Int
274 | Add_2 Expr_2 Expr_2
275 | forall x. Semantics_2 x => Ext_2 x
276 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
278 The class alias removes the need for the programmer to visit the main data type when adding additional semantics.
279 Unfortunately, the compiler does need to visit the main data type again.
280 Some may argue that adding semantics happens less frequently than adding language constructs but in reality it means that we have to concede that the language is not as easily extensible in semantics as in language constructs.
281 More exotic type system extensions such as constraint kinds~\cite{bolingbroke_constraint_2011,yorgey_giving_2012} can untangle the semantics from the data types by making the data types parametrised by the particular semantics.
282 However, by adding some boilerplate, even without this extension, the language constructs can be parametrised by the semantics by putting the semantics functions in a data type.
283 First the data types for the language constructs are parametrised by the type variable \haskelllhstexinline{d} as follows.
285 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
286 data Expr_3 d = Lit_3 Int
287 | Add_3 (Expr_3 d) (Expr_3 d)
288 | forall x. Ext_3 (d x) x
290 data Sub_3 d = Sub_3 (Expr_3 d) (Expr_3 d)
291 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
293 The \haskelllhstexinline{d} type variable is inhabited by an explicit dictionary for the semantics, i.e.\ a witness to the class instance.
294 Therefore, for all semantics type classes, a data type is made that contains the semantics function for the given semantics.
295 This means that for \haskelllhstexinline{Eval_3}, a dictionary with the function \haskelllhstexinline{EvalDict_3} is defined, a type class \haskelllhstexinline{HasEval_3} for retrieving the function from the dictionary and an instance for \haskelllhstexinline{HasEval_3} for \haskelllhstexinline{EvalDict_3}.
297 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
298 newtype EvalDict_3 v = EvalDict_3 (v -> Int)
300 class HasEval_3 d where
301 getEval_3 :: d v -> v -> Int
303 instance HasEval_3 EvalDict_3 where
304 getEval_3 (EvalDict_3 e) = e
305 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
307 The instances for the type classes change as well according to the change in the datatype.
308 Given that there is a \haskelllhstexinline{HasEval_3} instance for the witness type \haskelllhstexinline{d}, we can provide an implementation of \haskelllhstexinline{Eval_3} for \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_3 d}.
310 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
311 instance HasEval_3 d => Eval_3 (Expr_3 d) where
312 eval_3 (Lit_3 v) = v
313 eval_3 (Add_3 e1 e2) = eval_3 e1 + eval_3 e2
314 eval_3 (Ext_3 d x) = getEval_3 d x
316 instance HasEval_3 d => Eval_3 (Sub_3 d) where
317 eval_3 (Sub_3 e1 e2) = eval_3 e1 - eval_3 e2
318 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
320 Because the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_3} constructor from \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_3} now contains a value of type \haskelllhstexinline{d}, the smart constructor for \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3} must somehow come up with this value.
321 To achieve this, a type class is introduced that allows the generation of such a dictionary.
323 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
324 class GDict a where
325 gdict :: a
326 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
328 This type class has individual instances for all semantics dictionaries, linking the class instance to the witness value.
329 I.e.\ if there is a type class instance known, a witness value can be conjured using the \haskelllhstexinline{gdict} function.
331 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
332 instance Eval_3 v => GDict (EvalDict_3 v) where
333 gdict = EvalDict_3 eval_3
334 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
336 With these instances, the semantics function can be retrieved from the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_3} constructor and in the smart constructors they can be generated as follows:
338 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
339 sub_3 :: GDict (d (Sub_3 d)) => Expr_3 d -> Expr_3 d -> Expr_3 d
340 sub_3 e1 e2 = Ext_3 gdict (Sub_3 e1 e2)
341 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
343 Finally, we reached the end goal, orthogonal extension of both language constructs as shown by adding subtraction to the language and in language semantics.
344 Adding the printer can now be done without touching the original code as follows.
345 First the printer type class, dictionaries and instances for \haskelllhstexinline{GDict} are defined.
347 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
348 class Print_3 v where
349 print_3 :: v -> String
351 newtype PrintDict_3 v = PrintDict_3 (v -> String)
353 class HasPrint_3 d where
354 getPrint_3 :: d v -> v -> String
356 instance HasPrint_3 PrintDict_3 where
357 getPrint_3 (PrintDict_3 e) = e
359 instance Print_3 v => GDict (PrintDict_3 v) where
360 gdict = PrintDict_3 print_3
361 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
363 Then the instances for \haskelllhstexinline{Print_3} of all the language constructs can be defined.
365 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
366 instance HasPrint_3 d => Print_3 (Expr_3 d) where
367 print_3 (Lit_3 v) = show v
368 print_3 (Add_3 e1 e2) = "(" ++ print_3 e1 ++ "+" ++ print_3 e2 ++ ")"
369 print_3 (Ext_3 d x) = getPrint_3 d x
370 instance HasPrint_3 d => Print_3 (Sub_3 d) where
371 print_3 (Sub_3 e1 e2) = "(" ++ print_3 e1 ++ "-" ++ print_3 e2 ++ ")"
372 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
374 \section{Transformation semantics}%
376 Most semantics convert a term to some final representation and can be expressed just by functions on the cases.
377 However, the implementation of semantics such as transformation or optimisation may benefit from a so-called intentional analysis of the abstract syntax tree.
378 In shallow embedding, the implementation for these types of semantics is difficult because there is no tangible abstract syntax tree.
379 In off-the-shelf deep embedding this is effortless since the function can pattern match on the constructor or structures of constructors.
381 To demonstrate intensional analyses in classy deep embedding we write an optimizer that removes addition and subtraction by zero.
382 In classy deep embedding, adding new semantics means first adding a new type class housing the function including the machinery for the extension constructor.
384 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
385 class Opt_3 v where
386 opt_3 :: v -> v
388 newtype OptDict_3 v = OptDict_3 (v -> v)
390 class HasOpt_3 d where
391 getOpt_3 :: d v -> v -> v
393 instance HasOpt_3 OptDict_3 where
394 getOpt_3 (OptDict_3 e) = e
396 instance Opt_3 v => GDict (OptDict_3 v) where
397 gdict = OptDict_3 opt_3
398 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
400 The implementation of the optimizer for the \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_3} data type is no complicated task.
401 The only interesting bit occurs in the \haskelllhstexinline{Add_3} constructor, where we pattern match on the optimised children to determine whether an addition with zero is performed.
402 If this is the case, the addition is removed.
404 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
405 instance HasOpt_3 d => Opt_3 (Expr_3 d) where
406 opt_3 (Lit_3 v) = Lit_3 v
407 opt_3 (Add_3 e1 e2) = case (opt_3 e1, opt_3 e2) of
408 (Lit_3 0, e2p ) -> e2p
409 (e1p, Lit_3 0) -> e1p
410 (e1p, e2p ) -> Add_3 e1p e2p
411 opt_3 (Ext_3 d x) = Ext_3 d (getOpt_3 d x)
412 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
414 Replicating this for the \haskelllhstexinline{Opt_3} instance of \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3} seems a clear-cut task at first glance.
416 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
417 instance HasOpt_3 d => Opt_3 (Sub_3 d) where
418 opt_3 (Sub_3 e1 e2) = case (opt_3 e1, opt_3 e2) of
419 (e1p, Lit_3 0) -> e1p
420 (e1p, e2p ) -> Sub_3 e1p e2p
421 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
423 Unsurprisingly, this code is rejected by the compiler.
424 When a literal zero is matched as the right-hand side of a subtraction, the left-hand side of type \haskelllhstexinline{Expr_3} is returned.
425 However, the type signature of the function dictates that it should be of type \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3}.
426 To overcome this problem we add a convolution constructor.
428 \subsection{Convolution}%
430 Adding a loopback case or convolution constructor to \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3} allows the removal of the \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3} constructor while remaining the \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3} type.
431 It should be noted that a loopback case is \emph{only} required if the transformation actually removes tags.
432 This changes the \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_3} data type as follows.
434 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
435 data Sub_4 d = Sub_4 (Expr_4 d) (Expr_4 d)
436 | SubLoop_4 (Expr_4 d)
438 instance HasEval_4 d => Eval_4 (Sub_4 d) where
439 eval_4 (Sub_4 e1 e2) = eval_4 e1 - eval_4 e2
440 eval_4 (SubLoop_4 e1) = eval_4 e1
441 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
443 With this loopback case in the toolbox, the following \haskelllhstexinline{Sub} instance optimises away subtraction with zero literals.
445 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
446 instance HasOpt_4 d => Opt_4 (Sub_4 d) where
447 opt_4 (Sub_4 e1 e2) = case (opt_4 e1, opt_4 e2) of
448 (e1p, Lit_4 0) -> SubLoop_4 e1p
449 (e1p, e2p ) -> Sub_4 e1p e2p
450 opt_4 (SubLoop_4 e) = SubLoop_4 (opt_4 e)
451 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
453 \subsection{Pattern matching}%
455 Pattern matching within datatypes and from an extension to the main data type works out of the box.
456 Cross-extensional pattern matching on the other hand---matching on a particular extension---is something that requires a bit of extra care.
457 Take for example negation propagation and double negation elimination.
458 Pattern matching on values with an existential type is not possible without leveraging dynamic typing~\cite{abadi_dynamic_1991,baars_typing_2002}.
459 To enable dynamic typing support, the \haskelllhstexinline{Typeable} type class as provided by \haskelllhstexinline{Data.Dynamic}~\cite{ghc_team_datadynamic_2021} is added to the list of constraints in all places where we need to pattern match across extensions.
460 As a result, the \haskelllhstexinline{Typeable} type class constraints are added to the quantified type variable \haskelllhstexinline{x} of the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_4} constructor and to \haskelllhstexinline{d}s in the smart constructors.
462 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
463 data Expr_4 d = Lit_4 Int
464 | Add_4 (Expr_4 d) (Expr_4 d)
465 | forall x. Typeable x => Ext_4 (d x) x
466 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
468 First let us add negation to the language by defining a datatype representing it.
469 Negation elimination requires the removal of negation constructors, so a convolution constructor is defined as well.
471 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
472 data Neg_4 d = Neg_4 (Expr_4 d)
473 | NegLoop_4 (Expr_4 d)
475 neg_4 :: (Typeable d, GDict (d (Neg_4 d))) => Expr_4 d -> Expr_4 d
476 neg_4 e = Ext_4 gdict (Neg_4 e)
477 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
479 The evaluation and printer instances for the \haskelllhstexinline{Neg_4} datatype are defined as follows.
481 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
482 instance HasEval_4 d => Eval_4 (Neg_4 d) where
483 eval_4 (Neg_4 e) = negate (eval_4 e)
484 eval_4 (NegLoop_4 e) = eval_4 e
486 instance HasPrint_4 d => Print_4 (Neg_4 d) where
487 print_4 (Neg_4 e) = "(~" ++ print_4 e ++ ")"
488 print_4 (NegLoop_4 e) = print_4 e
489 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
491 The \haskelllhstexinline{Opt_4} instance contains the interesting bit.
492 If the sub expression of a negation is an addition, negation is propagated downwards.
493 If the sub expression is again a negation, something that can only be found out by a dynamic pattern match, it is replaced by a \haskelllhstexinline{NegLoop_4} constructor.
495 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
496 instance (Typeable d, GDict (d (Neg_4 d)), HasOpt_4 d) => Opt_4 (Neg_4 d) where
497 opt_4 (Neg_4 (Add_4 e1 e2))
498 = NegLoop_4 (Add_4 (opt_4 (neg_4 e1)) (opt_4 (neg_4 e2)))
499 opt_4 (Neg_4 (Ext_4 d x))
500 = case fromDynamic (toDyn (getOpt_4 d x)) of
501 Just (Neg_4 e) -> NegLoop_4 e
502 _ -> Neg_4 (Ext_4 d (getOpt_4 d x))
503 opt_4 (Neg_4 e) = Neg_4 (opt_4 e)
504 opt_4 (NegLoop_4 e) = NegLoop_4 (opt_4 e)
505 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
507 Loopback cases do make cross-extensional pattern matching less modular in general.
508 For example, \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_4 d (SubLoop_4 (Lit_4 0))} is equivalent to \haskelllhstexinline{Lit_4 0} in the optimisation semantics and would require an extra pattern match.
509 Fortunately, this problem can be mitigated---if required---by just introducing an additional optimisation semantics that removes loopback cases.
510 Luckily, one does not need to resort to these arguably blunt matters often.
511 Dependent language functionality often does not need to span extensions, i.e.\ it is possible to group them in the same data type.
513 \subsection{Chaining semantics}
514 Now that the data types are parametrised by the semantics a final problem needs to be overcome.
515 The data type is parametrised by the semantics, thus, using multiple semantics, such as evaluation after optimising is not straightforwardly possible.
516 Luckily, a solution is readily at hand: introduce an ad-hoc combination semantics.
518 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
519 data OptPrintDict_4 v = OPD_4 (OptDict_4 v) (PrintDict_4 v)
521 instance HasOpt_4 OptPrintDict_4 where
522 getOpt_4 (OPD_4 v _) = getOpt_4 v
523 instance HasPrint_4 OptPrintDict_4 where
524 getPrint_4 (OPD_4 _ v) = getPrint_4 v
526 instance (Opt_4 v, Print_4 v) => GDict (OptPrintDict_4 v) where
527 gdict = OPD_4 gdict gdict
528 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
530 And this allows us to write \haskelllhstexinline{print_4 (opt_4 e1)} resulting in \verb|"((~42)+(~38))"| when \haskelllhstexinline{e1} represents $(\sim(42+38))-0$ and is thus defined as follows.
532 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
533 e1 :: Expr_4 OptPrintDict_4
534 e1 = neg_4 (Lit_4 42 `Add_4` Lit_4 38) `sub_4` Lit_4 0
535 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
537 When using classy deep embedding to the fullest, the ability of the compiler to infer very general types expires.
538 As a consequence, defining reusable expressions that are overloaded in their semantics requires quite some type class constraints that cannot be inferred by the compiler (yet) if they use many extensions.
539 Solving this remains future work.
540 For example, the expression $\sim(42-38)+1$ has to be defined as:
542 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
543 e3 :: (Typeable d, GDict (d (Neg_4 d)), GDict (d (Sub_4 d))) => Expr_4 d
544 e3 = neg_4 (Lit_4 42 `sub_4` Lit_4 38) `Add_4` Lit_4 1
545 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
547 \section{Generalised algebraic data types}%
548 Generalised algebraic data types (GADTs) are enriched data types that allow the type instantiation of the constructor to be explicitly defined~\cite{cheney_first-class_2003,hinze_fun_2003}.
549 Leveraging GADTs, deeply embedded DSLs can be made statically type safe even when different value types are supported.
550 Even when GADTs are not supported natively in the language, they can be simulated using embedding-projection pairs or equivalence types~\cite[Sec.~2.2]{cheney_lightweight_2002}.
551 Where some solutions to the expression problem do not easily generalise to GADTs (see \cref{sec:cde:related}), classy deep embedding does.
552 Generalising the data structure of our DSL is fairly straightforward and to spice things up a bit, we add an equality and boolean not language construct.
553 To make the existing DSL constructs more general, we relax the types of those constructors.
554 For example, operations on integers now work on all numerals instead.
555 Moreover, the \haskelllhstexinline{Lit_g} constructor can be used to lift values of any type to the DSL domain as long as they have a \haskelllhstexinline{Show} instance, required for the printer.
556 Since some optimisations on \haskelllhstexinline{Not_g} remove constructors and therefore use cross-extensional pattern matches, \haskelllhstexinline{Typeable} constraints are added to \haskelllhstexinline{a}.
557 Furthermore, because the optimisations for \haskelllhstexinline{Add_g} and \haskelllhstexinline{Sub_g} are now more general, they do not only work for \haskelllhstexinline{Int}s but for any type with a \haskelllhstexinline{Num} instance, the \haskelllhstexinline{Eq} constraint is added to these constructors as well.
558 Finally, not to repeat ourselves too much, we only show the parts that substantially changed.
559 The omitted definitions and implementation can be found in \cref{sec:cde:appendix}.
561 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
562 data Expr_g d a where
563 Lit_g :: Show a => a -> Expr_g d a
564 Add_g :: (Eq a, Num a) => Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a
565 Ext_g :: Typeable x => d x -> x a -> Expr_g d a
566 data Neg_g d a where
567 Neg_g :: (Typeable a, Num a) => Expr_g d a -> Neg_g d a
568 NegLoop_g :: Expr_g d a -> Neg_g d a
569 data Not_g d a where
570 Not_g :: Expr_g d Bool -> Not_g d Bool
571 NotLoop_g :: Expr_g d a -> Not_g d a
572 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
574 The smart constructors for the language extensions inherit the class constraints of their data types and include a \haskelllhstexinline{Typeable} constraint on the \haskelllhstexinline{d} type variable for it to be usable in the \haskelllhstexinline{Ext_g} constructor as can be seen in the smart constructor for \haskelllhstexinline{Neg_g}:
576 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
577 neg_g :: (Typeable d, GDict (d (Neg_g d)), Typeable a, Num a) =>
578 Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a
579 neg_g e = Ext_g gdict (Neg_g e)
581 not_g :: (Typeable d, GDict (d (Not_g d))) =>
582 Expr_g d Bool -> Expr_g d Bool
583 not_g e = Ext_g gdict (Not_g e)
584 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
586 Upgrading the semantics type classes to support GADTs is done by an easy textual search and replace.
587 All occurrences of \haskelllhstexinline{v} are now parametrised by type variable \haskelllhstexinline{a}:
589 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
590 class Eval_g v where
591 eval_g :: v a -> a
592 class Print_g v where
593 print_g :: v a -> String
594 class Opt_g v where
595 opt_g :: v a -> v a
596 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
598 Now that the shape of the type classes has changed, the dictionary data types and the type classes need to be adapted as well.
599 The introduced type variable \haskelllhstexinline{a} is not an argument to the type class, so it should not be an argument to the dictionary data type.
600 To represent this type class function, a rank-2 polymorphic function is needed~\cite[Chp.~6.4.15]{ghc_team_ghc_2021}\cite{odersky_putting_1996}.
601 Concretely, for the evaluatior this results in the following definitions:
603 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
604 newtype EvalDict_g v = EvalDict_g (forall a. v a -> a)
605 class HasEval_g d where
606 getEval_g :: d v -> v a -> a
607 instance HasEval_g EvalDict_g where
608 getEval_g (EvalDict_g e) = e
609 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
611 The \haskelllhstexinline{GDict} type class is general enough, so the instances can remain the same.
612 The \haskelllhstexinline{Eval_g} instance of \haskelllhstexinline{GDict} looks as follows:
614 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
615 instance Eval_g v => GDict (EvalDict_g v) where
616 gdict = EvalDict_g eval_g
617 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
619 Finally, the implementations for the instances can be ported without complication show using the optimisation instance of \haskelllhstexinline{Not_g}:
621 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}
622 instance (Typeable d, GDict (d (Not_g d)), HasOpt_g d) => Opt_g (Not_g d) where
623 opt_g (Not_g (Ext_g d x))
624 = case fromDynamic (toDyn (getOpt_g d x)) :: Maybe (Not_g d Bool) of
625 Just (Not_g e) -> NotLoop_g e
626 _ -> Not_g (Ext_g d (getOpt_g d x))
627 opt_g (Not_g e) = Not_g (opt_g e)
628 opt_g (NotLoop_g e) = NotLoop_g (opt_g e)
629 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
631 \section{Conclusion}%
633 Classy deep embedding is a novel organically grown embedding technique that alleviates deep embedding from the extensibility problem in most cases.
635 By abstracting the semantics functions to type classes they become overloaded in the language constructs.
636 Thus, making it possible to add new language constructs in a separate type.
637 These extensions are brought together in a special extension constructor residing in the main data type.
638 This extension case is overloaded by the language construct using a data type containing the class dictionary.
639 As a result, orthogonal extension is possible for language constructs and semantics using only little syntactic overhead or type annotations.
640 The basic technique only requires---well established through history and relatively standard---existential data types.
641 However, if needed, the technique generalises to GADTs as well, adding rank-2 types to the list of type system requirements as well.
642 Finally, the abstract syntax tree remains observable which makes it suitable for intensional analyses, albeit using occasional dynamic typing for truly cross-extensional transformations.
644 Defining reusable expressions overloaded in semantics or using multiple semantics on a single expression requires some boilerplate still, getting around this remains future work.
646 \section{Related work}%
647 \label{sec:cde:related}
649 Embedded DSL techniques in functional languages have been a topic of research for many years, thus we do not claim a complete overview of related work.
651 Clearly, classy deep embedding bears most similarity to the \emph{Datatypes \`a la Carte}~\cite{swierstra_data_2008}.
652 In Swierstra's approach, semantics are lifted to type classes similarly to classy deep embedding.
653 Each language construct is their own datatype parametrised by a type parameter.
654 This parameter contains some type level representation of language constructs that are in use.
655 In classy deep embedding, extensions do not have to be enumerated at the type level but are captured in the extension case.
656 Because all the constructs are expressed in the type system, nifty type system tricks need to be employed to convince the compiler that everything is type safe and the class constraints can be solved.
657 Furthermore, it requires some boilerplate code such as functor instances for the data types.
658 In return, pattern matching is easier and does not require dynamic typing.
659 Classy deep embedding only strains the programmer with writing the extension case for the main data type and the occasional loopback constructor.
661 L\"oh and Hinze proposed a language extension that allows open data types and open functions, i.e.\ functions and data types that can be extended with more cases later on~\cite{loh_open_2006}.
662 They hinted at the possibility of using type classes for open functions but had serious concerns that pattern matching would be crippled because constructors are becoming types, thus ultimately becoming impossible to type.
663 In contrast, this paper shows that pattern matching is easily attainable---albeit using dynamic types---and that the terms can be typed without complicated type system extensions.
665 A technique similar to classy deep embedding was proposed by Najd and Peyton~Jones to tackle a slightly different problem, namely that of reusing a data type for multiple purposes in a slightly different form~\cite{najd_trees_2017}.
666 For example to decorate the abstract syntax tree of a compiler differently for each phase of the compiler.
667 They propose to add an extension descriptor as a type variable to a data type and a type family that can be used to decorate constructors with extra information and add additional constructors to the data type using an extension constructor.
668 Classy deep embedding works similarly but uses existentially quantified type variables to describe possible extensions instead of type variables and type families.
669 In classy deep embedding, the extensions do not need to be encoded in the type system and less boilerplate is required.
670 Furthermore, pattern matching on extensions becomes a bit more complicated but in return it allows for multiple extensions to be added orthogonally and avoids the necessity for type system extensions.
672 Tagless-final embedding is the shallowly embedded counterpart of classy deep embedding and was invented for the same purpose; overcoming the issues with standard shallow embedding~\cite{carette_finally_2009}.
673 Classy deep embedding was organically grown from observing the evolution of tagless-final embedding.
674 The main difference between tagless-final embedding and classy deep embedding---and in general between shallow and deep embedding---is that intensional analyses of the abstract syntax tree is more difficult because there is no tangible abstract syntax tree data structure.
675 In classy deep embedding, it is possible to define transformations even across extensions.
677 Hybrid approaches between deep and shallow embedding exist as well.
678 For example, Svenningson et al.\ show that by expressing the deeply embedded language in a shallowly embedded core language, extensions can be made orthogonally as well~\cite{svenningsson_combining_2013}.
679 This paper differs from those approaches in the sense that it does not require a core language in which all extensions need to be expressible.
681 \section*{Acknowledgements}
682 This research is partly funded by the Royal Netherlands Navy.
683 Furthermore, I would like to thank Pieter and Rinus for the fruitful discussions, Ralf for inspiring me to write a functional pearl, and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable and honest comments.
685 %\appendix
686 \begin{subappendices}
687 \section{Data types and definitions}%
688 \label{sec:cde:appendix}
689 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={Data type definitions.}]
690 data Sub_g d a where
691 Sub_g :: (Eq a, Num a) => Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a -> Sub_g d a
692 SubLoop_g :: Expr_g d a -> Sub_g d a
694 data Eq_g d a where
695 Eq_g :: (Typeable a, Eq a) => Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a -> Eq_g d Bool
696 EqLoop_g :: Expr_g d a -> Eq_g d a
697 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
699 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={Smart constructions.}]
700 sub_g :: (Typeable d, GDict (d (Sub_g d)), Eq a, Num a) =>
701 Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a
702 sub_g e1 e2 = Ext_g gdict (Sub_g e1 e2)
704 eq_g :: (Typeable d, GDict (d (Eq_g d)), Eq a, Typeable a) =>
705 Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d a -> Expr_g d Bool
706 eq_g e1 e2 = Ext_g gdict (Eq_g e1 e2)
707 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
709 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={Semantics classes and data types.}]
710 newtype PrintDict_g v = PrintDict_g (forall a.v a -> String)
712 class HasPrint_g d where
713 getPrint_g :: d v -> v a -> String
715 instance HasPrint_g PrintDict_g where
716 getPrint_g (PrintDict_g e) = e
718 newtype OptDict_g v = OptDict_g (forall a.v a -> v a)
720 class HasOpt_g d where
721 getOpt_g :: d v -> v a -> v a
723 instance HasOpt_g OptDict_g where
724 getOpt_g (OptDict_g e) = e
725 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
727 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={\texorpdfstring{\haskelllhstexinline{GDict}}{GDict} instances}]
728 instance Print_g v => GDict (PrintDict_g v) where
729 gdict = PrintDict_g print_g
730 instance Opt_g v => GDict (OptDict_g v) where
731 gdict = OptDict_g opt_g
732 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
734 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={Evaluator instances}]
735 instance HasEval_g d => Eval_g (Expr_g d) where
736 eval_g (Lit_g v) = v
737 eval_g (Add_g e1 e2) = eval_g e1 + eval_g e2
738 eval_g (Ext_g d x) = getEval_g d x
740 instance HasEval_g d => Eval_g (Sub_g d) where
741 eval_g (Sub_g e1 e2) = eval_g e1 - eval_g e2
742 eval_g (SubLoop_g e) = eval_g e
744 instance HasEval_g d => Eval_g (Neg_g d) where
745 eval_g (Neg_g e) = negate (eval_g e)
746 eval_g (NegLoop_g e) = eval_g e
748 instance HasEval_g d => Eval_g (Eq_g d) where
749 eval_g (Eq_g e1 e2) = eval_g e1 == eval_g e2
750 eval_g (EqLoop_g e) = eval_g e
752 instance HasEval_g d => Eval_g (Not_g d) where
753 eval_g (Not_g e) = not (eval_g e)
754 eval_g (NotLoop_g e) = eval_g e
755 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
757 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={Printer instances}]
758 instance HasPrint_g d => Print_g (Expr_g d) where
759 print_g (Lit_g v) = show v
760 print_g (Add_g e1 e2) = "(" ++ print_g e1 ++ "+" ++ print_g e2 ++ ")"
761 print_g (Ext_g d x) = getPrint_g d x
763 instance HasPrint_g d => Print_g (Sub_g d) where
764 print_g (Sub_g e1 e2) = "(" ++ print_g e1 ++ "-" ++ print_g e2 ++ ")"
765 print_g (SubLoop_g e) = print_g e
767 instance HasPrint_g d => Print_g (Neg_g d) where
768 print_g (Neg_g e) = "(negate " ++ print_g e ++ ")"
769 print_g (NegLoop_g e) = print_g e
771 instance HasPrint_g d => Print_g (Eq_g d) where
772 print_g (Eq_g e1 e2) = "(" ++ print_g e1 ++ "==" ++ print_g e2 ++ ")"
773 print_g (EqLoop_g e) = print_g e
775 instance HasPrint_g d => Print_g (Not_g d) where
776 print_g (Not_g e) = "(not " ++ print_g e ++ ")"
777 print_g (NotLoop_g e) = print_g e
778 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
780 \begin{lstHaskellLhstex}[caption={Optimisation instances}]
781 instance HasOpt_g d => Opt_g (Expr_g d) where
782 opt_g (Lit_g v) = Lit_g v
783 opt_g (Add_g e1 e2) = case (opt_g e1, opt_g e2) of
784 (Lit_g 0, e2p ) -> e2p
785 (e1p, Lit_g 0) -> e1p
786 (e1p, e2p ) -> Add_g e1p e2p
787 opt_g (Ext_g d x) = Ext_g d (getOpt_g d x)
789 instance HasOpt_g d => Opt_g (Sub_g d) where
790 opt_g (Sub_g e1 e2) = case (opt_g e1, opt_g e2) of
791 (e1p, Lit_g 0) -> SubLoop_g e1p
792 (e1p, e2p ) -> Sub_g e1p e2p
793 opt_g (SubLoop_g e) = SubLoop_g (opt_g e)
795 instance (Typeable d, GDict (d (Neg_g d)), HasOpt_g d) => Opt_g (Neg_g d) where
796 opt_g (Neg_g (Add_g e1 e2))
797 = NegLoop_g (Add_g (opt_g (neg_g e1)) (opt_g (neg_g e2)))
798 opt_g (Neg_g (Ext_g d x))
799 = case fromDynamic (toDyn (getOpt_g d x)) of
800 Just (Neg_g e) -> NegLoop_g e
801 _ -> Neg_g (Ext_g d (getOpt_g d x))
802 opt_g (Neg_g e) = Neg_g (opt_g e)
803 opt_g (NegLoop_g e) = NegLoop_g (opt_g e)
805 instance HasOpt_g d => Opt_g (Eq_g d) where
806 opt_g (Eq_g e1 e2) = Eq_g (opt_g e1) (opt_g e2)
807 opt_g (EqLoop_g e) = EqLoop_g (opt_g e)
808 \end{lstHaskellLhstex}
810 \end{subappendices}
812 \input{subfilepostamble}
813 \end{document}