[clean-tests.git] / filepicker / test.icl
1 module test
3 import Control.Monad.State
4 import Control.Monad.Identity
5 import Control.Applicative
6 import System.OS
7 import qualified Control.Monad as M
8 from Control.Monad import `b`, mapM, class Monad(bind)
9 import StdArray
10 import Data.Tree
11 import Data.Functor
12 import Data.Tuple
13 import Data.Func
14 import System.Directory
15 import System.File
16 import Text.HTML
17 import Text
18 import iTasks
19 import iTasks.Internal.SDS => qualified modify
20 import iTasks.Internal.Task
22 import StdDebug, StdMisc
24 derive class iTask RTree, FileInfo, Tm
26 Start w = startEngine (selecter "/home/mrl/projects" 2) w
28 recurseDirectory :: Int FilePath FilePath *World -> *(MaybeOSError (RTree (FilePath, Bool)), *World)
29 recurseDirectory maxdepth acc fp w
30 # fp = acc </> fp
31 = case getFileInfo fp w of
32 (Error (i, e), w) = (Error (i, e +++ " in fileinfo " +++ fp), w)
33 (Ok fi, w)
34 | not fi.directory = (Ok $ RNode (fp, False) [], w)
35 = case readDirectory fp w of
36 (Error (i, e), w) = (Error (i, e +++ " in readDir " +++ fp), w)
37 (Ok cs, w)
38 | maxdepth == 0 = (Ok $ RNode (fp, True) [], w)
39 = appFst ((fmap $ RNode (fp, True)) o 'M'.sequence)
40 $ mapSt (recurseDirectory (maxdepth - 1) fp) (filter real cs) w
41 where
42 real i = IF_POSIX (i <> ".." && i <> ".") True
44 selecter :: !FilePath Int -> Task String
45 selecter fp maxdepth = accWorldOSError (recurseDirectory maxdepth fp "")
46 >>= \ds->editSelection "Examples" False (SelectInTree (\x->[evalState (toTree x) 0]) fromTree) ds []
47 @? tvHd
48 where
49 toTree :: (RTree (FilePath, Bool)) -> State Int ChoiceNode
50 toTree (RNode (fp, _) forest)
51 = getState `b` \i->put (i+1) `b` \_->mapM toTree forest `b` \cs->pure
52 {id=i,label=bn fp,icon=Nothing,expanded=i==0,children=cs}
54 bn :: FilePath -> FilePath
55 bn x = if (endsWith {pathSeparator} x) (bn $ fst $ splitFileName x) (dropDirectory x)
57 fromTree :: (RTree (FilePath, Bool)) [Int] -> [FilePath]
58 fromTree t [i] = map fst $ filter (not o snd) [foldTree (\f fs->[f:flatten fs]) t !! i]