stupid higher order functions
[cc1516.git] / gen.icl
1 implementation module gen
3 import StdMisc
4 import StdList
5 import StdOverloaded
6 import StdString
7 from StdFunc import id, const
8 import StdTuple
9 import StdEnum
11 import Data.Func
12 import qualified Data.Map as Map
13 import Data.List
14 import Data.Either
15 import Data.Tuple
16 import Data.Functor
17 import Data.Monoid
18 import Data.Maybe
19 import Control.Applicative
20 import Control.Monad
21 import Control.Monad.Trans
22 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
24 import AST
25 import RWST
27 TRUE :== -1
28 FALSE :== 0
29 :: Instr = Instr String [Arg] String
30 | Lab Label
31 :: Label :== String
32 :: Arg = L Label | Lit Int | Raw String
33 :: SSMProgram :== [Instr]
34 :: GenError = Error String
35 :: Addressbook :== 'Map'.Map String Address
36 :: Address = LAB String Int Int | ADDR Int Int
37 :: Gen a :== RWST () SSMProgram (Addressbook, [Label]) (Either GenError) a
39 labelStream :: [Label]
40 labelStream = ["lbl_" +++ toString i\\i<-[1..]]
42 defaultAddressBook :: [FunDecl] -> Addressbook
43 defaultAddressBook fd = extend "1printint" (LAB "1printint" 1 0)
44 $ extend "1printchar" (LAB "1printchar" 1 1)
45 $ extend "read" (LAB "read" 0 2)
46 $ extend "isEmpty" (LAB "isEmpty" 1 3)
47 $ addFuncs fd 4
48 where
49 addFuncs [] _ = 'Map'.newMap
50 addFuncs [(FunDecl _ k args _ _ _):xs] n =
51 extend k (LAB k (length args) n) $ addFuncs xs (n+1)
53 gen :: AST -> Either String String
54 gen (AST fds) = case evalRWST prog () (defaultAddressBook fds, labelStream) of
55 Left (Error e) = Left e
56 Right (_, p) = Right $ toString p
57 where
58 prog = tell [
59 Instr "bsr" [L "main"] "",
60 Instr "halt" [] ""
61 ] >>| tell (programContext fds)
62 >>| mapM_ g fds
64 programContext :: [FunDecl] -> SSMProgram
65 programContext x = [Lab "1func"
66 :fS ["1printint" ,"1printchar","read"
67 ,"isEmpty":map (\(FunDecl _ k _ _ _ _)->k) x] 0] ++ context
68 where
70 fS :: [String] Int -> SSMProgram
71 fS [] _ = []
72 fS [k:xs] n = [
73 Lab $ "1next" +++ toString n
74 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R5"] ""
75 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit n] $ "branch to: " +++ k
76 ,Instr "eq" [] ""
77 ,if (isEmpty xs)
78 (Instr "nop" [] "")
79 (Instr "brf" [L $ "1next" +++ (toString $ n + 1)] "")
80 ,Instr "bra" [L k] ""
81 :fS xs $ n+1]
82 context :: SSMProgram
83 context = [Lab "1printint"
84 ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
85 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load first argument"
86 ,Instr "trap" [Lit 0] "print int"
87 ,Instr "unlink" [] ""
88 ,Instr "ret" [] ""
89 ,Lab "1printchar"
90 ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
91 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load first argument"
92 ,Instr "trap" [Lit 1] "print char"
93 ,Instr "unlink" [] ""
94 ,Instr "ret" [] ""
95 ,Lab "read"
96 ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
97 ,Instr "trap" [Lit 11] "read char"
98 ,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""
99 ,Instr "unlink" [] ""
100 ,Instr "ret" [] ""
101 ,Lab "isEmpty"
102 ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
103 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load prt to list"
104 ,Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "derefrence ptr"
105 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""
106 ,Instr "eq" [] "test for null pointer"
107 ,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""
108 ,Instr "unlink" [] ""
109 ,Instr "ret" [] ""
110 ,Lab "read"
111 ]
113 getAdressbook :: Gen Addressbook
114 getAdressbook = gets fst
116 updateAdressbook :: (Addressbook -> Addressbook) -> Gen Addressbook
117 updateAdressbook f = modify (appFst f) >>| getAdressbook
119 extend :: String Address Addressbook -> Addressbook
120 extend k pl g = 'Map'.put k pl g
122 fresh :: Gen Label
123 fresh = gets snd >>= \vars->
124 modify (appSnd $ const $ tail vars) >>|
125 pure (head vars)
127 class g a :: a -> Gen ()
129 instance g Op1 where
130 g UnNegation = tell [Instr "not" [] ""]
131 g UnMinus = tell [Instr "neg" [] ""]
133 instance g Op2 where
134 g o = tell [Instr s [] ""]
135 where
136 s = case o of
137 BiPlus = "add"
138 BiMinus = "sub"
139 BiTimes = "mul"
140 BiDivide = "div"
141 BiMod = "mod"
142 BiEquals = "eq"
143 BiLesser = "lt"
144 BiGreater = "gt"
145 BiLesserEq = "le"
146 BiGreaterEq = "ge"
147 BiUnEqual = "ne"
148 BiAnd = "and"
149 BiOr = "or"
150 BiCons = abort "Shit, Cons, how to deal with this?"
152 instance g FieldSelector where
153 g FieldFst = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit -1] "fst"]
154 g FieldSnd = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "snd"]
155 g FieldHd = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit -1] "hd"]
156 g FieldTl = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "tl"]
158 instance g Expr where
159 g (IntExpr _ i) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit i] ""]
160 g (CharExpr _ c) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit (toInt c)] ""]
161 g (BoolExpr _ b) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit (if b TRUE FALSE)] ""]
162 g (EmptyListExpr _) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""]
163 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
164 g (Op1Expr _ o e) = g e >>| g o
165 g (Op2Expr _ e1 BiCons e2) = g e2 >>| g e1
166 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
167 >>| tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]
168 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
169 g (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = g e1 >>| g e2 >>| g op
170 g (TupleExpr _ (e1,e2)) = g e1
171 >>| g e2
172 >>| tell [Instr "stmh" [Lit 2] ""]
173 g (VarExpr _ (VarDef k fs)) = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of
174 Just (ADDR t arity) = tell [Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""] >>| mapM_ g fs >>| pure ()
175 Just (LAB l _ fn) = tell
176 [Instr "ldc" [Lit fn] ""
177 ,Instr "sth" [] ""
178 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""
179 ,Instr "sth" [] ""
180 ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]
181 Nothing = liftT $ Left $ Error "PANIC: unresolver variable expr"
182 g (LambdaExpr _ _ _) = liftT $ Left $ Error "PANIC: Lambdas should be unfolded"
183 g (FunExpr _ k es fs) = funnyStuff k es fs
185 funnyStuff :: String [Expr] [FieldSelector] -> Gen ()
186 funnyStuff k es fs = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of
187 //Identifier points to function
188 Just (LAB l arity fn) = if (arity <> (length es))
189 //Function is not complete
190 ( mapM_ g es
191 >>| tell
192 [Instr "ldc" [Lit fn] "Store function number"
193 ,Instr "sth" [] ""
194 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R7"] ""
195 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit $ length es] "Store arity"
196 ,Instr "sth" [] ""
197 ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""
198 ]
199 >>| if (isEmpty es) (pure ()) (tell
200 [Instr "stmh" [Lit $ length es] "Store arguments"
201 ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""
202 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R7"] ""]))
203 //Function is complete
204 ( mapM_ g es
205 >>| getAdressbook >>= \ab->(case 'Map'.get k ab of
206 Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ concat ["PANIC: ", k, " not found as function"])
207 Just (LAB t _ _) = tell [Instr "bsr" [L t] (k +++"()")]
208 Just (ADDR t arity) = liftT (Left $ Error "NO ADDRESS JUMPING FFS")
209 )
210 >>| tell
211 [Instr "ajs" [Lit $ ~(length es)] "Clean arguments"
212 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "RR"] ""])
213 //Identifier points to variable, thus higher order function
214 Just (ADDR t arity) = if (arity <> (length es))
215 //Function is still not complete
216 ( fresh >>= \finish->fresh >>= \start->tell [
217 //Store function number
218 Instr "ldl" [Lit t] "STARTING HIGHER ORDER UPDATE"
219 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 0] "get function number"
220 ,Instr "sth" [] "Store"
221 //Store function arity
222 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit t] "get pointer again"
223 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 1] "get function arity"
224 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit $ length es] "add argument number"
225 ,Instr "add" [] "add"
226 ,Instr "sth" [] "Store"
227 ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] "Adjust pointer"
228 //load the arguments
229 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""
230 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 1] "Load available arguments"
231 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R5"] "Store available args in register"
232 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] "Store offset"
233 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R6"] "Store offset in register"
234 ,Lab start
235 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R5"] ""
236 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""
237 ,Instr "eq" [] ""
238 ,Instr "brt" [L finish] "Done pushing arg, bye"
239 //Load heapadress
240 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""
241 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R6"] ""
242 ,Instr "add" [] "Corrected heapaddress"
243 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 2] "Load argument"
244 ,Instr "sth" [] "And store it immediatly after"
245 //Decrease available arguments
246 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R5"] ""
247 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 1] ""
248 ,Instr "sub" [] ""
249 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R5"] ""
250 //Increase available arguments
251 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R6"] ""
252 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 1] ""
253 ,Instr "add" [] ""
254 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R6"] ""
255 ,Instr "bra" [L start] ""
256 ,Lab finish
257 ]
258 >>| mapM_ g es
259 >>| tell
260 [Instr "stmh" [Lit $ length es] "Store extra args"
261 ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]
262 )
263 //Function is complete
264 ( fresh >>= \finish->fresh >>= \start->tell [
265 Instr "ldl" [Lit t] "STARTING HIGHER ORDER CALL"
266 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 1] "Load available arguments"
267 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R5"] "Store available args in register"
268 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] "Store offset"
269 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R6"] "Store offset in register"
271 ,Lab start
272 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R5"] ""
273 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""
274 ,Instr "eq" [] ""
275 ,Instr "brt" [L finish] "Done pushing arg, bye"
276 //Load heapadress
277 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""
278 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R6"] ""
279 ,Instr "add" [] "Corrected heapaddress"
280 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 2] "Load argument"
281 //Decrease available arguments
282 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R5"] ""
283 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 1] ""
284 ,Instr "sub" [] ""
285 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R5"] ""
286 //Increase available arguments
287 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R6"] ""
288 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 1] ""
289 ,Instr "add" [] ""
290 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R6"] ""
291 ,Instr "bra" [L start] ""
292 ,Lab finish
293 ]
294 >>| mapM_ g es
295 >>| tell
296 [Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""
297 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 0] "Get function number"
298 ,Instr "str" [Raw "R5"] ""
299 ,Instr "bsr" [L "1func"] "HIGHER ORDER END"
300 ,Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""
301 ,Instr "ldh" [Lit 1] ""
302 ,Instr "neg" [] ""
303 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "SP"] ""
304 ,Instr "add" [] ""
305 ,Instr "ldc" [Lit $ length es + 1] ""
306 ,Instr "sub" [] ""
307 ,Instr "str" [Raw "SP"] ""
308 ,Instr "ldr" [Raw "RR"] ""
309 ]
310 )
311 Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ "PANIC: Undefined function: " +++ k)
313 instance g Stmt where
314 g (IfStmt cond th el) =
315 fresh >>= \elseLabel->
316 fresh >>= \endLabel->
317 g cond >>|
318 tell [Instr "brf" [L elseLabel] "branch else"] >>|
319 mapM_ g th >>|
320 tell [Instr "bra" [L endLabel] "branch end if"] >>|
321 tell [Lab elseLabel] >>|
322 mapM_ g el >>|
323 tell [Lab endLabel]
324 g (WhileStmt cond th) =
325 fresh >>= \startLabel->
326 fresh >>= \endLabel ->
327 tell [Lab startLabel] >>|
328 g cond >>|
329 tell [Instr "brf" [L endLabel] "branch end while"] >>|
330 mapM_ g th >>|
331 tell [Instr "bra" [L startLabel] "branch start while"] >>|
332 tell [Lab endLabel]
333 g (AssStmt (VarDef k fs) e) =
334 g e >>| getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of
335 Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ concat ["PANIC: ", k, " not found as var"])
336 Just (LAB t _ _) = liftT (Left $ Error $ "PANIC: cannot assign to function")
337 Just (ADDR t ar) = case fs of
338 [] = tell [Instr "stl" [Lit t] ""]
339 _ = tell [Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""]
340 >>| followFs fs
341 >>| tell [Instr "sta" [Lit 0] ""]
342 g (FunStmt k es fs) = funnyStuff k es fs
343 g (ReturnStmt Nothing) = tell [Instr "unlink" [] ""]
344 >>| tell [Instr "ret" [] ""]
345 g (ReturnStmt (Just e)) = g e
346 >>| tell [Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""]
347 >>| g (ReturnStmt Nothing)
349 //expects the heap address to the var to slect on to be on the stack
350 //and leaves the heap adress to write to on the stack
351 followFs :: [FieldSelector] -> Gen()
352 followFs [] = tell []
353 followFs [FieldHd:fs] = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit 1] "select hd"
354 ,Instr "sub" [] "select hd"]
355 >>| followFs fs
356 followFs [FieldTl] = tell []
357 followFs [FieldTl:fs] = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit 0] ""]
358 >>| followFs fs
359 followFs [FieldFst:fs] = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit 1] "select fst"
360 ,Instr "sub" [] "select fst"]
361 >>| followFs fs
362 followFs [FieldSnd:fs] = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit 0] ""]
363 >>| followFs fs
364 followFs [FieldSnd] = tell []
366 foldVarDecl :: Int VarDecl -> Gen Int
367 foldVarDecl x (VarDecl _ mt k e) = g e
368 >>| annote x k
369 >>| updateAdressbook (extend k (ADDR x $ arity $ fromJust mt))
370 >>| pure (x + 1)
372 arity :: Type -> Int
373 arity (_ ->> x) = 1 + arity x
374 arity _ = 0
376 addVars :: Type [String] -> (Addressbook -> Addressbook)
377 addVars _ [] = id
378 addVars (t ->> ts) [x:xs] = \ab->
379 extend x (ADDR (-2 - (length xs)) (arity t)) (addVars ts xs ab)
380 addVars t [x] = \ab->
381 extend x (ADDR -2 0) ab
383 instance g FunDecl where
384 g (FunDecl _ k args mt vds stms) =
385 //varDecls can call the enclosing function, so first reserve a label for it
386 getAdressbook >>= \oldMap ->
387 updateAdressbook (addVars (fromJust mt) args) >>|
388 tell [Lab k] >>|
389 tell [Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""] >>|
390 //add the vars
391 foldM foldVarDecl 1 vds >>|
392 //and the statements
393 mapM_ g stms >>|
394 //Ugly hack to always return
395 g (ReturnStmt Nothing) >>|
396 updateAdressbook (const oldMap) >>| pure ()
398 annote :: Int String -> Gen ()
399 annote pos key =
400 tell [Instr "annote" [Raw "MP", Lit pos, Lit pos, Raw "black", Raw key] ""]
402 class print a :: a -> [String]
404 instance print Instr where
405 print (Lab l) = [l, ":", "\n"]
406 print (Instr i args com) = ["\t", i] ++ print args ++ [" ;", com, "\n"]
408 instance print [Arg] where
409 print args = (map toString args)
411 instance toString Arg where
412 toString (L l) = l
413 toString (Lit int) = toString int
414 toString (Raw s) = s
416 instance toString SSMProgram where
417 toString p = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (\i-> concat $ intersperse " " $ print i) p