Fixed annote
[cc1516.git] / gen.icl
1 implementation module gen
3 import StdMisc
4 import StdList
5 import StdOverloaded
6 import StdString
7 from StdFunc import id, const
8 import StdTuple
9 import StdEnum
11 import Data.Func
12 import qualified Data.Map as Map
13 import Data.List
14 import Data.Either
15 import Data.Tuple
16 import Data.Functor
17 import Data.Monoid
18 import Data.Maybe
19 import Control.Applicative
20 import Control.Monad
21 import Control.Monad.Trans
22 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
24 import AST
25 import RWST
27 TRUE :== -1
28 FALSE :== 0
29 :: Instr = Instr String [Arg] String
30 | Lab Label
31 :: Label :== String
32 :: Arg = L Label | Lit Int | Raw String
33 :: SSMProgram :== [Instr]
34 :: GenError = Error String
35 :: Addressbook :== 'Map'.Map String Address
36 :: Address = LAB String | ADDR Int
37 :: Gen a :== RWST () SSMProgram (Addressbook, [Label]) (Either GenError) a
39 labelStream :: [Label]
40 labelStream = ["lbl_" +++ toString i\\i<-[1..]]
42 gen :: AST -> Either String String
43 gen (AST fds) = case evalRWST prog () ('Map'.newMap, labelStream) of
44 Left (Error e) = Left e
45 Right (_, p) = Right $ toString p
46 where
47 prog = tell [
48 Instr "bsr" [L "main"] "",
49 Instr "halt" [] ""
50 ] >>| mapM_ g fds
52 //Current issues:
53 //All VarDecls are added as function, how to deal with assignments?
54 // (And when we deal with assignments, how to deal with assignments to higher order functions?)
55 //Dealing with arguments
56 //Dealing with types that do not fit on the Stack
57 // Probably completely change LoadPlace to a Type and a position relative to *something*
58 // And where the type determines if this position is a pointer to the heap or an
59 // unboxed value
61 //helper functions for the gen monad
62 getAdressbook :: Gen Addressbook
63 getAdressbook = gets fst
65 updateAdressbook :: (Addressbook -> Addressbook) -> Gen Addressbook
66 updateAdressbook f = modify (appFst f) >>| getAdressbook
68 extend :: String Address Addressbook -> Addressbook
69 extend k pl g = 'Map'.put k pl g
71 fresh :: Gen Label
72 fresh = gets snd >>= \vars->
73 modify (appSnd $ const $ tail vars) >>|
74 pure (head vars)
76 class g a :: a -> Gen ()
78 instance g Op1 where
79 g UnNegation = tell [Instr "not" [] ""]
80 g UnMinus = tell [Instr "neg" [] ""]
82 instance g Op2 where
83 g o = tell [Instr s [] ""]
84 where
85 s = case o of
86 BiPlus = "add"
87 BiMinus = "sub"
88 BiTimes = "mul"
89 BiDivide = "div"
90 BiMod = "mod"
91 BiEquals = "eq"
92 BiLesser = "lt"
93 BiGreater = "gt"
94 BiLesserEq = "le"
95 BiGreaterEq = "ge"
96 BiUnEqual = "ne"
97 BiAnd = "and"
98 BiOr = "or"
99 BiCons = abort "Shit, Cons, how to deal with this?"
101 instance g Expr where
102 g (IntExpr _ i) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit i] ""]
103 g (CharExpr _ c) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit (toInt c)] ""]
104 g (BoolExpr _ b) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit (if b TRUE FALSE)] ""]
105 g (EmptyListExpr _) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""]
106 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
107 g (Op1Expr _ o e) = g e >>| g o
108 g (Op2Expr _ e1 BiCons e2) = g e2 >>| g e1
109 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
110 >>| tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]
111 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
112 g (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = g e1 >>| g e2 >>| g op
113 g (TupleExpr _ (e1,e2)) = g e1
114 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
115 >>| g e2
116 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""]
117 >>| tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]
118 g (VarExpr _ (VarDef k fs)) = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of
119 Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error "PANIC: undefined variable")
120 Just (ADDR t) = tell [Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""]
121 Just (LAB t) = liftT (Left $ Error "PANIC: variable and function name clash")
122 //load k >>= \instr-> tell [instr] //note: pure is pure for list, i.e. []
123 g (FunExpr _ k es fs) =
124 mapM_ g es
125 >>| jump "bsr" k
126 >>| mapM_ (const $ tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]) es //clean up args
127 >>| tell [Instr "ldr" [Raw "RR"] ""]
129 jump :: String String -> Gen ()
130 jump instr k = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of
131 Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ concat ["PANIC: ", k, " not found as function"])
132 Just (LAB t) = tell [Instr instr [L t] (k +++"()")]
133 Just (ADDR t) = liftT (Left $ Error $ "PANIC: jump should go to label")
135 instance g Stmt where
136 g (IfStmt cond th el) =
137 fresh >>= \elseLabel->
138 fresh >>= \endLabel->
139 g cond >>|
140 tell [Instr "brf" [L elseLabel] "branch else"] >>|
141 mapM_ g th >>|
142 tell [Instr "bra" [L endLabel] "branch end if"] >>|
143 tell [Lab elseLabel] >>|
144 mapM_ g el >>|
145 tell [Lab endLabel]
146 g (WhileStmt cond th) =
147 fresh >>= \startLabel->
148 fresh >>= \endLabel ->
149 tell [Lab startLabel] >>|
150 g cond >>|
151 tell [Instr "brf" [L endLabel] "branch end while"] >>|
152 mapM_ g th >>|
153 tell [Instr "bra" [L startLabel] "branch start while"] >>|
154 tell [Lab endLabel]
155 g (AssStmt (VarDef k fs) e) =
156 g e >>| getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of
157 Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ concat ["PANIC: ", k, " not found as var"])
158 Just (LAB t) = liftT (Left $ Error $ "PANIC: cannot assign to function")
159 Just (ADDR t) = tell [Instr "stl" [Lit t] ""]
160 g (FunStmt k es) = mapM_ g es
161 >>| mapM_ (const $ tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]) es //clean up args
162 >>| jump "bsr" k
163 g (ReturnStmt Nothing) = tell [Instr "unlink" [] ""]
164 >>| tell [Instr "ret" [] ""]
165 g (ReturnStmt (Just e)) = g e
166 >>| tell [Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""]
167 >>| g (ReturnStmt Nothing)
169 foldVarDecl :: Int VarDecl -> Gen Int
170 foldVarDecl x (VarDecl _ _ k e) = g e
171 >>| annote x k
172 >>| updateAdressbook (extend k (ADDR x)) >>| pure (x + 1)
174 addVars :: [String] -> (Addressbook -> Addressbook)
175 addVars [] = id
176 addVars [x:xs] = \ab->extend x (ADDR (-2 - (length xs))) (addVars xs ab)
178 instance g FunDecl where
179 g (FunDecl _ k args _ vds stms) =
180 //varDecls can call the enclosing function, so first reserve a label for it
181 updateAdressbook (extend k (LAB k)) >>|
182 getAdressbook >>= \oldMap ->
183 updateAdressbook (addVars args) >>|
184 tell [Lab k] >>|
185 tell [Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""] >>|
186 //add the vars
187 foldM foldVarDecl 1 vds >>|
188 //and the statements
189 mapM_ g stms >>|
190 updateAdressbook (const oldMap) >>| pure ()
192 annote :: Int String -> Gen ()
193 annote pos key =
194 tell [Instr "annote" [Raw "MP", Lit pos, Lit pos, Raw "green", Raw key] ""]
196 class print a :: a -> [String]
198 instance print Instr where
199 print (Lab l) = [l, ":", "\n"]
200 print (Instr i args com) = ["\t", i] ++ print args ++ [" ;", com, "\n"]
202 instance print [Arg] where
203 print args = (map toString args)
205 instance toString Arg where
206 toString (L l) = l
207 toString (Lit int) = toString int
208 toString (Raw s) = s
210 instance toString SSMProgram where
211 toString p = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (\i-> concat $ intersperse " " $ print i) p