[clean-tests.git] / gen.icl
1 module gen
3 import Control.Applicative
4 import Control.Monad => qualified join
5 import Control.Monad.State
6 import Control.Monad.Writer
7 :mport Control.Monad.Trans
8 import Data.Either
9 import Data.Func
10 import Data.Functor
11 import Data.Functor.Identity
12 import Data.Generics
13 import Data.List
14 import Data.Maybe
15 import Data.Monoid
16 import Data.Tuple
17 import StdEnv, StdGeneric
18 import Text
20 :: Box b a =: Box b
21 derive bimap Box
22 unBox (Box b) :== b
23 box b :== Box b
24 reBox x :== box (unBox x)
26 :: GType
27 = GTyBasic String
28 | GTyArrow GType GType
29 | GTyArray ArrayType GType
30 | GTyUList UListType GType
31 | GTyUnit
32 | GTyEither GType GType
33 | GTyPair GType GType
34 | GTyCons GenericConsDescriptor GType
35 | GTyField GenericFieldDescriptor GType
36 | GTyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor GType
37 | GTyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor GType
38 :: ArrayType = AStrict | ALazy | AUnboxed | A32Unboxed
39 :: UListType = ULLazy | ULStrict
40 instance == UListType
41 where
42 (==) ULLazy ULLazy = True
43 (==) ULStrict ULStrict = True
44 (==) _ _ = False
45 instance == ArrayType
46 where
47 (==) AStrict AStrict = True
48 (==) ALazy ALazy = True
49 (==) AUnboxed AUnboxed = True
50 (==) A32Unboxed A32Unboxed = True
51 (==) _ _ = False
53 instance == GType where (==) x y = gTypeEqShallow 999 x y
54 gTypeEqShallow :: Int GType GType -> Bool
55 gTypeEqShallow i _ _
56 | i < 0 = True
57 gTypeEqShallow _ (GTyBasic i) (GTyBasic j) = i == j
58 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyArrow l1 r1) (GTyArrow l2 r2) = gTypeEqShallow (dec i) l1 l2 && gTypeEqShallow (dec i) r1 r2
59 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyArray s1 a1) (GTyArray s2 a2) = s1 == s2 && gTypeEqShallow (dec i) a1 a2
60 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyUList s1 a1) (GTyUList s2 a2) = s1 == s2 && gTypeEqShallow (dec i) a1 a2
61 gTypeEqShallow _ GTyUnit GTyUnit = True
62 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyEither l1 r1) (GTyEither l2 r2) = gTypeEqShallow i l1 l2 && gTypeEqShallow i r1 r2
63 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyPair l1 r1) (GTyPair l2 r2) = gTypeEqShallow i l1 l2 && gTypeEqShallow i r1 r2
64 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyCons i1 a1) (GTyCons i2 a2) = i1.gcd_name == i2.gcd_name && gTypeEqShallow i a1 a2
65 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyField i1 a1) (GTyField i2 a2)
66 = i1.gfd_name == i2.gfd_name && i1.gfd_cons.grd_name == i2.gfd_cons.grd_name && gTypeEqShallow i a1 a2
67 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyObject i1 a1) (GTyObject i2 a2)
68 = i1.gtd_name == i2.gtd_name && gTypeEqShallow (dec i) a1 a2
69 gTypeEqShallow i (GTyRecord i1 a1) (GTyRecord i2 a2)
70 = i1.grd_name == i2.grd_name && gTypeEqShallow (dec i) a1 a2
71 gTypeEqShallow _ _ _ = False
73 class print a :: a [String] -> [String]
74 instance print Bool where print s c = [toString s:c]
75 instance print Int where print s c = [toString s:c]
76 instance print Char where print s c = [toString s:c]
77 instance print String where print s c = [s:c]
78 instance print UListType
79 where
80 print ULStrict c = ["!":c]
81 print ULLazy c = c
82 instance print ArrayType
83 where
84 print AStrict c = ["!":c]
85 print AUnboxed c = ["#":c]
86 print A32Unboxed c = ["32#":c]
87 print ALazy c = c
88 instance print GType
89 where
90 print (GTyBasic s) c = [s:c]
91 print (GTyArrow l r) c = ["((->)":print l [" ":print r [")":c]]]
92 print (GTyArray s a) c = ["{":print s $ print a ["}":c]]
93 print (GTyUList s a) c = ["[#":print s $ print s ["]":c]]
94 print GTyUnit c = ["UNIT":c]
95 print (GTyEither l r) c = ["(EITHER ":print l [" ":print r [")":c]]]
96 print (GTyPair l r) c = ["(PAIR ":print l [")":c]]
97 print (GTyCons i a) c = ["(CONS ", i.gcd_name, " ":print a [")":c]]
98 print (GTyField i a) c = ["(FIELD ", i.gfd_name, " ":print a [")":c]]
99 print (GTyObject i a) c = ["(OBJECT ", i.gtd_name, " ":print a [")":c]]
100 print (GTyRecord i a) c = ["(RECORD ", i.grd_name, " ":print a [")":c]]
102 :: Type
103 = TyBasic String
104 | TyArrow Type Type
105 | TyArray ArrayType Type
106 | TyUList UListType Type
107 | TyNewType GenericTypeDefDescriptor GenericConsDescriptor Type
108 | TyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])]
109 | TyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor [(GenericFieldDescriptor, Type)]
110 instance == Type
111 where
112 (==) (TyBasic a1) (TyBasic a2) = a1 == a2
113 (==) (TyArrow l1 r1) (TyArrow l2 r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
114 (==) (TyArray s1 a1) (TyArray s2 a2) = s1 == s2 && a1 == a2
115 (==) (TyUList s1 a1) (TyUList s2 a2) = s1 == s2 && a1 == a2
116 (==) (TyNewType i1 j1 a1) (TyNewType i2 j2 a2)
117 = i1.gtd_name == i2.gtd_name && a1 == a2
118 (==) (TyObject i1 a1) (TyObject i2 a2)
119 = i1.gtd_name == i2.gtd_name && length a1 == length a2
120 && and [l1.gcd_name == l2.gcd_name && t1 == t2\\(l1, t1)<-a1 & (l2, t2)<-a2]
121 (==) (TyRecord i1 a1) (TyRecord i2 a2)
122 = i1.grd_name == i2.grd_name && length a1 == length a2
123 && and [l1.gfd_name == l2.gfd_name && t1 == t2\\(l1, t1)<-a1 & (l2, t2)<-a2]
124 (==) _ _ = False
126 predef :: [(String, String)]
127 predef =:
128 [("_List", "[]"), ("_!List", "[! ]"), ("_List!", "[ !]"), ("_!List!", "[!!]")
129 ,("_#List", "[#]"), ("_#List!", "[#!]")
130 ,("_Array", "{}"), ("_!Array", "{!}"), ("_#Array", "{#}")
131 :[("_Tuple" +++ toString i, "(" +++ createArray i ',' +++")")\\i<-[2..32]]]
133 translateType :: String -> String
134 translateType s = maybe s id $ lookup s predef
136 instance print Type
137 where
138 print (TyBasic s) c = [translateType s:c]
139 print (TyArrow l r) c = print l [" -> ":print r c]
140 print (TyArray s a) c = ["{":print s ["}":print a c]]
141 print (TyUList s a) c = ["[#":print s ["]":print a c]]
142 print (TyNewType i j cons) c = pTyVars i.gtd_name i.gtd_arity
143 [": ", j.gcd_name, " ":print (nttype j.gcd_type) c]
144 where nttype (GenTypeArrow l r) = l
145 print (TyRecord i fields) c = pTyVars i.grd_name i.grd_type_arity
146 [" {":isperse ", " (pField (\i c->[i.gfd_name, " :: ":c]) fields i.grd_type) ["}":c]]
147 print (TyObject i conses) c = pTyVars i.gtd_name i.gtd_arity
148 $ [" ":isperse " | " (map pCons conses) c]
149 where
150 pCons :: (GenericConsDescriptor, [Type]) [String] -> [String]
151 pCons (i, ts) c = n [" ":isperse " " (pField (\_->id) [(i, t)\\t<-ts] i.gcd_type) c]
152 where
153 n c = case i.gcd_prio of
154 GenConsNoPrio = [i.gcd_name:c]
155 GenConsPrio a s = ["(",i.gcd_name,") infix",case a of
156 GenConsAssocRight = "r";
157 GenConsAssocLeft = "l"
158 _ = "", " ":print s c]
160 pTyVars :: String Int [String] -> [String]
161 pTyVars ty arity c = [":: ", ty, " ":isperse " " (map print ['a'..'a'+toChar (arity-1)]) [" =":c]]
163 pField :: (a [String] -> [String]) [(a, Type)] GenType -> [[String] -> [String]]
164 pField pre [] _ = []
165 pField pre [(i, t):xs] (GenTypeArrow l r) = [pre i o print l:pField pre xs r]
167 instance == GenType
168 where
169 (==) (GenTypeVar i) (GenTypeVar j) = i == j
170 (==) (GenTypeApp l1 r1) (GenTypeApp l2 r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
171 (==) (GenTypeCons i) (GenTypeCons j) = i == j
172 (==) (GenTypeArrow l1 r1) (GenTypeArrow l2 r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
173 (==) _ _ = False
174 instance print GenType
175 where
176 print (GenTypeVar i) c = print (['a'..] !! i) c
177 print t=:(GenTypeApp _ _) c = ["(":isperse " " (collectApps t []) [")":c]]
178 where
179 collectApps (GenTypeApp l r) c = collectApps l [print r:c]
180 collectApps a c = [print a:c]
181 print (GenTypeCons s) c = [translateType s:c]
182 print (GenTypeArrow l r) c = ["(":print l [" -> ":print r [")":c]]]
184 isperse :: a [[a] -> [a]] [a] -> [a]
185 isperse s m c = foldr id c $ intersperse (\c->[s:c]) m
187 gTypeToType :: GType -> Maybe Type
188 gTypeToType (GTyBasic a) = pure $ TyBasic a
189 gTypeToType (GTyArrow l r) = TyArrow <$> gTypeToType l <*> gTypeToType r
190 gTypeToType (GTyArray s a) = TyArray s <$> gTypeToType a
191 gTypeToType (GTyUList s a) = TyUList s <$> gTypeToType a
192 gTypeToType (GTyRecord i t) = TyRecord i <$> gtrec t
193 where
194 gtrec (GTyField i t) = (\x->[(i, x)]) <$> gTypeToType t
195 gtrec (GTyPair l r) = (++) <$> gtrec l <*> gtrec r
196 gtrec _ = Nothing
197 gTypeToType (GTyObject i t)
198 | i.gtd_num_conses == 0 = TyNewType i (hd i.gtd_conses) <$> gTypeToType t
199 = TyObject i <$> gtobj t
200 where
201 gtobj :: GType -> Maybe [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])]
202 gtobj (GTyEither l r) = (++) <$> gtobj l <*> gtobj r
203 gtobj (GTyCons i a) = (\x->[(i, x)]) <$> gtcons a
204 gtobj _ = Nothing
206 gtcons :: GType -> Maybe [Type]
207 gtcons GTyUnit = pure []
208 gtcons (GTyPair l r) = (++) <$> gtcons l <*> gtcons r
209 gtcons t = (\x->[x]) <$> gTypeToType t
211 :: FlatMonad :== State FMState GType
212 :: FMState = { objects :: [String], otypes :: [GType], types :: [GType], depth :: Int}
213 flattenGType :: GType -> (GType, [GType])
214 flattenGType ot = appSnd (\x->x.types) $ runState (mkf ot) {objects=[], types=[], otypes=[], depth=10}
215 where
216 write :: (a GType -> GType) a GType -> FlatMonad | genericDescriptorName a
217 write cons t a = modify (\x->{x & depth=dec x.depth}) >>| getState >>= \s
218 //We have seen the type but it might've had different arguments
219 | isMember name s.objects
220 //We have not seen this configuration
221 | isEmpty [ot \\ ot<-s.otypes | gTypeEqShallow s.depth ot a]
222 = mkf a *> r
223 //If not, just return the basictype
224 = r
225 //We have not seen the type so we add, calculate and output it
226 = cons t <$ modify (\x->{x & otypes=[a:x.otypes], objects=[name:x.objects]}) <*> mkf a
227 >>= \ty->modify (\x->{x & types=[ty:x.types]}) >>| r
228 where
229 name = genericDescriptorName t
230 r = pure $ GTyBasic name
232 mkf :: GType -> FlatMonad
233 mkf (GTyObject t a) = write GTyObject t a
234 mkf (GTyRecord t a) = write GTyRecord t a
235 mkf (GTyEither l r) = GTyEither <$> mkf l <*> mkf r
236 mkf (GTyPair l r) = GTyPair <$> mkf l <*> mkf r
237 mkf (GTyCons i a) = GTyCons i <$> mkf a
238 mkf (GTyField i a) = GTyField i <$> mkf a
239 mkf (GTyArrow l r) = GTyArrow <$> mkf l <*> mkf r
240 mkf (GTyArray s a) = GTyArray s <$> mkf a
241 mkf (GTyUList s a) = GTyUList s <$> mkf a
242 mkf GTyUnit = pure GTyUnit
243 mkf a=:(GTyBasic _) = pure a
245 generic type a :: Box GType a
246 type{|Int|} = box $ GTyBasic "Int"
247 type{|Bool|} = box $ GTyBasic "Bool"
248 type{|Real|} = box $ GTyBasic "Real"
249 type{|Char|} = box $ GTyBasic "Char"
250 type{|World|} = box $ GTyBasic "World"
251 type{|Dynamic|} = box $ GTyBasic "Dynamic"
252 type{|(->)|} l r = box $ GTyArrow (unBox l) (unBox r)
253 type{|[#]|} a = box $ GTyUList ULLazy $ unBox a
254 type{|[#!]|} a = box $ GTyUList ULStrict $ unBox a
255 type{|{}|} a = box $ GTyArray ALazy $ unBox a
256 type{|{!}|} a = box $ GTyArray AStrict $ unBox a
257 type{|{#}|} a = box $ GTyArray AUnboxed $ unBox a
258 type{|{32#}|} a = box $ GTyArray A32Unboxed $ unBox a
260 type{|UNIT|} = box GTyUnit
261 type{|EITHER|} l r = box $ GTyEither (unBox l) (unBox r)
262 type{|PAIR|} l r = box $ GTyPair (unBox l) (unBox r)
263 type{|CONS of gcd|} a = box $ GTyCons gcd $ unBox a
264 type{|FIELD of gfd|} a = box $ GTyField gfd $ unBox a
265 type{|OBJECT of gtd|} a = box $ GTyObject gtd $ unBox a
266 type{|RECORD of grd|} a = box $ GTyRecord grd $ unBox a
268 derive type ?#, ?, ?^
269 derive type [], [! ], [ !], [!!]
270 derive type (,), (,,), (,,,), (,,,,), (,,,,,), (,,,,,,), (,,,,,,,)
271 derive type Either, Maybe, T, R, Frac, Tr, Fix
273 :: T a =: T2 a
274 :: R a = {f1 :: Maybe (R a), f2 :: Bool, f3 :: T a, f4 :: Char -> Dynamic,
275 f5 :: [[([#Int], [#Int!], [!Int!], [!Int], [Int!], {!Int}, {R Bool}, {#Char})]]/*({!Int}, {#Char}, {R Bool})*/}
277 :: Tr m b= Tr (m Int b)
279 :: Frac a = (/.) infixl 7 a a
281 //Start :: [String]
282 //Start = foldr (\i c->print i ["\n":c]) [] $ catMaybes $ map gTypeToType $ flattenGType $ unBox t
283 Start = foldr (\i c->print i ["\n":c]) []
284 $ catMaybes
285 $ map gTypeToType
286 $ snd $ flattenGType
287 $ unBox t
289 :: Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
291 //t :: Box GType (?# Int)
292 //t :: Box GType (Maybe [Maybe (Either Bool String)])
293 //t :: Box GType [Either [[!Int]] [[![Bool]]]]
294 t :: Box GType ([Either (R (T *World)) (Frac Real)], Tr Either Bool, Fix Maybe)
295 t = type{|*|}