[clean-tests.git] / gengen / Data / GenType / CParser.icl
1 implementation module Data.GenType.CParser
3 import Control.Applicative
4 import Control.Monad
5 import Control.Monad.Fail
6 import Control.Monad.Reader
7 import Control.Monad.State
8 import Control.Monad.Trans
9 import Control.Monad.Writer
10 import Data.Either
11 import Data.Func
12 import Data.Functor
13 import Data.List
14 import qualified Data.Map
15 from Data.Map import :: Map(..)
16 import Data.Maybe
17 import Data.Tuple
18 import StdEnv
19 import qualified Text
20 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
22 import Data.GenType
23 import Data.GenType.CType
25 instance MonadFail (Either String) where fail s = Left s
26 :: FPMonad :== WriterT [String] (ReaderT Int (Either String)) ()
28 indent c = liftT ask >>= \i->tell [createArray i '\t':c]
30 parsefun t = "parse_" +++ safe (typeName t)
32 (<.>) infixr 6
33 (<.>) a b = a +++ "." +++ b
35 (<->) infixr 6
36 (<->) a b = a +++ "->" +++ b
38 result r op s = indent [r, " ", op, " ", s, ";\n"]
39 assign r s = result r "=" s
40 parsename s = "parse_" +++ safe s
41 tail = ["\treturn r;\n}\n"]
42 parsenameimp t c def = def t [" {\n\t":ctypename t [" ", c, "\n\n"]]
43 ctypename t c = [prefix t, safe (typeName t):c]
45 /**
46 * Generate a single parser for a type.
47 * This does not terminate for a recursive type
48 */
49 flatParser :: Type -> Either String ([String], [String])
50 flatParser t = tuple (parsedef [";\n"]) <$> runReaderT (execWriterT (tell (parsenameimp t "r;" \_->parsedef) >>| fpd t True "r" >>| tell tail)) 1
51 where
52 parsedef c = ctypename t [" ", parsefun t, "(uint8_t (*get)())":c]
54 fpd :: Type Bool String -> FPMonad
55 fpd (TyRef s) tl r = assign r (parsename s)
56 fpd (TyBasic t) tl r
57 | tl = pure ()
58 = case t of
59 BTInt = assign r "(int64_t)get()<<54"
60 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<48"
61 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<40"
62 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<32"
63 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<24"
64 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<16"
65 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<8"
66 >>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()"
67 BTChar = assign r "(char)get()"
68 BTReal = assign r "double"
69 BTBool = assign r "(bool)get()"
70 t = fail $ "flatParse: there is no basic type for " +++ toString t
71 fpd (TyArrow _ _) tl r = fail $ "flatParser: function cannot be serialized"
72 fpd (TyNewType ti ci a) tl r = fpd a tl r
73 fpd (TyArray _ _) tl r = fail $ "flatParser: arrays are not supported since they require dynamic memory"
74 fpd (TyRecord ti fs) tl r
75 = mapM_ (fmtField) [(r <.> fi.gfd_name, ty)\\(fi, ty)<-fs]
76 //Enumeration
77 fpd (TyObject ti fs) tl r
78 | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs]
79 = assign r $ "(" +++ consName ti +++ ") get()"
80 //Single constructor, single field (box)
81 fpd (TyObject ti [(ci, [ty])]) tl r = fpd ty tl r
82 //Single constructor
83 fpd (TyObject ti [(ci, ts)]) tl r
84 = mapM_ fmtField [(r <.> "f" +++ toString i, ty)\\i<-[0..] & ty<-ts]
85 //Complex adt
86 fpd (TyObject ti fs) tl r
87 = assign (r <.> "cons") ("(" +++ consName ti +++ ") get()")
88 >>| indent ["switch (", r <.> "cons){\n"]
89 >>| mapM_ fmtCons fs
90 >>| indent ["}\n"]
91 where
92 fmtCons :: (GenericConsDescriptor,[Type]) -> FPMonad
93 fmtCons (ci, ts) = indent ["case ", safe ci.gcd_name, ":\n"]
94 >>| mapM_ (mapWriterT (local inc) o fmtField) [(cs i, ty) \\i<-[0..] & ty<-ts]
95 >>| mapWriterT (local inc) (indent ["break;\n"])
96 where
97 cs i = r <.> "data" <.> safe ci.gcd_name +++ if (ts=:[_]) "" (".f" +++ toString i)
98 fpd t tl r = fail $ "flatParser: unsupported " +++ toString t
100 fmtField :: (String, Type) -> FPMonad
101 fmtField (name, ty) = fpd ty False name
103 /**
104 * generate parsers for the types grouped by strongly connected components
105 */
106 :: TPMonad :== WriterT [String] (StateT TPState (Either String)) ()
107 :: TPState :== 'Data.Map'.Map String (String, Bool)
108 import Debug.Trace
109 parsers :: [[Type]] -> Either String ([String], [String])
110 parsers ts = tuple (parsedefs ts) <$> evalStateT (execWriterT $ mapM_ parsergroup ts) 'Data.Map'.newMap
111 where
112 parsedefs :: ([[Type]] -> [String])
113 parsedefs = foldr (\t c->parsedef t [";\n":c]) [] o flatten
115 parsedef :: Type [String] -> [String]
116 parsedef t c
117 # (pt, _) = trace_stdout (parsefun t, toString $ genTypeKind $ typeGenType t)
118 = ctypename t [" *", /*parsefun */pt, "(uint8_t (*get)()",pd t, ")":c]
119 where
120 pd (TyBasic s) = ""
121 pd (TyUList _ _) = ", void *parse_0(uint8_t (*get)())"
122 pd (TyUMaybe _) = ", void *parse_0(uint8_t (*get)())"
123 pd (TyObject gtd _) = concat [", void *parse_" +++ toString i +++ "(uint8_t (*)())"\\i<-[0..gtd.gtd_arity-1]]
124 pd (TyRecord grd _) = concat [", void *parse_" +++ toString i +++ "(uint8_t (*)())"\\i<-[0..recordArity (trace_stdout grd.grd_type)-1]]
125 // pd (TyNewType _ _ _) = abort "not implemented yet\n"
126 pd t = abort $ "not implemented yet: " +++ toString t +++ "\n"
128 recordArity :: GenType -> Int
129 recordArity (GenTypeCons _) = 0
130 recordArity (GenTypeVar _) = 0
131 recordArity (GenTypeApp _ _) = 0
132 recordArity (GenTypeArrow _ (GenTypeApp _ _)) = 1
133 recordArity (GenTypeArrow l r) = inc $ recordArity l
135 parsergroup :: [Type] -> TPMonad
136 parsergroup ts
137 = liftT (modify ('Data.Map'.putList [(typeName ty, (prefix ty, True))\\ty<-ts]))
138 >>| mapM_ (\t->tell (parsenameimp t (declaration t) parsedef) >>| parser t >>| tell ["\n":tail]) ts
139 where
140 declaration t = concat ["*r = (":ctypename t [" *)malloc(sizeof(":ctypename t ["));"]]]
142 printTypeName :: String -> TPMonad
143 printTypeName tname
144 = liftT (gets (\s->maybe [safe tname, " "] (\(p, b)->[p, safe tname, if b " *" " "]) $ 'Data.Map'.get tname s))
145 >>= tell
147 parser :: Type -> TPMonad
148 parser t=:(TyRef s) = tell [parsefun t]
149 parser (TyBasic t)
150 = case t of
151 BTInt = tell ["\t*r = (Int)get()<<54;\n"
152 , "\t*r += (Int)get()<<48;\n"
153 , "\t*r += (Int)get()<<40;\n"
154 , "\t*r += (Int)get()<<32;\n"
155 , "\t*r += (Int)get()<<24;\n"
156 , "\t*r += (Int)get()<<16;\n"
157 , "\t*r += (Int)get()<<8;\n"
158 , "\t*r += (Int)get();\n"]
159 BTChar = tell ["\t*r = (Char)get();\n"]
160 BTBool = tell ["\t*r = (Bool)get();\n"]
161 //BTReal = tell ["\t*r = double;\n"]
162 t = fail $ "parser: there is no basic type for " +++ toString t
163 parser (TyArrow _ _) = fail $ "parser: function cannot be serialized"
164 parser (TyNewType ti ci a) = parser a
165 parser (TyArray _ _) = fail $ "parser: arrays are not supported since they require dynamic memory"
166 parser (TyRecord ti fs)
167 = fmtFields 1 ti.grd_type ["r" <-> fi.gfd_name\\(fi, _)<-fs]
168 //Enumeration
169 parser (TyObject ti fs)
170 | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs]
171 = tell ["\t*r = (", consName ti, ") get();\n"]
172 //Single constructor, single field (box)
173 parser (TyObject ti [(ci, [ty])]) = tell ["\t*r = ":fmtField ci.gcd_type [");\n"]]
174 //Single constructor
175 parser t=:(TyObject ti [(ci, ts)])
176 = fmtFields 1 ci.gcd_type ["r" <-> "f" +++ toString i\\i<-indexList ts]
177 //Complex adt
178 parser (TyObject ti fs)
179 = tell ["\tr" <-> "cons = (", consName ti, ") get();\n"]
180 >>| tell ["\tswitch(r" <-> "cons) {\n"]
181 >>| mapM_ fmtCons fs
182 >>| tell ["\t}\n"]
183 where
184 fmtCons :: (GenericConsDescriptor,[Type]) -> TPMonad
185 fmtCons (ci, ts) = tell ["\tcase ", safe ci.gcd_name, ":\n"]
186 >>| fmtFields 2 ci.gcd_type [cs i\\i<-[0..] & ty<-ts]
187 >>| tell ["\t\tbreak;\n"]
188 where
189 cs i = "r" <-> "data" <.> safe ci.gcd_name +++ if (ts=:[_]) "" ("" <-> "f" +++ toString i)
190 parser t = fail $ "parser: unsupported type " +++ toString t
192 fmtFields :: Int GenType [String] -> TPMonad
193 fmtFields i _ [] = pure ()
194 fmtFields i (GenTypeArrow l r) [x:xs]
195 = tell [createArray i '\t', x, " = "] >>| tell (fmtField l []) >>| tell [");\n"] >>| fmtFields i r xs
197 fmtField :: GenType [String] -> [String]
198 fmtField (GenTypeCons a) c = ["parse_", safe a, "(get":c]
199 fmtField (GenTypeVar a) c = ["parse_", toString a, "(get":c]
200 fmtField t=:(GenTypeApp _ _) c = ufold t c
201 where
202 ufold (GenTypeApp l r) c = ufold l [", ":fmtField r [")":c]]
203 ufold t c = fmtField t c