[clean-tests.git] / gengen / gen.icl
1 module gen
3 import Control.Applicative
4 import Control.Monad => qualified join
5 import Control.Monad.State
6 import Control.Monad.Writer
7 import Control.Monad.Trans
8 import Data.Either
9 import Data.Func
10 import Data.Functor
11 import Data.Functor.Identity
12 import Data.Generics
13 import Data.List
14 import Data.Maybe
15 import Data.Monoid
16 import Data.Tuple
17 import StdEnv, StdGeneric
18 import Text
20 :: Box b a =: Box b
21 derive bimap Box
22 unBox (Box b) :== b
23 box b :== Box b
24 reBox x :== box (unBox x)
26 :: GType
27 = GTyBasic String
28 | GTyArrow GType GType
29 | GTyArray ArrayType GType
30 | GTyUnit
31 | GTyEither GType GType
32 | GTyPair GType GType
33 | GTyCons GenericConsDescriptor GType
34 | GTyField GenericFieldDescriptor GType
35 | GTyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor GType
36 | GTyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor GType
37 :: ArrayType = ATStrict | ATLazy | ATBoxed
38 class print a :: a [String] -> [String]
39 instance print Int where print s c = [toString s:c]
40 instance print Char where print s c = [toString s:c]
41 instance print String where print s c = [s:c]
42 instance print ArrayType
43 where
44 print ATStrict c = ["!":c]
45 print ATBoxed c = ["#":c]
46 print ATLazy c = c
47 instance print GType
48 where
49 print (GTyBasic s) c = [s:c]
50 print (GTyArrow l r) c = ["((->)":print l [" ":print r [")":c]]]
51 print (GTyArray s a) c = ["{":print s $ print a ["}":c]]
52 print GTyUnit c = ["UNIT":c]
53 print (GTyEither l r) c = ["(EITHER":print l [" ":print r [")":c]]]
54 print (GTyPair l r) c = ["(PAIR ":print l [")":c]]
55 print (GTyCons _ a) c = ["(CONS ":print a [")":c]]
56 print (GTyField _ a) c = ["(FIELD ":print a [")":c]]
57 print (GTyObject _ a) c = ["(OBJECT ":print a [")":c]]
58 print (GTyRecord _ a) c = ["(RECORD ":print a [")":c]]
60 :: Type
61 = TyBasic String
62 | TyArrow Type Type
63 | TyArray ArrayType Type
64 | TyNewType GenericTypeDefDescriptor GenericConsDescriptor Type
65 | TyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])]
66 | TyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor [(GenericFieldDescriptor, Type)]
67 instance print Type
68 where
69 print (TyBasic s) c = [case s of
70 "_List" = "[]"
71 "_!List" = "[! ]"
72 "_List!" = "[ !]"
73 "_!List!" = "[!!]"
74 "_#List" = "[#]"
75 "_#List!" = "[#!]"
76 "_Array" = "{}"
77 "_!Array" = "{!}"
78 "_#Array" = "{#}"
79 _ = s:c]
80 print (TyArrow l r) c = print l [" -> ":print r c]
81 print (TyArray s a) c = ["{":print s $ print a ["}":c]]
82 print (TyNewType i j cons) c = pTyVars i.gtd_name i.gtd_arity
83 [": ", j.gcd_name, " ":print (nttype j.gcd_type) c]
84 where nttype (GenTypeArrow l r) = l
85 print (TyRecord i fields) c = pTyVars i.grd_name i.grd_type_arity
86 [" {":isperse ", " (pField (\i c->[i.gfd_name, " :: ":c]) fields i.grd_type) ["}":c]]
87 print (TyObject i conses) c = pTyVars i.gtd_name i.gtd_arity
88 $ [" ":isperse " | " (map pCons conses) c]
89 where
90 pCons :: (GenericConsDescriptor, [Type]) [String] -> [String]
91 pCons (i, ts) c = n [" ":isperse " " (pField (\_->id) [(i, t)\\t<-ts] i.gcd_type) c]
92 where
93 n c = case i.gcd_prio of
94 GenConsNoPrio = [i.gcd_name:c]
95 GenConsPrio a s = ["(",i.gcd_name,") infix",case a of
96 GenConsAssocRight = "r";
97 GenConsAssocLeft = "l"
98 _ = "", " ":print s c]
100 pTyVars :: String Int [String] -> [String]
101 pTyVars ty arity c = [":: ", ty, " ":isperse " " (map print ['a'..'a'+toChar (arity-1)]) [" =":c]]
103 pField :: (a [String] -> [String]) [(a, Type)] GenType -> [[String] -> [String]]
104 pField pre [] _ = []
105 pField pre [(i, t):xs] (GenTypeArrow l r) = [pre i o print l:pField pre xs r]
107 instance print GenType
108 where
109 print (GenTypeVar i) c = print (['a'..] !! i) c
110 print t=:(GenTypeApp _ _) c = ["(":isperse " " (collectApps t []) [")":c]]
111 where
112 collectApps (GenTypeApp l r) c = collectApps l [print r:c]
113 collectApps a c = [print a:c]
114 print (GenTypeCons s) c = [s:c]
115 print (GenTypeArrow l r) c = ["(":print l [" -> ":print r [")":c]]]
117 isperse :: a [[a] -> [a]] [a] -> [a]
118 isperse s m c = foldr id c $ intersperse (\c->[s:c]) m
120 gTypeToType :: GType -> Maybe Type
121 gTypeToType (GTyBasic a) = pure $ TyBasic a
122 gTypeToType (GTyArrow l r) = TyArrow <$> gTypeToType l <*> gTypeToType r
123 gTypeToType (GTyArray s a) = TyArray s <$> gTypeToType a
124 gTypeToType (GTyRecord i t) = TyRecord i <$> gtrec t
125 where
126 gtrec (GTyField i t) = (\x->[(i, x)]) <$> gTypeToType t
127 gtrec (GTyPair l r) = (++) <$> gtrec l <*> gtrec r
128 gtrec _ = Nothing
129 gTypeToType (GTyObject i t)
130 | i.gtd_num_conses == 0 = TyNewType i (hd i.gtd_conses) <$> gTypeToType t
131 = TyObject i <$> gtobj t
132 where
133 gtobj :: GType -> Maybe [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])]
134 gtobj (GTyEither l r) = (++) <$> gtobj l <*> gtobj r
135 gtobj (GTyCons i a) = (\x->[(i, x)]) <$> gtcons a
136 gtobj _ = Nothing
138 gtcons :: GType -> Maybe [Type]
139 gtcons GTyUnit = pure []
140 gtcons (GTyPair l r) = (++) <$> gtcons l <*> gtcons r
141 gtcons t = (\x->[x]) <$> gTypeToType t
143 flattenGType :: GType -> [GType]
144 flattenGType t = execWriter $ evalStateT (mkf t) []
145 where
146 add :: (g GType -> GType) g GType -> StateT [String] (WriterT [GType] Identity) GType | genericDescriptorName g
147 add cons t a = gets (isMember $ genericDescriptorName t) >>= \b->if b
148 (pure $ GTyBasic $ genericDescriptorName t)
149 (cons t <$ modify (\x->[genericDescriptorName t:x]) <*> mkf a
150 >>= \ty->liftT (tell [ty]) >>| add cons t a)
152 mkf :: GType -> StateT [String] (WriterT [GType] Identity) GType
153 mkf (GTyObject t a) = add GTyObject t a
154 mkf (GTyRecord t a) = add GTyRecord t a
155 mkf (GTyEither l r) = GTyEither <$> mkf l <*> mkf r
156 mkf (GTyPair l r) = GTyPair <$> mkf l <*> mkf r
157 mkf (GTyCons i a) = GTyCons i <$> mkf a
158 mkf (GTyField i a) = GTyField i <$> mkf a
159 mkf (GTyArrow l r) = GTyArrow <$> mkf l <*> mkf r
160 mkf (GTyArray s a) = GTyArray s <$> mkf a
161 mkf t = pure t
163 generic type a :: Box GType a
164 type{|Int|} = box $ GTyBasic "Int"
165 type{|Bool|} = box $ GTyBasic "Bool"
166 type{|Real|} = box $ GTyBasic "Real"
167 type{|Char|} = box $ GTyBasic "Char"
168 type{|World|} = box $ GTyBasic "World"
169 type{|Dynamic|} = box $ GTyBasic "Dynamic"
170 type{|(->)|} l r = box $ GTyArrow (unBox l) (unBox r)
171 type{|{}|} a = box $ GTyArray ATLazy $ unBox a
172 type{|{!}|} a = box $ GTyArray ATStrict $ unBox a
173 type{|{#}|} a = box $ GTyArray ATBoxed $ unBox a
174 type{|[#]|} a = box $ GTyArray ATBoxed $ unBox a
175 type{|[#!]|} a = box $ GTyArray ATBoxed $ unBox a
177 type{|UNIT|} = box GTyUnit
178 type{|EITHER|} l r = box $ GTyEither (unBox l) (unBox r)
179 type{|PAIR|} l r = box $ GTyPair (unBox l) (unBox r)
180 type{|CONS of gcd|} a = box $ GTyCons gcd $ unBox a
181 type{|FIELD of gfd|} a = box $ GTyField gfd $ unBox a
182 type{|OBJECT of gtd|} a = box $ GTyObject gtd $ unBox a
183 type{|RECORD of grd|} a = box $ GTyRecord grd $ unBox a
185 derive type [], [! ], [ !], [!!], Either, Maybe, T, R, Frac, Tr, (,), (,,), (,,,), (,,,,), (,,,,,)
187 :: T a =: T2 a
188 :: R a = {f1 :: Maybe (R a), f2 :: Bool, f3 :: T a, f4 :: Char -> Dynamic,
189 f5 :: [([!Int!], [!Int], [Int!], {!Int}, {R Bool}, {#Char})]/*({!Int}, {#Char}, {R Bool})*/}
191 :: Tr m b= Tr (m Int b)
193 :: Frac a = (/.) infixl 7 a a
195 Start :: [String]
196 Start = foldr (\i c->print i ["\n":c]) [] $ catMaybes $ map gTypeToType $ flattenGType $ unBox t
198 t :: Box GType ([Either (R (T *World)) (Frac Real)], Tr Either Bool)
199 t = type{|*|}