[clean-tests.git] / gengen / src / GenType / CType.icl
1 implementation module GenType.CType
3 import Control.Applicative
4 import Control.Monad
5 import Control.Monad.Fail
6 import Control.Monad.Reader
7 import Control.Monad.State
8 import Control.Monad.Trans
9 import Control.Monad.Writer
10 import Data.Either
11 import Data.Func
12 import Data.Functor
13 import Data.List
14 import qualified Data.Map
15 from Data.Map import :: Map(..)
16 import Data.Maybe
17 import Data.Tuple
18 import StdEnv
19 import qualified Text
20 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
22 import GenType
24 instance MonadFail (Either String) where fail s = Left s
26 safe :: String -> String
27 safe s = concat [fromMaybe {c} $ lookup c cs\\c <-:s]
28 where
29 cs = [('~', "Tld"), ('@', "At"), ('#', "Hsh"), ('$', "Dlr"), ('%', "Prc")
30 ,('^', "Hat"), ('?', "Qtn"), ('!', "Bng"), (':', "Cln"), ('+', "Pls")
31 ,('-', "Min"), ('*', "Ast"), ('<', "Les"), ('>', "Gre"), ('\\', "Bsl")
32 ,('/', "Slh"), ('|', "Pip"), ('&', "Amp"), ('=', "Eq"), ('.', "Dot")]
34 prefix :: Type -> String
35 prefix (TyRecord _ _) = "struct "
36 prefix (TyObject _ fs)
37 | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs] = "enum "
38 | fs =: [(_, [_])] = ""
39 | fs =: [_] = "struct "
40 = "struct "
41 prefix _ = ""
43 consName :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor -> String
44 consName s = "enum " +++ safe s.gtd_name +++ "_cons"
46 iindent = mapWriterT $ mapStateT $ local inc
47 indent c = liftT (liftT ask) >>= \i->tell [createArray i '\t':c]
49 :: FTMonad :== WriterT [String] (StateT [(String, [String])] (ReaderT Int (Either String))) ()
50 flatTypedef :: Type -> Either String [String]
51 flatTypedef t = (\(w, es)->flatten (map snd es) ++ w)
52 <$> runReaderT (runStateT (execWriterT (ftd t True )) []) 0
53 where
54 ftd :: Type Bool -> FTMonad
55 ftd (TyRef s) tl = indent [s]
56 ftd (TyBasic t) tl
57 | tl = pure ()
58 = case t of
59 BTInt = indent ["int64_t"]
60 BTChar = indent ["char"]
61 BTReal = indent ["double"]
62 BTBool = indent ["bool"]
63 t = fail $ "flatTypedef: there is no basic type for " +++ toString t
64 ftd (TyArrow l r) tl = fail "flatTypedef: functions cannot be serialized"
65 ftd (TyNewType ti ci a) tl = ftd a tl
66 ftd (TyArray _ a) tl = indent ["*"] >>| ftd a tl
67 ftd (TyRecord ti fs) tl
68 = indent ["struct ", if tl (safe ti.grd_name) "", " {\n"
69 ] >>| mapM_ (iindent o fmtField) [(fi.gfd_name, ty)\\(fi, ty)<-fs]
70 >>| indent ["}\n"]
71 //Enumeration
72 ftd (TyObject ti fs) tl
73 | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs]
74 | tl = pure ()
75 = indent [] >>| enum ti fs
76 //Single constructor, single field (box)
77 ftd (TyObject ti [(ci, [ty])]) tl = ftd ty tl
78 //Single constructor
79 ftd (TyObject ti [(ci, ts)]) tl
80 = indent ["struct ", if tl (safe ti.gtd_name) "", " {\n"]
81 >>| mapM_ (iindent o fmtField) [("f" +++ toString i, ty)\\i<-[0..] & ty<-ts]
82 >>| indent ["}"]
83 //Complex adt
84 ftd (TyObject ti fs) tl
85 = indent ["struct ", if tl (safe ti.gtd_name) "", " {\n"]
86 >>| iindent (indent []) >>| enum ti fs >>| tell [" cons;\n"]
87 >>| iindent (indent ["struct {\n"])
88 >>| mapM_ (iindent o iindent o fmtCons) fs
89 >>| iindent (indent ["} data;\n"])
90 >>| indent ["}", if tl ";" ""]
91 where
92 fmtCons (ci, []) = pure ()
93 fmtCons (ci, [t]) = ftd t False >>| tell [" ", safe ci.gcd_name, ";\n"]
94 fmtCons (ci, ts)
95 = indent ["struct {\n"]
96 >>| mapM_ (iindent o fmtField) [("f" +++ toString i, ty)\\i<-[0..] & ty<-ts]
97 >>| indent ["} ", safe ci.gcd_name, ";\n"]
98 ftd t tl = fail $ "cannot flatTypedef: " +++ toString t
100 enum :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])] -> FTMonad
101 enum ti fs = liftT (gets (lookup ti.gtd_name)) >>= \e->case e of
102 ?None = liftT (modify \s->[(ti.gtd_name, [consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "};\n"]):s]) >>| enum ti fs
103 ?Just _ = tell [consName ti]
105 fmtField :: (String, Type) -> FTMonad
106 fmtField (name, ty) = ftd ty False >>| tell [" ", name, ";\n"]
108 :: TDMonad :== WriterT [String] (StateT TDState (Either String)) ()
109 :: TDState :== ('Data.Map'.Map String (String, Bool), [String])
110 typedefs :: [[Type]] -> Either String [String]
111 typedefs ts = (\(text, (_, enums))->enums ++ text)
112 <$> runStateT (execWriterT (mapM_ typedefgroup ts)) ('Data.Map'.newMap, [])
113 where
114 typedefgroup :: [Type] -> TDMonad
115 typedefgroup ts
116 = liftT (modify (appFst $ 'Data.Map'.putList [(typeName ty, (prefix ty, False))\\ty<-ts]))
117 >>| mapM_ (\x->printTypeName x >>| tell [";\n"]) (if (ts=:[_,_:_]) (map typeName ts) [])
118 >>| liftT (modify (appFst $ flip (foldr $ 'Data.Map'.alter (fmap (fmap \_->True)) o typeName) ts))
119 >>| mapM_ (\t->typedef t >>| tell ["\n"]) ts
121 printTypeName :: String -> TDMonad
122 printTypeName tname
123 = liftT (gets $ maybe [safe tname, " "] (\(p, b)->[p, safe tname, if b " *" " "]) o 'Data.Map'.get tname o fst)
124 >>= tell
126 typedef :: Type -> TDMonad
127 typedef (TyRef s) = printTypeName s
128 typedef (TyBasic t) = case t of
129 BTInt = tell ["typedef uint64_t Int;"]
130 BTChar = tell ["typedef char Char;"]
131 BTReal = tell ["typedef double Real;"]
132 BTBool = tell ["typedef bool Bool;"]
133 t = fail $ "basic type: " +++ toString t +++ " not implemented"
134 typedef (TyArray _ a) = tell ["*"] >>| typedef a
135 typedef t=:(TyNewType ti ci a)
136 = tydef ti.gtd_name ci.gcd_type
137 typedef t=:(TyRecord ti fs)
138 = tell ["struct ", safe ti.grd_name, " {\n"]
139 >>| fmtFields 1 ti.grd_type [fi.gfd_name\\(fi, _)<-fs]
140 >>| tell ["};\n"]
141 //Enumeration
142 typedef t=:(TyObject ti fs)
143 | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs] = enum ti fs >>| tell [";\n"]
144 //[consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "};\n"]
145 //Single constructor, single field (box)
146 typedef t=:(TyObject ti [(ci, [ty])]) = tydef ti.gtd_name ci.gcd_type
147 //Single constructor
148 typedef t=:(TyObject ti [(ci, ts)])
149 = tell ["struct ", safe ti.gtd_name, " {\n"]
150 >>| fmtFields 1 ci.gcd_type ["f" +++ toString i\\i<-indexList ts]
151 >>| tell ["};\n"]
152 //Complex adt
153 typedef t=:(TyObject ti fs) = tell
154 ["struct ", safe ti.gtd_name, " {\n\t"]
155 >>| enum ti fs >>| tell [" cons;\n\tstruct {\n"]
156 //, consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "} cons;\n"
157 >>| mapM_ fmtCons fs
158 >>| tell ["\t} data;\n};\n"]
159 where
160 fmtCons :: (GenericConsDescriptor, [Type]) -> TDMonad
161 fmtCons (ci, []) = pure ()
162 fmtCons (ci, [t]) = fmtFields 2 ci.gcd_type [safe ci.gcd_name]
163 fmtCons (ci, ts) = tell ["\t\tstruct {\n"]
164 >>| fmtFields 3 ci.gcd_type ["f" +++ toString i\\i<-indexList ts]
165 >>| tell ["\t\t} ", safe ci.gcd_name, ";\n"]
166 typedef t = fail $ toString t +++ " not implemented"
168 enum :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])] -> TDMonad
169 enum ti fs = liftT (modify (appSnd \xs->[consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "};\n":xs]))
170 >>| tell [consName ti]
172 tydef :: String GenType -> TDMonad
173 tydef name (GenTypeArrow l r) = tell ["typedef "] >>| fmtField "" l >>| tell [safe name,";\n"]
175 fmtFields :: Int GenType [String] -> TDMonad
176 fmtFields i _ [] = pure ()
177 fmtFields i (GenTypeArrow l r) [x:xs]
178 = tell [createArray i '\t'] >>| fmtField x l >>| tell [";\n"] >>| fmtFields i r xs
180 fmtField :: String GenType -> TDMonad
181 fmtField x (GenTypeCons a) = printTypeName a >>| tell [x]
182 fmtField x (GenTypeVar a) = tell ["void *",x]
183 fmtField x (GenTypeApp l r) = fmtField x l
184 fmtField x t=:(GenTypeArrow _ _)
185 = mapM (fmap (concat o snd) o listen o fmtField "") (collectArgs t [])
186 >>= \[r:as]->tell [r, " (*",x,")(",'Text'.join ", " as, ")"]
187 where
188 collectArgs (GenTypeArrow l r) c = collectArgs r (c ++ [l])
189 collectArgs t c = [t:c]