[clean-tests.git] / gengen / test.icl
1 module test
3 import StdEnv, StdGeneric
5 import Data.Func
6 import Data.Functor
7 import Data.List
8 import Data.Tuple
9 import Data.Bifunctor
10 import Data.Maybe
11 import Control.GenBimap
12 import Data.Either
13 import System.FilePath
15 import Data.GenType
16 import Data.GenType.CType
17 import Data.GenType.CParser
18 import Text
20 derive gType Either, T, R, Frac, Tr, Fix, Odd, Even, SR, List, Enum, NT, Blurp, EnumList, ER, CP, RA, Nest
22 :: T a = T2 a Char
23 :: NT =: NT Int
24 :: SR = {f1 :: Int, f2 :: Bool, f3 :: Tr Either Bool, f4 :: Enum}
25 :: R a = {f1 :: ? (R a), f2 :: Bool, f3 :: T a, f4 :: Char -> Int,
26 f5 :: [([#Int], [#Int!], [!Int!], [!Int], [Int!])],
27 f6 :: ({!Int}, {R Bool}, {#Char}, {32#Int}),/*({!Int}, {#Char}, {R Bool})*/
28 f7 :: {!Int}}
29 :: Tr m b= Tr (m Int b) | TrBork
30 :: Frac a = (/.) infixl 7 a a | Flurp
31 :: Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
33 :: List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
35 :: Blurp a = Blurp (List a) | Blorp
37 :: EnumList = ECons Enum EnumList | ENil
39 :: ER = {nat :: Int, bool :: Bool}
40 :: RA a = {a1 :: a, a2 :: Int}
42 :: CP = CLeft Int Bool | CRight Char Char
44 ////Start :: [String]
45 ////Start = foldr (\i c->print i ["\n":c]) [] $ catMaybes $ map gTypeToType $ flattenGType $ unBox t
46 //:: Pair a b = Pair a b
47 //instance == (Pair a b) | == a where (==) (Pair a1 _) (Pair a2 _) = a1 == a2
48 //instance < (Pair a b) | < a where (<) (Pair a1 _) (Pair a2 _) = a1 < a2
49 :: Odd a = Odd (Even a) | OddBlurp
50 :: Even a = Even (Odd a) | EvenBlurp
51 :: Enum = A | B | C
52 includes = "#include <stdint.h>\n#include <stdbool.h>\n"
54 genFiles :: String (Box GType a) *World -> *World | gType{|*|} a
55 genFiles bn t w
56 # tds = map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
57 # (ok, h, w) = fopen (bn <.> "h") FWriteText w
58 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "h")
59 # (ok, c, w) = fopen (bn <.> "c") FWriteText w
60 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "c")
61 # h = h <<< "#ifndef " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
62 <<< "#define " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
63 <<< includes
64 # c = c <<< includes
65 <<< "#include \"" <<< (bn <.> "h") <<< "\"\n"
66 # h = case typedefs tds of
67 Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate typedef: " +++ e)
68 Right d = foldl (<<<) h d
69 # (h, c) = case parsers tds of
70 Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate parser: " +++ e)
71 Right (hd, cd) = (foldl (<<<) h hd, foldl (<<<) c cd)
72 # h = h <<< "\n#endif"
73 # (ok, w) = fclose h w
74 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "h")
75 # (ok, w) = fclose c w
76 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "c")
77 = w
79 genFilesFlat :: String (Box GType a) *World -> *World | gType{|*|} a
80 genFilesFlat bn t w
81 # ty = gTypeToType (unBox t)
82 # (ok, h, w) = fopen (bn <.> "h") FWriteText w
83 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "h")
84 # (ok, c, w) = fopen (bn <.> "c") FWriteText w
85 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "c")
86 # h = h <<< "#ifndef " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
87 <<< "#define " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
88 <<< includes
89 # c = c <<< includes
90 <<< "#include \"" <<< (bn <.> "h") <<< "\"\n"
91 # h = case flatTypedef ty of
92 Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate typedef: " +++ e)
93 Right d = foldl (<<<) h d
94 # (h, c) = case flatParser ty of
95 Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate parser: " +++ e)
96 Right (hd, cd) = (foldl (<<<) h hd, foldl (<<<) c cd)
97 # h = h <<< "\n#endif"
98 # (ok, w) = fclose h w
99 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "h")
100 # (ok, w) = fclose c w
101 | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "c")
102 = w
104 Start w = foldr ($) w
105 [ genFiles "maybeInt" maybeInt
106 , genFiles "eitherIntChar" eitherIntChar
107 , genFiles "eitherIntMaybeChar" eitherIntMaybeChar
108 ]
109 // ( flatTypedef $ gTypeToType $ unBox t
110 // , typedefs $ map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
111 // , flatParser $ gTypeToType $ unBox t
112 // , parsers $ map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
113 where
114 maybeInt :: Box GType (?Int)
115 maybeInt = gType{|*|}
117 eitherIntChar :: Box GType (Either Int Char)
118 eitherIntChar = gType{|*|}
120 eitherIntMaybeChar :: Box GType (Either Int (?Char))
121 eitherIntMaybeChar = gType{|*|}
123 //Start = typedefs //$ (\x->[[gTypeToType x]])
124 // $ map (/*filter (not o isBuiltin) o*/ catMaybes o map gTypeToType)
125 // $ (\x->[[x]])
126 // $ map (map gTypeToType)
127 // $ map (filter (not o isBasic))
128 // $ flattenGType
129 // $ unBox t
131 :: Nest m = Nest (m (m (m Int))) | NestBlurp
133 //t :: Box GType (?# Int)
134 //t :: Box GType (Maybe [Maybe (Either Bool String)])
135 //t :: Box GType ([SR], Enum, T Int, NT, Blurp Int)
136 //t :: Box GType [EnumList]
137 t :: Box GType (Nest ?, Tr Either (?(Int, Enum)))
138 //t :: Box GType (Odd Int, (), [Either (R (T *World)) (Frac Real)], Tr Either Bool, Fix Maybe)
139 t = gType{|*|}