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[msc-thesis1617.git] / glossaries.tex
1 \newglossaryentry{Arduino}{name=\emph{Arduino},
2 description={is a cheap and popular microcontroller that is widely used for
3 rapid prototyping}}
4 \newglossaryentry{Clean}{name={\emph{Clean}},
5 description={is a statically typed pure lazy functional programming
6 language based on graph rewriting}}
7 \newglossaryentry{Haskell}{name={\emph{Haskell}},
8 description={is a statically typed pure lazy functional programming
9 language}}
10 \newglossaryentry{iTasks}{name=\emph{iTasks},
11 description={is a \gls{TOP} implementation written as an
12 \gls{EDSL} in the \gls{Clean} programming language}}
13 \newglossaryentry{Ivory}{name={\emph{Ivory}},
14 description={is a type-safe \gls{EDSL} designed to generate \gls{C}-code
15 for high-assurance low-level systems}}
16 \newglossaryentry{Task}{name=\emph{Task},
17 description={is the basic building block of a \gls{TOP} system}}
18 \newglossaryentry{mTask}{name=\emph{mTask},
19 description={is an abstraction for \glspl{Task} living on \gls{IoT}
20 devices. Moreover, it is the name of an \gls{EDSL}}}
21 \newglossaryentry{C}{name=\textsc{C},
22 description={is low-level imperative programming language suitable for
23 embedded devices}}
24 \newglossaryentry{C++}{name={\textsc{C++}},
25 description={is low-level imperative and object-oriented programming
26 language suitable for embedded devices based on \gls{C}}}
27 \newglossaryentry{SAPL}{name={\textsc{SAPL}},
28 description={is an intermediate purely functional programming language}}
29 \newglossaryentry{Firmata}{name={\emph{Firmata}},
30 description={is standardized protocol for communicating with
31 microcontrollers}}
32 \newglossaryentry{Javascript}{name={\emph{Javascript}},
33 description={is an imperative programming language designed to run in web
34 browsers}}
35 \newglossaryentry{LED}{name={LED},
36 description={Lighting Emitting Diode}}
37 \newglossaryentry{mbed}{name={\textsc{mbed}},
38 description={is a programming framework for microcontrollers.}}
39 \newcommand{\newglossacr}[2]{\newglossaryentry{#1}{
40 name={#1},
41 first={#2 (#1)},%
42 firstplural={#2\glspluralsuffix{} (#1\glspluralsuffix)},
43 description={#2}}}
44 \newglossacr{ADT} {Algebraic Datatype}
45 \newglossacr{ARM} {Acorn \glsentryname{RISC} Machine}
46 \newglossacr{AST} {Abstract Syntax Tree}
47 \newglossacr{EDSL} {Embedded Domain Specific Language}
48 \newglossacr{GADT} {Generalized Algebraic Data type}
49 \newglossacr{GLONASS}{Global Navigation Satellite System}
50 \newglossacr{GNSS} {Global Navigation Satellite System}
51 \newglossacr{GPIO} {General-Purpose Input/Output}
52 \newglossacr{GPS} {Global Positioning System}
53 \newglossacr{IDE} {Integrated Development Environment}
54 \newglossacr{IoT} {Internet of Things}
55 \newglossacr{JSON} {JavaScript Object Notation}
56 \newglossacr{LCD} {Liquid Crystal Display}
57 \newglossacr{RFID} {Radio-Frequency Identification}
58 \newglossacr{RISC} {Reduced Instruction Set Computer}
59 \newglossacr{RWST} {Reader Writer State Transformer Monad}
60 \newglossacr{SDS} {Shared Data Source}
61 \newglossacr{TCP} {Transmission Control Protocol}
62 \newglossacr{TOP} {Task Oriented Programming}
63 \newglossacr{MSB} {Most Significant Byte}